blob: d33bdd565b09fa932956c2f23dbde3868080d882 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Control and monitor the screen locker.
[permissions=screenlockPrivate, nodoc]
namespace screenlockPrivate {
// Supported authentication types shown on the user pod.
// |offlinePassword|: The standard password field, which authenticates using
// the user's regular password. The $(ref:onAuthAttempted)()
// event will not be fired for this authentication type.
// |numericPin|: An input field for a 4 digit numeric pin code.
// |userClick|: Makes the user pod clickable when it is focused, and
// clicking on it attempts the authentication. If |value| is
// specified with $(ref:setAuthType)(), the text is displayed
// in the password field.
enum AuthType {offlinePassword, numericPin, userClick};
// Extension resource for a icon representation for a scale factor.
dictionary IconRepresentation {
// The scale factor the representation is for.
double scaleFactor;
// The image resource URL.
DOMString url;
callback BooleanCallback = void(boolean locked);
callback AuthTypeCallback = void(AuthType authType);
interface Functions {
// Returns true if the screen is currently locked, false otherwise.
static void getLocked(BooleanCallback callback);
// Set <code>locked=true</code> to lock the screen,
// <code>locked=false</code> to unlock it.
static void setLocked(boolean locked);
// Show a message to the user on the unlock UI if the screen is locked.
static void showMessage(DOMString message);
// Show a custom icon beside the input field on the user pod.
// |icon|: Extension resoucres for the icon's multi-scale representations.
// Currently, only scales 1 and 2 are supported. The list must have a
// resource for at least scale 1.
static void showCustomIcon(IconRepresentation[] icon);
// Hides the custom icon added by $(ref:showCustomIcon)().
static void hideCustomIcon();
// Returns the current auth type used for the user pod.
static void getAuthType(AuthTypeCallback callback);
// Set the type of the authentication for the user pod. The input field
// area of the user pod below the user's portrait will be changed.
// |authType|: The type of authentication to use.
// |initialValue|: The initial value to populate the input field.
static void setAuthType(AuthType authType, optional DOMString initialValue);
// Accepts or rejects the current auth attempt.
static void acceptAuthAttempt(boolean accept);
interface Events {
// Fires whenever the screen is locked or unlocked.
static void onChanged(boolean locked);
// Fires when the user attempts to authenticate with the user's input.
// There will be at most one auth attempt active at any time.
// Call $(ref:acceptAuthAttempt)() to accept or reject this attempt.
// Note: Some authentication types will not have an input.
static void onAuthAttempted(AuthType type, DOMString input);