blob: 6a477331bcac6287e1b20f9a60629fcde41c4593 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Performance Test Bisect Tool
This script bisects a series of changelists using binary search. It starts at
a bad revision where a performance metric has regressed, and asks for a last
known-good revision. It will then binary search across this revision range by
syncing, building, and running a performance test. If the change is
suspected to occur as a result of WebKit/V8 changes, the script will
further bisect changes to those depots and attempt to narrow down the revision
Example usage using SVN revisions:
./tools/ -c\
"out/Release/performance_ui_tests --gtest_filter=ShutdownTest.SimpleUserQuit"\
-g 168222 -b 168232 -m shutdown/simple-user-quit
Be aware that if you're using the git workflow and specify an SVN revision,
the script will attempt to find the git SHA1 where SVN changes up to that
revision were merged in.
Example usage using git hashes:
./tools/ -c\
"out/Release/performance_ui_tests --gtest_filter=ShutdownTest.SimpleUserQuit"\
-g 1f6e67861535121c5c819c16a666f2436c207e7b\
-b b732f23b4f81c382db0b23b9035f3dadc7d925bb\
-m shutdown/simple-user-quit
import copy
import errno
import hashlib
import optparse
import os
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import StringIO
import sys
import time
import zipfile
os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir, 'telemetry'))
from bisect_printer import BisectPrinter
from bisect_results import BisectResults
from bisect_state import BisectState
import bisect_utils
import builder
import math_utils
import request_build
import source_control
from telemetry.util import cloud_storage
# The script is in chromium/src/tools/auto_bisect. Throughout this script,
# we use paths to other things in the chromium/src repository.
CROS_CHROMEOS_PATTERN = 'chromeos-base/chromeos-chrome'
# Possible return values from BisectPerformanceMetrics.RunTest.
# Maximum time in seconds to wait after posting build request to the try server.
# TODO: Change these values based on the actual time taken by buildbots on
# the try server.
# The confidence percentage we require to consider the initial range a
# regression based on the test results of the inital good and bad revisions.
# Patch template to add a new file, DEPS.sha under src folder.
# This file contains SHA1 value of the DEPS changes made while bisecting
# dependency repositories. This patch send along with DEPS patch to try server.
# When a build requested is posted with a patch, bisect builders on try server,
# once build is produced, it reads SHA value from this file and appends it
# to build archive filename.
DEPS_SHA_PATCH = """diff --git DEPS.sha DEPS.sha
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ DEPS.sha
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
We could not reproduce the regression with this test/metric/platform combination
with enough confidence.
Here are the results for the initial revision range:
'Good' revision: {good_rev}
\tmean: {good_mean}
\tsample size:{good_sample_size}
'Bad' revision: {bad_rev}
\tmean: {bad_mean}
\tsample size:{bad_sample_size}
NOTE: There's still a chance that this is actually a regression, but you may
need to bisect a different platform."""
# Git branch name used to run bisect try jobs.
BISECT_TRYJOB_BRANCH = 'bisect-tryjob'
# Git master branch name.
# File to store 'git diff' content.
BISECT_PATCH_FILE = 'deps_patch.txt'
# SVN repo where the bisect try jobs are submitted.
SVN_REPO_URL = 'svn://'
class RunGitError(Exception):
def __str__(self):
return '%s\nError executing git command.' % self.args[0]
def GetSHA1HexDigest(contents):
"""Returns SHA1 hex digest of the given string."""
return hashlib.sha1(contents).hexdigest()
def GetZipFileName(build_revision=None, target_arch='ia32', patch_sha=None):
"""Gets the archive file name for the given revision."""
def PlatformName():
"""Return a string to be used in paths for the platform."""
if bisect_utils.IsWindowsHost():
# Build archive for x64 is still stored with the "win32" suffix.
# See chromium_utils.PlatformName().
if bisect_utils.Is64BitWindows() and target_arch == 'x64':
return 'win32'
return 'win32'
if bisect_utils.IsLinuxHost():
# Android builds are also archived with the "full-build-linux prefix.
return 'linux'
if bisect_utils.IsMacHost():
return 'mac'
raise NotImplementedError('Unknown platform "%s".' % sys.platform)
base_name = 'full-build-%s' % PlatformName()
if not build_revision:
return base_name
if patch_sha:
build_revision = '%s_%s' % (build_revision , patch_sha)
return '' % (base_name, build_revision)
def GetRemoteBuildPath(build_revision, target_platform='chromium',
target_arch='ia32', patch_sha=None):
"""Returns the URL to download the build from."""
def GetGSRootFolderName(target_platform):
"""Returns the Google Cloud Storage root folder name."""
if bisect_utils.IsWindowsHost():
if bisect_utils.Is64BitWindows() and target_arch == 'x64':
return 'Win x64 Builder'
return 'Win Builder'
if bisect_utils.IsLinuxHost():
if target_platform == 'android':
return 'android_perf_rel'
return 'Linux Builder'
if bisect_utils.IsMacHost():
return 'Mac Builder'
raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported Platform "%s".' % sys.platform)
base_filename = GetZipFileName(
build_revision, target_arch, patch_sha)
builder_folder = GetGSRootFolderName(target_platform)
return '%s/%s' % (builder_folder, base_filename)
def FetchFromCloudStorage(bucket_name, source_path, destination_path):
"""Fetches file(s) from the Google Cloud Storage.
bucket_name: Google Storage bucket name.
source_path: Source file path.
destination_path: Destination file path.
