blob: 49ee2d1e73b3a52b2ea41eae0049f5ac3f745166 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import tempfile
from telemetry import decorators
from telemetry.core import exceptions
from telemetry.core import platform
from telemetry.core import util
from telemetry.core import video
from telemetry.core.backends import adb_commands
from telemetry.core.platform import android_device
from telemetry.core.platform import linux_based_platform_backend
from telemetry.core.platform.power_monitor import android_ds2784_power_monitor
from telemetry.core.platform.power_monitor import android_dumpsys_power_monitor
from telemetry.core.platform.power_monitor import android_temperature_monitor
from telemetry.core.platform.power_monitor import monsoon_power_monitor
from telemetry.core.platform.power_monitor import power_monitor_controller
from telemetry.core.platform.profiler import android_prebuilt_profiler_helper
# Get build/android scripts into our path.
util.AddDirToPythonPath(util.GetChromiumSrcDir(), 'build', 'android')
from pylib import screenshot # pylint: disable=F0401
from pylib.perf import cache_control # pylint: disable=F0401
from pylib.perf import perf_control # pylint: disable=F0401
from pylib.perf import thermal_throttle # pylint: disable=F0401
from pylib.perf import surface_stats_collector # pylint: disable=F0401
except Exception:
surface_stats_collector = None
class AndroidPlatformBackend(
def __init__(self, device):
assert device, (
'AndroidPlatformBackend can only be initialized from remote device')
super(AndroidPlatformBackend, self).__init__(device)
self._adb = adb_commands.AdbCommands(device=device.device_id)
installed_prebuilt_tools = adb_commands.SetupPrebuiltTools(self._adb)
if not installed_prebuilt_tools:
'%s detected, however prebuilt android tools could not '
'be used. To run on Android you must build them first:\n'
' $ ninja -C out/Release android_tools' %
raise exceptions.PlatformError()
# Trying to root the device, if possible.
if not self._adb.IsRootEnabled():
# Ignore result.
self._device = self._adb.device()
self._enable_performance_mode = device.enable_performance_mode
self._surface_stats_collector = None
self._perf_tests_setup = perf_control.PerfControl(self._device)
self._thermal_throttle = thermal_throttle.ThermalThrottle(self._device)
self._raw_display_frame_rate_measurements = []
self._can_access_protected_file_contents = \
power_controller = power_monitor_controller.PowerMonitorController([
monsoon_power_monitor.MonsoonPowerMonitor(self._device, self),
android_ds2784_power_monitor.DS2784PowerMonitor(self._device, self),
android_dumpsys_power_monitor.DumpsysPowerMonitor(self._device, self),
self._power_monitor = android_temperature_monitor.AndroidTemperatureMonitor(
power_controller, self._device)
self._video_recorder = None
self._installed_applications = None
def SupportsDevice(cls, device):
return isinstance(device, android_device.AndroidDevice)
def adb(self):
return self._adb
def IsRawDisplayFrameRateSupported(self):
return True
def StartRawDisplayFrameRateMeasurement(self):
assert not self._surface_stats_collector
# Clear any leftover data from previous timed out tests
self._raw_display_frame_rate_measurements = []
self._surface_stats_collector = \
def StopRawDisplayFrameRateMeasurement(self):
if not self._surface_stats_collector:
for r in self._surface_stats_collector.GetResults():
platform.Platform.RawDisplayFrameRateMeasurement(, r.value, r.unit))
self._surface_stats_collector = None
def GetRawDisplayFrameRateMeasurements(self):
ret = self._raw_display_frame_rate_measurements
self._raw_display_frame_rate_measurements = []
return ret
def SetFullPerformanceModeEnabled(self, enabled):
if not self._enable_performance_mode:
logging.warning('CPU governor will not be set!')
if enabled:
def CanMonitorThermalThrottling(self):
return True
def IsThermallyThrottled(self):
return self._thermal_throttle.IsThrottled()
def HasBeenThermallyThrottled(self):
return self._thermal_throttle.HasBeenThrottled()
def GetCpuStats(self, pid):
if not self._can_access_protected_file_contents:
logging.warning('CPU stats cannot be retrieved on non-rooted device.')
return {}
return super(AndroidPlatformBackend, self).GetCpuStats(pid)
def GetCpuTimestamp(self):
if not self._can_access_protected_file_contents:
logging.warning('CPU timestamp cannot be retrieved on non-rooted device.')
return {}
return super(AndroidPlatformBackend, self).GetCpuTimestamp()
def PurgeUnpinnedMemory(self):
"""Purges the unpinned ashmem memory for the whole system.
This can be used to make memory measurements more stable. Requires root.
if not self._can_access_protected_file_contents:
logging.warning('Cannot run purge_ashmem. Requires a rooted device.')
if not android_prebuilt_profiler_helper.InstallOnDevice(
self._device, 'purge_ashmem'):
raise Exception('Error installing purge_ashmem.')
