blob: f77dcfc12737c3d1709e431b488d8c982c5ea134 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/hyperlink_text_view.h"
#include "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/nsview_additions.h"
// The baseline shift for text in the NSTextView.
const float kTextBaselineShift = -1.0;
@interface HyperlinkTextView(Private)
// Initialize the NSTextView properties for this subclass.
- (void)configureTextView;
// Change the current IBeamCursor to an arrowCursor.
- (void)fixupCursor;
@implementation HyperlinkTextView
@synthesize drawsBackgroundUsingSuperview = drawsBackgroundUsingSuperview_;
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder*)decoder {
if ((self = [super initWithCoder:decoder]))
[self configureTextView];
return self;
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect {
if ((self = [super initWithFrame:frameRect]))
[self configureTextView];
return self;
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder {
return acceptsFirstResponder_;
- (void)drawViewBackgroundInRect:(NSRect)rect {
if (drawsBackgroundUsingSuperview_)
[self cr_drawUsingAncestor:[self superview] inRect:rect];
[super drawViewBackgroundInRect:rect];
// Never draw the insertion point (otherwise, it shows up without any user
// action if full keyboard accessibility is enabled).
- (BOOL)shouldDrawInsertionPoint {
return NO;
- (NSRange)selectionRangeForProposedRange:(NSRange)proposedSelRange
granularity:(NSSelectionGranularity)granularity {
// Do not allow selections.
return NSMakeRange(0, 0);
// Convince NSTextView to not show an I-Beam cursor when the cursor is over the
// text view but not over actual text.
// "NSTextView sets the cursor over itself dynamically, based on considerations
// including the text under the cursor. It does so in -mouseEntered:,
// -mouseMoved:, and -cursorUpdate:, so those would be points to consider
// overriding."
- (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent*)e {
[super mouseMoved:e];
[self fixupCursor];
- (void)mouseEntered:(NSEvent*)e {
[super mouseEntered:e];
[self fixupCursor];
- (void)cursorUpdate:(NSEvent*)e {
[super cursorUpdate:e];
[self fixupCursor];
- (void)configureTextView {
[self setEditable:NO];
[self setDrawsBackground:NO];
[self setHorizontallyResizable:NO];
[self setVerticallyResizable:NO];
// When text is rendered, linkTextAttributes override anything set via
// addAttributes for text that has NSLinkAttributeName. Set to nil to allow
// custom attributes to take precedence.
[self setLinkTextAttributes:nil];
[self setDisplaysLinkToolTips:NO];
acceptsFirstResponder_ = YES;
drawsBackgroundUsingSuperview_ = NO;
- (void)fixupCursor {
if ([[NSCursor currentCursor] isEqual:[NSCursor IBeamCursor]])
[[NSCursor arrowCursor] set];
- (void)setMessageAndLink:(NSString*)message
linkColor:(NSColor*)linkColor {
NSMutableString* finalMessage = [NSMutableString stringWithString:message];
[finalMessage insertString:link atIndex:linkOffset];
[self setMessage:finalMessage withFont:font messageColor:messageColor];
if ([link length] != 0) {
[self addLinkRange:NSMakeRange(linkOffset, [link length])
- (void)setMessage:(NSString*)message
messageColor:(NSColor*)messageColor {
// Create an attributes dictionary for the message and link.
NSDictionary* attributes = @{
NSForegroundColorAttributeName : messageColor,
NSCursorAttributeName : [NSCursor arrowCursor],
NSFontAttributeName : font,
NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName : @(kTextBaselineShift)
// Create the attributed string for the message.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSAttributedString> attributedMessage(
[[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:message
// Update the text view with the new text.
[[self textStorage] setAttributedString:attributedMessage];
- (void)addLinkRange:(NSRange)range
linkColor:(NSColor*)linkColor {
NSDictionary* attributes = @{
NSForegroundColorAttributeName : linkColor,
NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName : @(YES),
NSCursorAttributeName : [NSCursor pointingHandCursor],
NSLinkAttributeName : name,
NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName : @(NSSingleUnderlineStyle)
[[self textStorage] addAttributes:attributes range:range];
- (void)setAcceptsFirstResponder:(BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder {
acceptsFirstResponder_ = acceptsFirstResponder;