Downloaded file path if exists, otherwise None.
target_file = os.path.join(destination_path, os.path.basename(source_path))
if cloud_storage.Exists(bucket_name, source_path):
print 'Fetching file from gs//%s/%s ...' % (bucket_name, source_path)
cloud_storage.Get(bucket_name, source_path, destination_path)
if os.path.exists(target_file):
return target_file
print ('File gs://%s/%s not found in cloud storage.' % (
bucket_name, source_path))
except Exception as e:
print 'Something went wrong while fetching file from cloud: %s' % e
if os.path.exists(target_file):
return None
# This is copied from build/scripts/common/
def MaybeMakeDirectory(*path):
"""Creates an entire path, if it doesn't already exist."""
file_path = os.path.join(*path)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
return False
return True
# This was copied from build/scripts/common/
def ExtractZip(filename, output_dir, verbose=True):
""" Extract the zip archive in the output directory."""
# On Linux and Mac, we use the unzip command as it will
# handle links and file bits (executable), which is much
# easier then trying to do that with ZipInfo options.
# The Mac Version of unzip unfortunately does not support Zip64, whereas
# the python module does, so we have to fall back to the python zip module
# on Mac if the file size is greater than 4GB.
# On Windows, try to use 7z if it is installed, otherwise fall back to python
# zip module and pray we don't have files larger than 512MB to unzip.
unzip_cmd = None
if ((bisect_utils.IsMacHost()
and os.path.getsize(filename) < 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)
or bisect_utils.IsLinuxHost()):
unzip_cmd = ['unzip', '-o']
elif (bisect_utils.IsWindowsHost()
and os.path.exists('C:\\Program Files\\7-Zip\\7z.exe')):
unzip_cmd = ['C:\\Program Files\\7-Zip\\7z.exe', 'x', '-y']
if unzip_cmd:
# Make sure path is absolute before changing directories.
filepath = os.path.abspath(filename)
saved_dir = os.getcwd()
command = unzip_cmd + [filepath]
result = bisect_utils.RunProcess(command)
if result:
raise IOError('unzip failed: %s => %s' % (str(command), result))
assert bisect_utils.IsWindowsHost() or bisect_utils.IsMacHost()
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(filename)
for name in zf.namelist():
if verbose:
print 'Extracting %s' % name
zf.extract(name, output_dir)
if bisect_utils.IsMacHost():
# Restore permission bits.
os.chmod(os.path.join(output_dir, name),
zf.getinfo(name).external_attr >> 16L)
def WriteStringToFile(text, file_name):
"""Writes text to a file, raising an RuntimeError on failure."""
with open(file_name, 'wb') as f:
except IOError:
raise RuntimeError('Error writing to file [%s]' % file_name )
def ReadStringFromFile(file_name):
"""Writes text to a file, raising an RuntimeError on failure."""
with open(file_name) as f:
except IOError:
raise RuntimeError('Error reading file [%s]' % file_name )
def ChangeBackslashToSlashInPatch(diff_text):
"""Formats file paths in the given patch text to Unix-style paths."""
if not diff_text:
return None
diff_lines = diff_text.split('\n')
for i in range(len(diff_lines)):
line = diff_lines[i]
if line.startswith('--- ') or line.startswith('+++ '):
diff_lines[i] = line.replace('\\', '/')
return '\n'.join(diff_lines)
def _ParseRevisionsFromDEPSFileManually(deps_file_contents):
"""Parses the vars section of the DEPS file using regular expressions.
deps_file_contents: The DEPS file contents as a string.
A dictionary in the format {depot: revision} if successful, otherwise None.
# We'll parse the "vars" section of the DEPS file.
rxp = re.compile('vars = {(?P<vars_body>[^}]+)', re.MULTILINE)
re_results =
if not re_results:
return None
# We should be left with a series of entries in the vars component of
# the DEPS file with the following format:
# 'depot_name': 'revision',
vars_body ='vars_body')
rxp = re.compile("'(?P<depot_body>[\w_-]+)':[\s]+'(?P<rev_body>[\w@]+)'",
re_results = rxp.findall(vars_body)
return dict(re_results)
def _WaitUntilBuildIsReady(
fetch_build, bot_name, builder_host, builder_port, build_request_id,
"""Waits until build is produced by bisect builder on try server.
fetch_build: Function to check and download build from cloud storage.
bot_name: Builder bot name on try server.
builder_host Try server host name.
builder_port: Try server port.
build_request_id: A unique ID of the build request posted to try server.
max_timeout: Maximum time to wait for the build.
