blob: 17a88e9fc5a3638108e605ad8374449fc84417c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/md5.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/image_writer_private/image_writer_utils.h"
#include "chrome/common/cancelable_task_tracker.h"
#include "chrome/common/extensions/api/image_writer_private.h"
namespace image_writer_api = extensions::api::image_writer_private;
namespace base {
class FilePath;
} // namespace base
namespace extensions {
namespace image_writer {
const int kProgressComplete = 100;
class OperationManager;
// Encapsulates an operation being run on behalf of the
// OperationManager. Construction of the operation does not start
// anything. The operation's Start method should be called to start it, and
// then the Cancel method will stop it. The operation will call back to the
// OperationManager periodically or on any significant event.
// Each stage of the operation is generally divided into three phases: Start,
// Run, Complete. Start and Complete run on the UI thread and are responsible
// for advancing to the next stage and other UI interaction. The Run phase does
// the work on the FILE thread and calls SendProgress or Error as appropriate.
class Operation
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Operation> {
typedef base::Callback<void(bool, const std::string&)> StartWriteCallback;
typedef base::Callback<void(bool, const std::string&)> CancelWriteCallback;
typedef std::string ExtensionId;
Operation(base::WeakPtr<OperationManager> manager,
const ExtensionId& extension_id,
const std::string& storage_unit_id);
// Starts the operation.
virtual void Start() = 0;
// Cancel the operation. This must be called to clean up internal state and
// cause the the operation to actually stop. It will not be destroyed until
// all callbacks have completed.
void Cancel();
// Aborts the operation, cancelling it and generating an error.
void Abort();
virtual ~Operation();
// Generates an error.
// |error_message| is used to create an OnWriteError event which is
// sent to the extension
virtual void Error(const std::string& error_message);
// Set |progress_| and send an event. Progress should be in the interval
// [0,100]
void SetProgress(int progress);
// Change to a new |stage_| and set |progress_| to zero.
void SetStage(image_writer_api::Stage stage);
// Can be queried to safely determine if the operation has been cancelled.
bool IsCancelled();
// Adds a callback that will be called during clean-up, whether the operation
// is aborted, encounters and error, or finishes successfully. These
// functions will be run on the FILE thread.
void AddCleanUpFunction(base::Closure);
void UnzipStart(scoped_ptr<base::FilePath> zip_file);
void WriteStart();
void VerifyWriteStart();
void Finish();
// If |file_size| is non-zero, only |file_size| bytes will be read from file,
// otherwise the entire file will be read.
// |progress_scale| is a percentage to which the progress will be scale, e.g.
// a scale of 50 means it will increment from 0 to 50 over the course of the
// sum. |progress_offset| is an percentage that will be added to the progress
// of the MD5 sum before updating |progress_| but after scaling.
void GetMD5SumOfFile(
scoped_ptr<base::FilePath> file,
int64 file_size,
int progress_offset,
int progress_scale,
const base::Callback<void(scoped_ptr<std::string>)>& callback);
base::WeakPtr<OperationManager> manager_;
const ExtensionId extension_id_;
base::FilePath image_path_;
const std::string storage_unit_id_;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Operation>;
// TODO(haven): Clean up these switches.
#if defined(OS_LINUX) && !defined(CHROMEOS)
void WriteRun();
void WriteChunk(scoped_ptr<image_writer_utils::ImageReader> reader,
scoped_ptr<image_writer_utils::ImageWriter> writer,
int64 bytes_written);
bool WriteCleanUp(scoped_ptr<image_writer_utils::ImageReader> reader,
scoped_ptr<image_writer_utils::ImageWriter> writer);
void WriteComplete();
void VerifyWriteStage2(scoped_ptr<std::string> image_hash);
void VerifyWriteCompare(scoped_ptr<std::string> image_hash,
scoped_ptr<std::string> device_hash);
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
void StartWriteOnUIThread();
void OnBurnFinished(const std::string& target_path,
bool success,
const std::string& error);
void OnBurnProgress(const std::string& target_path,
int64 num_bytes_burnt,
int64 total_size);
void OnBurnError();
void MD5Chunk(scoped_ptr<image_writer_utils::ImageReader> reader,
int64 bytes_processed,
int64 bytes_total,
int progress_offset,
int progress_scale,
const base::Callback<void(scoped_ptr<std::string>)>& callback);
// Runs all cleanup functions.
void CleanUp();
// |stage_| and |progress_| are owned by the FILE thread, use |SetStage| and
// |SetProgress| to update. Progress should be in the interval [0,100]
image_writer_api::Stage stage_;
int progress_;
// MD5 contexts don't play well with smart pointers. Just going to allocate
// memory here. This requires that we only do one MD5 sum at a time.
base::MD5Context md5_context_;
// CleanUp operations that must be run. All these functions are run on the
// FILE thread.
std::vector<base::Closure> cleanup_functions_;
} // namespace image_writer
} // namespace extensions