(status, output) = self._device.old_interface.GetAndroidToolStatusAndOutput(
if status != 0:
raise Exception('Error while purging ashmem: ' + '\n'.join(output))
def GetMemoryStats(self, pid):
memory_usage = self._device.GetMemoryUsageForPid(pid)
if not memory_usage:
return {}
return {'ProportionalSetSize': memory_usage['Pss'] * 1024,
'SharedDirty': memory_usage['Shared_Dirty'] * 1024,
'PrivateDirty': memory_usage['Private_Dirty'] * 1024,
'VMPeak': memory_usage['VmHWM'] * 1024}
def GetIOStats(self, pid):
return {}
def GetChildPids(self, pid):
child_pids = []
ps = self.GetPsOutput(['pid', 'name'])
for curr_pid, curr_name in ps:
if int(curr_pid) == pid:
name = curr_name
for curr_pid, curr_name in ps:
if curr_name.startswith(name) and curr_name != name:
return child_pids
def GetCommandLine(self, pid):
ps = self.GetPsOutput(['pid', 'name'], pid)
if not ps:
raise exceptions.ProcessGoneException()
return ps[0][1]
def GetArchName(self):
return self._device.GetABI()
def GetOSName(self):
return 'android'
def GetOSVersionName(self):
return self._device.GetProp('')[0]
def CanFlushIndividualFilesFromSystemCache(self):
return False
def FlushEntireSystemCache(self):
cache = cache_control.CacheControl(self._device)
def FlushSystemCacheForDirectory(self, directory, ignoring=None):
raise NotImplementedError()
def FlushDnsCache(self):
self._device.RunShellCommand('ndc resolver flushdefaultif', as_root=True)
def StopApplication(self, application):
"""Stop the given |application|.
application: The full package name string of the application to launch.
def LaunchApplication(
self, application, parameters=None, elevate_privilege=False):
"""Launches the given |application| with a list of |parameters| on the OS.
application: The full package name string of the application to launch.
parameters: A list of parameters to be passed to the ActivityManager.
elevate_privilege: Currently unimplemented on Android.
if elevate_privilege:
raise NotImplementedError("elevate_privilege isn't supported on android.")
if not parameters:
parameters = ''
result_lines = self._device.RunShellCommand('am start %s %s' %
(parameters, application))
for line in result_lines:
if line.startswith('Error: '):
raise ValueError('Failed to start "%s" with error\n %s' %
(application, line))
def IsApplicationRunning(self, application):
return len(self._device.GetPids(application)) > 0
def CanLaunchApplication(self, application):
if not self._installed_applications:
self._installed_applications = self._device.RunShellCommand(
'pm list packages')
return 'package:' + application in self._installed_applications
def InstallApplication(self, application):
self._installed_applications = None
def CanCaptureVideo(self):
return self.GetOSVersionName() >= 'K'
def StartVideoCapture(self, min_bitrate_mbps):
"""Starts the video capture at specified bitrate."""
min_bitrate_mbps = max(min_bitrate_mbps, 0.1)
if min_bitrate_mbps > 100:
raise ValueError('Android video capture cannot capture at %dmbps. '
'Max capture rate is 100mbps.' % min_bitrate_mbps)
if self.is_video_capture_running:
self._video_recorder = screenshot.VideoRecorder(
self._device, megabits_per_second=min_bitrate_mbps)
util.WaitFor(self._video_recorder.IsStarted, 5)
def is_video_capture_running(self):
return self._video_recorder is not None
def StopVideoCapture(self):
assert self.is_video_capture_running, 'Must start video capture first'
video_file_obj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
self._video_recorder = None
return video.Video(video_file_obj)
def CanMonitorPower(self):
return self._power_monitor.CanMonitorPower()
def StartMonitoringPower(self, browser):
def StopMonitoringPower(self):
return self._power_monitor.StopMonitoringPower()
def GetFileContents(self, fname):
if not self._can_access_protected_file_contents:
logging.warning('%s cannot be retrieved on non-rooted device.' % fname)
return ''
return '\n'.join(self._device.ReadFile(fname, as_root=True))
def GetPsOutput(self, columns, pid=None):
assert columns == ['pid', 'name'] or columns == ['pid'], \
'Only know how to return pid and name. Requested: ' + columns
command = 'ps'
if pid:
command += ' -p %d' % pid
ps = self._device.RunShellCommand(command)[1:]
output = []
for line in ps:
data = line.split()
curr_pid = data[1]
curr_name = data[-1]
if columns == ['pid', 'name']:
output.append([curr_pid, curr_name])
return output
def RunCommand(self, command):
return '\n'.join(self._device.RunShellCommand(command))
def ParseCStateSample(sample):
sample_stats = {}
for cpu in sample:
values = sample[cpu].splitlines()
# Each state has three values after excluding the time value.
num_states = (len(values) - 1) / 3
names = values[:num_states]
times = values[num_states:2 * num_states]
cstates = {'C0': int(values[-1]) * 10 ** 6}
for i, state in enumerate(names):
if state == 'C0':
# The Exynos cpuidle driver for the Nexus 10 uses the name 'C0' for
# its WFI state.
# TODO(tmandel): We should verify that no other Android device
# actually reports time in C0 causing this to report active time as
# idle time.
state = 'WFI'
cstates[state] = int(times[i])
cstates['C0'] -= int(times[i])
sample_stats[cpu] = cstates
return sample_stats