Downloaded archive file path if exists, otherwise None.
# Build number on the try server.
build_num = None
# Interval to check build on cloud storage.
poll_interval = 60
# Interval to check build status on try server in seconds.
status_check_interval = 600
last_status_check = time.time()
start_time = time.time()
while True:
# Checks for build on gs://chrome-perf and download if exists.
res = fetch_build()
if res:
return (res, 'Build successfully found')
elapsed_status_check = time.time() - last_status_check
# To avoid overloading try server with status check requests, we check
# build status for every 10 minutes.
if elapsed_status_check > status_check_interval:
last_status_check = time.time()
if not build_num:
# Get the build number on try server for the current build.
build_num = request_build.GetBuildNumFromBuilder(
build_request_id, bot_name, builder_host, builder_port)
# Check the status of build using the build number.
# Note: Build is treated as PENDING if build number is not found
# on the the try server.
build_status, status_link = request_build.GetBuildStatus(
build_num, bot_name, builder_host, builder_port)
if build_status == request_build.FAILED:
return (None, 'Failed to produce build, log: %s' % status_link)
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
if elapsed_time > max_timeout:
return (None, 'Timed out: %ss without build' % max_timeout)
print 'Time elapsed: %ss without build.' % elapsed_time
# For some reason, mac bisect bots were not flushing stdout periodically.
# As a result buildbot command is timed-out. Flush stdout on all platforms
# while waiting for build.
def _UpdateV8Branch(deps_content):
"""Updates V8 branch in DEPS file to process v8_bleeding_edge.
Check for "v8_branch" in DEPS file if exists update its value
with v8_bleeding_edge branch. Note: "v8_branch" is added to DEPS
variable from DEPS revision 254916, therefore check for "src/v8":
<v8 source path> in DEPS in order to support prior DEPS revisions
and update it.
deps_content: DEPS file contents to be modified.
Modified DEPS file contents as a string.
new_branch = r'branches/bleeding_edge'
v8_branch_pattern = re.compile(r'(?<="v8_branch": ")(.*)(?=")')
if, deps_content):
deps_content = re.sub(v8_branch_pattern, new_branch, deps_content)
# Replaces the branch assigned to "src/v8" key in DEPS file.
# Format of "src/v8" in DEPS:
# "src/v8":
# (Var("googlecode_url") % "v8") + "/trunk@" + Var("v8_revision"),
# So, "/trunk@" is replace with "/branches/bleeding_edge@"
v8_src_pattern = re.compile(
r'(?<="v8"\) \+ "/)(.*)(?=@" \+ Var\("v8_revision"\))', re.MULTILINE)
if, deps_content):
deps_content = re.sub(v8_src_pattern, new_branch, deps_content)
return deps_content
def _UpdateDEPSForAngle(revision, depot, deps_file):
"""Updates DEPS file with new revision for Angle repository.
This is a hack for Angle depot case because, in DEPS file "vars" dictionary
variable contains "angle_revision" key that holds git hash instead of
SVN revision.
And sometimes "angle_revision" key is not specified in "vars" variable,
in such cases check "deps" dictionary variable that matches
angle.git@[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$ and replace git hash.
deps_var = bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[depot]['deps_var']
deps_contents = ReadStringFromFile(deps_file)
# Check whether the depot and revision pattern in DEPS file vars variable
# e.g. "angle_revision": "fa63e947cb3eccf463648d21a05d5002c9b8adfa".
angle_rev_pattern = re.compile(r'(?<="%s": ")([a-fA-F0-9]{40})(?=")' %
deps_var, re.MULTILINE)
match = % deps_var, deps_contents)
if match:
# Update the revision information for the given depot
new_data = re.sub(angle_rev_pattern, revision, deps_contents)
# Check whether the depot and revision pattern in DEPS file deps
# variable. e.g.,
# "src/third_party/angle": Var("chromium_git") +
# "/angle/angle.git@fa63e947cb3eccf463648d21a05d5002c9b8adfa",.
angle_rev_pattern = re.compile(
r'(?<=angle\.git@)([a-fA-F0-9]{40})(?=")', re.MULTILINE)
match =, deps_contents)
if not match:
print 'Could not find angle revision information in DEPS file.'
return False
new_data = re.sub(angle_rev_pattern, revision, deps_contents)
# Write changes to DEPS file
WriteStringToFile(new_data, deps_file)
return True
except IOError, e:
print 'Something went wrong while updating DEPS file, %s' % e
return False
def _TryParseHistogramValuesFromOutput(metric, text):
"""Attempts to parse a metric in the format HISTOGRAM <graph: <trace>.
metric: The metric as a list of [<trace>, <value>] strings.
text: The text to parse the metric values from.
