blob: 0f2823ce182ff29acdc6172c706f992d62dc181e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace content {
class RenderViewHost;
namespace extensions {
// Tracks the navigation state of all frames in a given tab currently known to
// the webNavigation API. It is mainly used to track in which frames an error
// occurred so no further events for this frame are being sent.
class FrameNavigationState {
// A frame is uniquely identified by its frame ID and the RVH it's in.
struct FrameID {
FrameID(int64 frame_num, content::RenderViewHost* render_view_host);
bool operator<(const FrameID& other) const;
bool operator==(const FrameID& other) const;
bool operator!=(const FrameID& other) const;
int64 frame_num;
content::RenderViewHost* render_view_host;
typedef std::set<FrameID>::const_iterator const_iterator;
// Use these to iterate over all frame IDs known by this object.
const_iterator begin() const { return frame_ids_.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return frame_ids_.end(); }
// True if navigation events for the given frame can be sent.
bool CanSendEvents(FrameID frame_id) const;
// True if in general webNavigation events may be sent for the given URL.
bool IsValidUrl(const GURL& url) const;
// Starts to track a frame identified by its |frame_id| showing the URL |url|.
void TrackFrame(FrameID frame_id,
FrameID parent_frame_id,
const GURL& url,
bool is_main_frame,
bool is_error_page,
bool is_iframe_srcdoc);
// Marks the frame as detached and stops tracking it.
void FrameDetached(FrameID frame_id);
// Stops tracking all frames but the frame with |id_to_skip| for a given
// RenderViewHost.
void StopTrackingFramesInRVH(content::RenderViewHost* render_view_host,
FrameID id_to_skip);
// Update the URL associated with a given frame.
void UpdateFrame(FrameID frame_id, const GURL& url);
// Returns true if |frame_id| is a known frame.
bool IsValidFrame(FrameID frame_id) const;
// Returns the URL corresponding to a tracked frame given by its |frame_id|.
GURL GetUrl(FrameID frame_id) const;
// True if the frame given by its |frame_id| is a main frame of its tab.
// There might be multiple uncomitted main frames.
bool IsMainFrame(FrameID frame_id) const;
// Returns the frame ID of the last comitted main frame, or -1 if the frame
// ID is not known.
FrameID GetMainFrameID() const;
// Get the parent frame ID (or an invalid ID, if |frame_id| is a main frame).
FrameID GetParentFrameID(FrameID frame_id) const;
// Marks a frame as in an error state, i.e. the onErrorOccurred event was
// fired for this frame, and no further events should be sent for it.
void SetErrorOccurredInFrame(FrameID frame_id);
// True if the frame is marked as being in an error state.
bool GetErrorOccurredInFrame(FrameID frame_id) const;
// Marks a frame as having finished its last navigation, i.e. the onCompleted
// event was fired for this frame.
void SetNavigationCompleted(FrameID frame_id);
// True if the frame is currently not navigating.
bool GetNavigationCompleted(FrameID frame_id) const;
// Marks a frame as having finished parsing.
void SetParsingFinished(FrameID frame_id);
// True if the frame has finished parsing.
bool GetParsingFinished(FrameID frame_id) const;
// Marks a frame as having committed its navigation, i.e. the onCommitted
// event was fired for this frame.
void SetNavigationCommitted(FrameID frame_id);
// True if the frame has committed its navigation.
bool GetNavigationCommitted(FrameID frame_id) const;
// Marks a frame as redirected by the server.
void SetIsServerRedirected(FrameID frame_id);
// True if the frame was redirected by the server.
bool GetIsServerRedirected(FrameID frame_id) const;
#ifdef UNIT_TEST
static void set_allow_extension_scheme(bool allow_extension_scheme) {
allow_extension_scheme_ = allow_extension_scheme;
struct FrameState {
bool error_occurred; // True if an error has occurred in this frame.
bool is_main_frame; // True if this is a main frame.
bool is_iframe_srcdoc; // True if the frame is displaying its srcdoc.
bool is_navigating; // True if there is a navigation going on.
bool is_committed; // True if the navigation is already committed.
bool is_server_redirected; // True if a server redirect happened.
bool is_parsing; // True if the frame is still parsing.
int64 parent_frame_num;
GURL url; // URL of this frame.
typedef std::map<FrameID, FrameState> FrameIdToStateMap;
// Tracks the state of known frames.
FrameIdToStateMap frame_state_map_;
// Set of all known frames.
std::set<FrameID> frame_ids_;
// The id of the last comitted main frame.
FrameID main_frame_id_;
// If true, also allow events from chrome-extension:// URLs.
static bool allow_extension_scheme_;
} // namespace extensions