blob: 32141d0936822ba440dcb6c2045178af6f78af48 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/drive/file_errors.h"
#include "chrome/browser/google_apis/gdata_errorcode.h"
class GURL;
namespace base {
class SequencedTaskRunner;
} // namespace base
namespace google_apis {
class AboutResource;
class ResourceList;
} // namespace google_apis
namespace drive {
class DriveServiceInterface;
class JobScheduler;
class ResourceEntry;
namespace internal {
class ChangeList;
class ChangeListLoaderObserver;
class ChangeListProcessor;
class DirectoryFetchInfo;
class ResourceMetadata;
// Callback run as a response to SearchFromServer.
typedef base::Callback<void(ScopedVector<ChangeList> change_lists,
FileError error)> LoadChangeListCallback;
// ChangeListLoader is used to load the change list, the full resource list,
// and directory contents, from WAPI (codename for Documents List API)
// or Google Drive API. The class also updates the resource metadata with
// the change list loaded from the server.
// Note that the difference between "resource list" and "change list" is
// subtle hence the two words are often used interchangeably. To be precise,
// "resource list" refers to metadata from the server when fetching the full
// resource metadata, or fetching directory contents, whereas "change list"
// refers to metadata from the server when fetching changes (delta).
class ChangeListLoader {
// Resource feed fetcher from the server.
class FeedFetcher;
ChangeListLoader(base::SequencedTaskRunner* blocking_task_runner,
ResourceMetadata* resource_metadata,
JobScheduler* scheduler,
DriveServiceInterface* drive_service);
// Indicates whether there is a request for full resource list or change
// list fetching is in flight (i.e. directory contents fetching does not
// count).
bool IsRefreshing() const;
// Adds and removes the observer.
void AddObserver(ChangeListLoaderObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(ChangeListLoaderObserver* observer);
// Checks for updates on the server. Does nothing if the change list is now
// being loaded or refreshed. |callback| must not be null.
// Note: |callback| will be called if the check for updates actually
// runs, i.e. it may NOT be called if the checking is ignored.
void CheckForUpdates(const FileOperationCallback& callback);
// Starts the change list loading first from the cache. If loading from the
// cache is successful, runs |callback| immediately and starts checking
// server for updates in background. If loading from the cache is
// unsuccessful, starts loading from the server, and runs |callback| to tell
// the result to the caller when it is finished.
// If |directory_fetch_info| is not empty, the directory will be fetched
// first from the server, so the UI can show the directory contents
// instantly before the entire change list loading is complete.
// |callback| must not be null.
void LoadIfNeeded(const DirectoryFetchInfo& directory_fetch_info,
const FileOperationCallback& callback);
// Starts the resource metadata loading and calls |callback| when it's
// done. |directory_fetch_info| is used for fast fetch. If there is already
// a loading job in-flight for |directory_fetch_info|, just append the
// |callback| to the callback queue of the already running job.
void Load(const DirectoryFetchInfo& directory_fetch_info,
const FileOperationCallback& callback);
// Part of Load(). DoInitialLoad() is called if it is the first time to Load.
// Otherwise DoUpdateLoad() is used. The difference of two cases are:
// - When we could load from cache, DoInitialLoad runs callback immediately
// and further operations (check changestamp and load from server if needed)
// in background.
// - Even when |directory_fetch_info| is set, DoInitialLoad runs change list
// loading after directory loading is finished.
void DoInitialLoad(const DirectoryFetchInfo& directory_fetch_info,
int64 local_changestamp);
void DoUpdateLoad(const DirectoryFetchInfo& directory_fetch_info,
int64 local_changestamp);
// Part of Load().
// This function should be called when the change list load is complete.
// Flushes the callbacks for change list loading and all directory loading.
void OnChangeListLoadComplete(FileError error);
// Part of Load().
// This function should be called when the directory load is complete.
// Flushes the callbacks waiting for the directory to be loaded.
void OnDirectoryLoadComplete(const DirectoryFetchInfo& directory_fetch_info,
FileError error);
// ================= Implementation for change list loading =================
// Initiates the change list loading from the server when |local_changestamp|
// is older than the server changestamp. If |directory_fetch_info| is set,
// do directory loading before change list loading.
void LoadFromServerIfNeeded(const DirectoryFetchInfo& directory_fetch_info,
int64 local_changestamp);
// Part of LoadFromServerIfNeeded().
// Called after GetAboutResource() for getting remote changestamp is complete.
void LoadFromServerIfNeededAfterGetAbout(
const DirectoryFetchInfo& directory_fetch_info,
int64 local_changestamp,
google_apis::GDataErrorCode status,
scoped_ptr<google_apis::AboutResource> about_resource);
// Part of LoadFromServerIfNeeded().
// When LoadFromServerIfNeeded is called with |directory_fetch_info| for a
// specific directory, it tries to load the directory before loading the
// content of full filesystem. This method is called after directory loading
// is finished, and proceeds to the normal pass: LoadChangeListServer.
void LoadFromServerIfNeededAfterLoadDirectory(
const DirectoryFetchInfo& directory_fetch_info,
scoped_ptr<google_apis::AboutResource> about_resource,
int64 start_changestamp,
FileError error);
// Part of LoadFromServerIfNeeded().