A list of floating point numbers found, [] if none were found.
metric_formatted = 'HISTOGRAM %s: %s= ' % (metric[0], metric[1])
text_lines = text.split('\n')
values_list = []
for current_line in text_lines:
if metric_formatted in current_line:
current_line = current_line[len(metric_formatted):]
histogram_values = eval(current_line)
for b in histogram_values['buckets']:
average_for_bucket = float(b['high'] + b['low']) * 0.5
# Extends the list with N-elements with the average for that bucket.
values_list.extend([average_for_bucket] * b['count'])
except Exception:
return values_list
def _TryParseResultValuesFromOutput(metric, text):
"""Attempts to parse a metric in the format RESULT <graph>: <trace>= ...
metric: The metric as a list of [<trace>, <value>] string pairs.
text: The text to parse the metric values from.
A list of floating point numbers found.
# Format is: RESULT <graph>: <trace>= <value> <units>
metric_re = re.escape('RESULT %s: %s=' % (metric[0], metric[1]))
# The log will be parsed looking for format:
# <*>RESULT <graph_name>: <trace_name>= <value>
single_result_re = re.compile(
metric_re + '\s*(?P<VALUE>[-]?\d*(\.\d*)?)')
# The log will be parsed looking for format:
# <*>RESULT <graph_name>: <trace_name>= [<value>,value,value,...]
multi_results_re = re.compile(
metric_re + '\s*\[\s*(?P<VALUES>[-]?[\d\., ]+)\s*\]')
# The log will be parsed looking for format:
# <*>RESULT <graph_name>: <trace_name>= {<mean>, <std deviation>}
mean_stddev_re = re.compile(
metric_re +
text_lines = text.split('\n')
values_list = []
for current_line in text_lines:
# Parse the output from the performance test for the metric we're
# interested in.
single_result_match =
multi_results_match =
mean_stddev_match =
if (not single_result_match is None and'VALUE')):
values_list += ['VALUE')]
elif (not multi_results_match is None and'VALUES')):
metric_values ='VALUES')
values_list += metric_values.split(',')
elif (not mean_stddev_match is None and'MEAN')):
values_list += ['MEAN')]
values_list = [float(v) for v in values_list
if bisect_utils.IsStringFloat(v)]
# If the metric is times/t, we need to sum the timings in order to get
# similar regression results as the try-bots.
metrics_to_sum = [
['times', 't'],
['times', 'page_load_time'],
['cold_times', 'page_load_time'],
['warm_times', 'page_load_time'],
if metric in metrics_to_sum:
if values_list:
values_list = [reduce(lambda x, y: float(x) + float(y), values_list)]
return values_list
def _ParseMetricValuesFromOutput(metric, text):
"""Parses output from performance_ui_tests and retrieves the results for
a given metric.
metric: The metric as a list of [<trace>, <value>] strings.
text: The text to parse the metric values from.
A list of floating point numbers found.
metric_values = _TryParseResultValuesFromOutput(metric, text)
if not metric_values:
metric_values = _TryParseHistogramValuesFromOutput(metric, text)
return metric_values
def _GenerateProfileIfNecessary(command_args):
"""Checks the command line of the performance test for dependencies on
profile generation, and runs tools/perf/generate_profile as necessary.
command_args: Command line being passed to performance test, as a list.
False if profile generation was necessary and failed, otherwise True.
if '--profile-dir' in ' '.join(command_args):
# If we were using python 2.7+, we could just use the argparse
# module's parse_known_args to grab --profile-dir. Since some of the
# bots still run 2.6, have to grab the arguments manually.
arg_dict = {}
args_to_parse = ['--profile-dir', '--browser']
for arg_to_parse in args_to_parse:
for i, current_arg in enumerate(command_args):
if arg_to_parse in current_arg:
current_arg_split = current_arg.split('=')
# Check 2 cases, --arg=<val> and --arg <val>
if len(current_arg_split) == 2:
arg_dict[arg_to_parse] = current_arg_split[1]
elif i + 1 < len(command_args):
arg_dict[arg_to_parse] = command_args[i+1]
path_to_generate = os.path.join('tools', 'perf', 'generate_profile')
if arg_dict.has_key('--profile-dir') and arg_dict.has_key('--browser'):
profile_path, profile_type = os.path.split(arg_dict['--profile-dir'])
return not bisect_utils.RunProcess(['python', path_to_generate,
'--profile-type-to-generate', profile_type,
'--browser', arg_dict['--browser'], '--output-dir', profile_path])
return False
return True
def _CheckRegressionConfidenceError(
"""Checks whether we can be confident beyond a certain degree that the given
metrics represent a regression.
good_revision: string representing the commit considered 'good'
bad_revision: Same as above for 'bad'.
known_good_value: A dict with at least: 'values', 'mean' and 'std_err'
known_bad_value: Same as above.
