blob: e6b9ca4953499e01d1324760f16ec3f5dc78a6b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include "sync/internal_api/sync_rollback_manager_base.h"
namespace syncer {
// SyncBackupManager runs before user signs in to sync to back up user's data
// before sync starts. The data that's backed up can be used to restore user's
// settings to pre-sync state.
class SYNC_EXPORT_PRIVATE SyncBackupManager : public SyncRollbackManagerBase {
virtual ~SyncBackupManager();
// SyncManager implementation.
virtual void Init(
const base::FilePath& database_location,
const WeakHandle<JsEventHandler>& event_handler,
const std::string& sync_server_and_path,
int sync_server_port,
bool use_ssl,
scoped_ptr<HttpPostProviderFactory> post_factory,
const std::vector<scoped_refptr<ModelSafeWorker> >& workers,
ExtensionsActivity* extensions_activity,
SyncManager::ChangeDelegate* change_delegate,
const SyncCredentials& credentials,
const std::string& invalidator_client_id,
const std::string& restored_key_for_bootstrapping,
const std::string& restored_keystore_key_for_bootstrapping,
InternalComponentsFactory* internal_components_factory,
Encryptor* encryptor,
scoped_ptr<UnrecoverableErrorHandler> unrecoverable_error_handler,
CancelationSignal* cancelation_signal) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SaveChanges() OVERRIDE;
virtual SyncStatus GetDetailedStatus() const OVERRIDE;
// DirectoryChangeDelegate implementation.
virtual ModelTypeSet HandleTransactionEndingChangeEvent(
const syncable::ImmutableWriteTransactionInfo& write_transaction_info,
syncable::BaseTransaction* trans) OVERRIDE;
virtual void RegisterDirectoryTypeDebugInfoObserver(
syncer::TypeDebugInfoObserver* observer) OVERRIDE;
virtual void UnregisterDirectoryTypeDebugInfoObserver(
syncer::TypeDebugInfoObserver* observer) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool HasDirectoryTypeDebugInfoObserver(
syncer::TypeDebugInfoObserver* observer) OVERRIDE;
virtual void RequestEmitDebugInfo() OVERRIDE;
// Replaces local IDs with server IDs and clear unsynced bit of modified
// entries.
void NormalizeEntries();
// Handles of unsynced entries caused by local model changes.
std::set<int64> unsynced_;
// True if NormalizeEntries() is being called.
bool in_normalization_;
SyncStatus status_;
} // namespace syncer