blob: 513b34f8afca7847ea9141ea374a3f25afcf3771 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The <code>chrome.hangoutsPrivate</code> API is used by Google Hangouts to
// wait on a request from Chrome to start a hangout.
// TODO(rkc): This API is temporary. We are working on plans which include
// replacing this with a scheme based solution which might be implemented
// using registerProtocolHandler, but we are still finishing that design.
// See
namespace hangoutsPrivate {
enum HangoutType {chat, video, audio};
dictionary User {
// GAIA obfuscated id of the user.
DOMString id;
dictionary HangoutRequest {
// Email of the user sending this request. This has to match the logged in
// user otherwise the hangout will not be opened.
DOMString from;
// A list of users with whom to start this hangout with.
User[] to;
// Type of hangout request.
HangoutType type;
interface Events {
// Fired when Chrome wants to request a new hangout be opened up with a
// user (or set of users).
static void onHangoutRequested(HangoutRequest request);