False if there is no error (i.e. we can be confident there's a regressioni),
a string containing the details of the lack of confidence otherwise.
error = False
# Adding good and bad values to a parameter list.
confidenceParams = []
for l in [known_bad_value['values'], known_good_value['values']]:
# Flatten if needed
if isinstance(l, list) and all([isinstance(x, list) for x in l]):
confidenceParams.append(sum(l, []))
regression_confidence = BisectResults.ConfidenceScore(*confidenceParams)
if regression_confidence < REGRESSION_CONFIDENCE:
return error
class DepotDirectoryRegistry(object):
def __init__(self, src_cwd):
self.depot_cwd = {}
for depot in bisect_utils.DEPOT_NAMES:
# The working directory of each depot is just the path to the depot, but
# since we're already in 'src', we can skip that part.
path_in_src = bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[depot]['src'][4:]
self.SetDepotDir(depot, os.path.join(src_cwd, path_in_src))
self.SetDepotDir('chromium', src_cwd)
self.SetDepotDir('cros', os.path.join(src_cwd, 'tools', 'cros'))
def SetDepotDir(self, depot_name, depot_dir):
self.depot_cwd[depot_name] = depot_dir
def GetDepotDir(self, depot_name):
if depot_name in self.depot_cwd:
return self.depot_cwd[depot_name]
assert False, ('Unknown depot [ %s ] encountered. Possibly a new one '
'was added without proper support?' % depot_name)
def ChangeToDepotDir(self, depot_name):
"""Given a depot, changes to the appropriate working directory.
depot_name: The name of the depot (see DEPOT_NAMES).
def _PrepareBisectBranch(parent_branch, new_branch):
"""Creates a new branch to submit bisect try job.
parent_branch: Parent branch to be used to create new branch.
new_branch: New branch name.
current_branch, returncode = bisect_utils.RunGit(
['rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'])
if returncode:
raise RunGitError('Must be in a git repository to send changes to trybots.')
current_branch = current_branch.strip()
# Make sure current branch is master.
if current_branch != parent_branch:
output, returncode = bisect_utils.RunGit(['checkout', '-f', parent_branch])
if returncode:
raise RunGitError('Failed to checkout branch: %s.' % output)
# Delete new branch if exists.
output, returncode = bisect_utils.RunGit(['branch', '--list' ])
if new_branch in output:
output, returncode = bisect_utils.RunGit(['branch', '-D', new_branch])
if returncode:
raise RunGitError('Deleting branch failed, %s', output)
# Check if the tree is dirty: make sure the index is up to date and then
# run diff-index.
bisect_utils.RunGit(['update-index', '--refresh', '-q'])
output, returncode = bisect_utils.RunGit(['diff-index', 'HEAD'])
if output:
raise RunGitError('Cannot send a try job with a dirty tree.')
# Create/check out the telemetry-tryjob branch, and edit the configs
# for the tryjob there.
output, returncode = bisect_utils.RunGit(['checkout', '-b', new_branch])
if returncode:
raise RunGitError('Failed to checkout branch: %s.' % output)
output, returncode = bisect_utils.RunGit(
['branch', '--set-upstream-to', parent_branch])
if returncode:
raise RunGitError('Error in git branch --set-upstream-to')
def _BuilderTryjob(git_revision, bot_name, bisect_job_name, patch=None):
"""Attempts to run a tryjob from the current directory.
git_revision: A Git hash revision.
bot_name: Name of the bisect bot to be used for try job.
bisect_job_name: Bisect try job name.
patch: A DEPS patch (used while bisecting 3rd party repositories).
# Temporary branch for running tryjob.
patch_content = '/dev/null'
# Create a temporary patch file, if it fails raise an exception.
if patch:
WriteStringToFile(patch, BISECT_PATCH_FILE)
patch_content = BISECT_PATCH_FILE
try_cmd = ['try',
'-b', bot_name,
'-r', git_revision,
'-n', bisect_job_name,
'--svn_repo=%s' % SVN_REPO_URL,
'--diff=%s' % patch_content
# Execute try job to build revision.
output, returncode = bisect_utils.RunGit(try_cmd)
if returncode:
raise RunGitError('Could not execute tryjob: %s.\n Error: %s' % (
'git %s' % ' '.join(try_cmd), output))
print ('Try job successfully submitted.\n TryJob Details: %s\n%s' % (
'git %s' % ' '.join(try_cmd), output))
# Delete patch file if exists
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
# Checkout master branch and delete bisect-tryjob branch.
bisect_utils.RunGit(['checkout', '-f', BISECT_MASTER_BRANCH])
bisect_utils.RunGit(['branch', '-D', BISECT_TRYJOB_BRANCH])
class BisectPerformanceMetrics(object):
"""This class contains functionality to perform a bisection of a range of
revisions to narrow down where performance regressions may have occurred.