// Starts loading the change list since |start_changestamp|, or the full
// resource list if |start_changestamp| is zero. For full update, the
// largest_change_id and root_folder_id from |about_resource| will be used.
void LoadChangeListFromServer(
scoped_ptr<google_apis::AboutResource> about_resource,
int64 start_changestamp);
// Part of LoadChangeListFromServer().
// Called when the entire change list is loaded.
void LoadChangeListFromServerAfterLoadChangeList(
scoped_ptr<google_apis::AboutResource> about_resource,
bool is_delta_update,
FileError error,
ScopedVector<ChangeList> change_lists);
// Part of LoadChangeListFromServer().
// Called when the resource metadata is updated.
void LoadChangeListFromServerAfterUpdate();
// ================= Implementation for directory loading =================
// Compares the directory's changestamp and |last_known_remote_changestamp_|.
// Starts DoLoadDirectoryFromServer() if the local data is old and runs
// |callback| when finished. If it is up to date, calls back immediately.
void CheckChangestampAndLoadDirectoryIfNeeded(
const DirectoryFetchInfo& directory_fetch_info,
int64 local_changestamp,
const FileOperationCallback& callback);
// Loads the directory contents from server, and updates the local metadata.
// Runs |callback| when it is finished.
void DoLoadDirectoryFromServer(const DirectoryFetchInfo& directory_fetch_info,
const FileOperationCallback& callback);
// Part of DoLoadDirectoryFromServer() for the grand root ("/drive").
void DoLoadGrandRootDirectoryFromServerAfterGetResourceEntryByPath(
const DirectoryFetchInfo& directory_fetch_info,
const FileOperationCallback& callback,
FileError error,
scoped_ptr<ResourceEntry> entry);
// Part of DoLoadDirectoryFromServer() for the grand root ("/drive").
void DoLoadGrandRootDirectoryFromServerAfterGetAboutResource(
const DirectoryFetchInfo& directory_fetch_info,
const FileOperationCallback& callback,
google_apis::GDataErrorCode status,
scoped_ptr<google_apis::AboutResource> about_resource);
// Part of DoLoadDirectoryFromServer() for the grand root ("/drive").
void DoLoadDirectoryFromServerAfterAddMyDrive(
const DirectoryFetchInfo& directory_fetch_info,
const FileOperationCallback& callback,
std::string* local_id,
FileError error);
// Part of DoLoadDirectoryFromServer() for a normal directory.
void DoLoadDirectoryFromServerAfterLoad(
const DirectoryFetchInfo& directory_fetch_info,
const FileOperationCallback& callback,
FeedFetcher* fetcher,
FileError error,
ScopedVector<ChangeList> change_lists);
// Part of DoLoadDirectoryFromServer().
void DoLoadDirectoryFromServerAfterRefresh(
const DirectoryFetchInfo& directory_fetch_info,
const FileOperationCallback& callback,
const base::FilePath* directory_path,
FileError error);
// ================= Implementation for other stuff =================
// Updates from the whole change list collected in |change_lists|.
// Record file statistics as UMA histograms.
// See comments at ChangeListProcessor::Apply() for
// |about_resource| and |is_delta_update|.
// |callback| must not be null.
void UpdateFromChangeList(
scoped_ptr<google_apis::AboutResource> about_resource,
ScopedVector<ChangeList> change_lists,
bool is_delta_update,
const base::Closure& callback);
// Part of UpdateFromChangeList().
// Called when ChangeListProcessor::Apply() is complete.
// Notifies directory changes per the result of the change list processing.
void UpdateFromChangeListAfterApply(
ChangeListProcessor* change_list_processor,
bool should_notify,
base::Time start_time,
const base::Closure& callback,
FileError error);
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> blocking_task_runner_;
ResourceMetadata* resource_metadata_; // Not owned.
JobScheduler* scheduler_; // Not owned.
DriveServiceInterface* drive_service_; // Not owned.
ObserverList<ChangeListLoaderObserver> observers_;
typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<FileOperationCallback> >
LoadCallbackMap pending_load_callback_;
FileOperationCallback pending_update_check_callback_;
// Running feed fetcher.
scoped_ptr<FeedFetcher> change_feed_fetcher_;
// Set of the running feed fetcher for the fast fetch.
std::set<FeedFetcher*> fast_fetch_feed_fetcher_set_;
// The last known remote changestamp. Used to check if a directory
// changestamp is up-to-date for fast fetch.
int64 last_known_remote_changestamp_;
// The cache of the root_folder_id.
std::string root_folder_id_;
// True if the full resource list is loaded (i.e. the resource metadata is
// stored locally).
bool loaded_;
// Note: This should remain the last member so it'll be destroyed and
// invalidate its weak pointers before any other members are destroyed.
base::WeakPtrFactory<ChangeListLoader> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace drive