The main entry-point is the Run method.
def __init__(self, opts):
super(BisectPerformanceMetrics, self).__init__()
self.opts = opts
# The src directory here is NOT the src/ directory for the repository
# where the bisect script is running from. Instead, it's the src/ directory
# inside the bisect/ directory which is created before running.
self.src_cwd = os.getcwd()
self.depot_registry = DepotDirectoryRegistry(self.src_cwd)
self.cleanup_commands = []
self.warnings = []
self.builder = builder.Builder.FromOpts(opts)
def PerformCleanup(self):
"""Performs cleanup when script is finished."""
for c in self.cleanup_commands:
if c[0] == 'mv':
shutil.move(c[1], c[2])
assert False, 'Invalid cleanup command.'
def GetRevisionList(self, depot, bad_revision, good_revision):
"""Retrieves a list of all the commits between the bad revision and
last known good revision."""
revision_work_list = []
if depot == 'cros':
revision_range_start = good_revision
revision_range_end = bad_revision
cwd = os.getcwd()
# Print the commit timestamps for every commit in the revision time
# range. We'll sort them and bisect by that. There is a remote chance that
# 2 (or more) commits will share the exact same timestamp, but it's
# probably safe to ignore that case.
cmd = ['repo', 'forall', '-c',
'git log --format=%%ct --before=%d --after=%d' % (
revision_range_end, revision_range_start)]
output, return_code = bisect_utils.RunProcessAndRetrieveOutput(cmd)
assert not return_code, ('An error occurred while running '
'"%s"' % ' '.join(cmd))
revision_work_list = list(set(
[int(o) for o in output.split('\n') if bisect_utils.IsStringInt(o)]))
revision_work_list = sorted(revision_work_list, reverse=True)
cwd = self.depot_registry.GetDepotDir(depot)
revision_work_list = source_control.GetRevisionList(bad_revision,
good_revision, cwd=cwd)
return revision_work_list
def _ParseRevisionsFromDEPSFile(self, depot):
"""Parses the local DEPS file to determine blink/skia/v8 revisions which may
be needed if the bisect recurses into those depots later.
depot: Name of depot being bisected.
A dict in the format {depot:revision} if successful, otherwise None.
deps_data = {
'Var': lambda _: deps_data["vars"][_],
'From': lambda *args: None,
deps_file = bisect_utils.FILE_DEPS_GIT
if not os.path.exists(deps_file):
deps_file = bisect_utils.FILE_DEPS
execfile(deps_file, {}, deps_data)
deps_data = deps_data['deps']
rxp = re.compile(".git@(?P<revision>[a-fA-F0-9]+)")
results = {}
for depot_name, depot_data in bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME.iteritems():
if (depot_data.get('platform') and
depot_data.get('platform') !=
if (depot_data.get('recurse') and depot in depot_data.get('from')):
depot_data_src = depot_data.get('src') or depot_data.get('src_old')
src_dir = deps_data.get(depot_data_src)
if src_dir:
self.depot_registry.SetDepotDir(depot_name, os.path.join(
self.src_cwd, depot_data_src[4:]))
re_results =
if re_results:
results[depot_name] ='revision')
warning_text = ('Could not parse revision for %s while bisecting '
'%s' % (depot_name, depot))
if not warning_text in self.warnings:
results[depot_name] = None
return results
except ImportError:
deps_file_contents = ReadStringFromFile(deps_file)
parse_results = _ParseRevisionsFromDEPSFileManually(deps_file_contents)
results = {}
for depot_name, depot_revision in parse_results.iteritems():
depot_revision = depot_revision.strip('@')
print depot_name, depot_revision
for cur_name, cur_data in bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME.iteritems():
if (cur_data.has_key('deps_var') and
cur_data['deps_var'] == depot_name):
src_name = cur_name
results[src_name] = depot_revision
return results
def _Get3rdPartyRevisions(self, depot):
"""Parses the DEPS file to determine WebKit/v8/etc... versions.
depot: A depot name. Should be in the DEPOT_NAMES list.
A dict in the format {depot: revision} if successful, otherwise None.
cwd = os.getcwd()
results = {}
if depot == 'chromium' or depot == 'android-chrome':
results = self._ParseRevisionsFromDEPSFile(depot)
if depot == 'cros':
cmd = [
'portageq-%s' % self.opts.cros_board,
'/build/%s' % self.opts.cros_board,
output, return_code = bisect_utils.RunProcessAndRetrieveOutput(cmd)
assert not return_code, ('An error occurred while running '
'"%s"' % ' '.join(cmd))
if len(output) > CROS_CHROMEOS_PATTERN:
output = output[len(CROS_CHROMEOS_PATTERN):]
if len(output) > 1:
output = output.split('_')[0]
if len(output) > 3:
contents = output.split('.')
version = contents[2]
if contents[3] != '0':
warningText = ('Chrome version: %s.%s but using %s.0 to bisect.' %
(version, contents[3], version))
if not warningText in self.warnings:
cwd = os.getcwd()
cmd = ['log', '-1', '--format=%H',
'--grep=to %s' % version, 'origin/master']
return_code = bisect_utils.CheckRunGit(cmd)
results['chromium'] = output.strip()
if depot == 'v8':
# We can't try to map the trunk revision to bleeding edge yet, because
# we don't know which direction to try to search in. Have to wait until
# the bisect has narrowed the results down to 2 v8 rolls.
results['v8_bleeding_edge'] = None
return results
def BackupOrRestoreOutputDirectory(self, restore=False, build_type='Release'):
"""Backs up or restores build output directory based on restore argument.
restore: Indicates whether to restore or backup. Default is False(Backup)
build_type: Target build type ('Release', 'Debug', 'Release_x64' etc.)
Path to backup or restored location as string. otherwise None if it fails.
build_dir = os.path.abspath(
builder.GetBuildOutputDirectory(self.opts, self.src_cwd))
source_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, build_type)
destination_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, '%s.bak' % build_type)
if restore:
source_dir, destination_dir = destination_dir, source_dir
if os.path.exists(source_dir):
shutil.move(source_dir, destination_dir)
return destination_dir
return None
def _GetBuildArchiveForRevision(self, revision, gs_bucket, target_arch,
patch_sha, out_dir):
"""Checks and downloads build archive for a given revision.
Checks for build archive with Git hash or SVN revision. If either of the
file exists, then downloads the archive file.
revision: A git commit hash.
gs_bucket: Cloud storage bucket name.
target_arch: Architecture name string, e.g. "ia32" or "x64".
patch_sha: A SHA1 hex digest of a DEPS file patch, used while
bisecting 3rd party repositories.
out_dir: Build output directory where downloaded file is stored.
Downloaded archive file path if exists, otherwise None.
# Source archive file path on cloud storage using Git revision.
source_file = GetRemoteBuildPath(
revision, self.opts.target_platform, target_arch, patch_sha)
downloaded_archive = FetchFromCloudStorage(gs_bucket, source_file, out_dir)
if not downloaded_archive:
# Get commit position for the given SHA.
commit_position = source_control.GetCommitPosition(revision)
if commit_position:
# Source archive file path on cloud storage using SVN revision.
source_file = GetRemoteBuildPath(
commit_position, self.opts.target_platform, target_arch, patch_sha)
return FetchFromCloudStorage(gs_bucket, source_file, out_dir)
return downloaded_archive
def _DownloadAndUnzipBuild(self, revision, depot, build_type='Release'):
"""Downloads the build archive for the given revision.
revision: The git revision to download.
depot: The name of a dependency repository. Should be in DEPOT_NAMES.
build_type: Target build type, e.g. Release', 'Debug', 'Release_x64' etc.
True if download succeeds, otherwise False.
patch = None
patch_sha = None
if depot != 'chromium':
# Create a DEPS patch with new revision for dependency repository.
revision, patch = self.CreateDEPSPatch(depot, revision)
if patch:
# Get the SHA of the DEPS changes patch.
patch_sha = GetSHA1HexDigest(patch)
# Update the DEPS changes patch with a patch to create a new file named
# 'DEPS.sha' and add patch_sha evaluated above to it.
patch = '%s\n%s' % (patch, DEPS_SHA_PATCH % {'deps_sha': patch_sha})
build_dir = builder.GetBuildOutputDirectory(self.opts, self.src_cwd)
downloaded_file = self._WaitForBuildDownload(
revision, build_dir, deps_patch=patch, deps_patch_sha=patch_sha)
if not downloaded_file:
return False
return self._UnzipAndMoveBuildProducts(downloaded_file, build_dir,
def _WaitForBuildDownload(self, revision, build_dir, deps_patch=None,
"""Tries to download a zip archive for a build.
This involves seeing whether the archive is already available, and if not,
then requesting a build and waiting before downloading.
revision: A git commit hash.
build_dir: The directory to download the build into.
deps_patch: A patch which changes a dependency repository revision in
the DEPS, if applicable.
deps_patch_sha: The SHA1 hex digest of the above patch.
File path of the downloaded file if successful, otherwise None.
abs_build_dir = os.path.abspath(build_dir)
fetch_build_func = lambda: self._GetBuildArchiveForRevision(
revision, self.opts.gs_bucket, self.opts.target_arch,
deps_patch_sha, abs_build_dir)
# Downloaded archive file path, downloads build archive for given revision.
# This will be False if the build isn't yet available.
downloaded_file = fetch_build_func()
# When build archive doesn't exist, post a build request to try server
# and wait for the build to be produced.
if not downloaded_file:
downloaded_file = self._RequestBuildAndWait(
revision, fetch_build=fetch_build_func, patch=deps_patch)
if not downloaded_file:
return None
return downloaded_file
def _RequestBuildAndWait(self, git_revision, fetch_build, patch=None):
"""Triggers a try job for a build job.
This function prepares and starts a try job on the tryserver.chromium.perf
master, and waits for the binaries to be produced and archived in cloud
storage. Once the build is ready it's downloaded.
git_revision: A Git hash revision.
fetch_build: Function to check and download build from cloud storage.
patch: A DEPS patch (used while bisecting 3rd party repositories).
Downloaded archive file path when requested build exists and download is
successful, otherwise None.
if not fetch_build:
return False
# Create a unique ID for each build request posted to try server builders.
# This ID is added to "Reason" property of the build.
build_request_id = GetSHA1HexDigest(
'%s-%s-%s' % (git_revision, patch, time.time()))
# Reverts any changes to DEPS file.
bisect_utils.FILE_DEPS, git_revision, cwd=self.src_cwd)
bot_name = self._GetBuilderName(self.opts.target_platform)
build_timeout = self._GetBuilderBuildTime()
target_file = None
# Execute try job request to build revision with patch.
_BuilderTryjob(git_revision, bot_name, build_request_id, patch)
target_file, error_msg = _WaitUntilBuildIsReady(
fetch_build, bot_name, self.opts.builder_host,
self.opts.builder_port, build_request_id, build_timeout)
if not target_file:
print '%s [revision: %s]' % (error_msg, git_revision)
except RunGitError as e:
print ('Failed to post builder try job for revision: [%s].\n'
'Error: %s' % (git_revision, e))
return target_file
def _GetBuilderName(target_platform):
"""Gets builder bot name and build time in seconds based on platform."""
if bisect_utils.IsWindowsHost():
return 'win_perf_bisect_builder'
if bisect_utils.IsLinuxHost():
if target_platform == 'android':
return 'android_perf_bisect_builder'
return 'linux_perf_bisect_builder'
if bisect_utils.IsMacHost():
return 'mac_perf_bisect_builder'
raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported Platform "%s".' % sys.platform)
def _GetBuilderBuildTime():
"""Returns the time to wait for a build after requesting one."""
if bisect_utils.IsWindowsHost():
if bisect_utils.IsLinuxHost():
if bisect_utils.IsMacHost():
raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported Platform "%s".' % sys.platform)
def _UnzipAndMoveBuildProducts(self, downloaded_file, build_dir,
"""Unzips the build archive and moves it to the build output directory.
The build output directory is whereever the binaries are expected to
be in order to start Chrome and run tests.
downloaded_file: File path of the downloaded zip file.
build_dir: Directory where the the zip file was downloaded to.
build_type: "Release" or "Debug".
True if successful, False otherwise.
abs_build_dir = os.path.abspath(build_dir)
output_dir = os.path.join(
abs_build_dir, GetZipFileName(target_arch=self.opts.target_arch))
# Build output directory based on target(e.g. out/Release, out/Debug).
target_build_output_dir = os.path.join(abs_build_dir, build_type)
ExtractZip(downloaded_file, abs_build_dir)
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
# Due to recipe changes, the builds extract folder contains
# out/Release instead of full-build-<platform>/Release.
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(abs_build_dir, 'out', build_type)):
output_dir = os.path.join(abs_build_dir, 'out', build_type)
raise IOError('Missing extracted folder %s ' % output_dir)
print 'Moving build from %s to %s' % (
output_dir, target_build_output_dir)
shutil.move(output_dir, target_build_output_dir)
return True
except Exception as e:
print 'Something went wrong while extracting archive file: %s' % e
# Cleanup any leftovers from unzipping.
if os.path.exists(output_dir):
# Delete downloaded archive
if os.path.exists(downloaded_file):
return False
def IsDownloadable(self, depot):
"""Checks if build can be downloaded based on target platform and depot."""
if (self.opts.target_platform in ['chromium', 'android'] and
return (depot == 'chromium' or
'chromium' in bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[depot]['from'] or
'v8' in bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[depot]['from'])
return False
def UpdateDepsContents(self, deps_contents, depot, git_revision, deps_key):
"""Returns modified version of DEPS file contents.
deps_contents: DEPS file content.
depot: Current depot being bisected.
git_revision: A git hash to be updated in DEPS.
deps_key: Key in vars section of DEPS file to be searched.
Updated DEPS content as string if deps key is found, otherwise None.
# Check whether the depot and revision pattern in DEPS file vars
# e.g. for webkit the format is "webkit_revision": "12345".
deps_revision = re.compile(r'(?<="%s": ")([0-9]+)(?=")' % deps_key,
new_data = None
if, deps_contents):
commit_position = source_control.GetCommitPosition(
git_revision, self.depot_registry.GetDepotDir(depot))
if not commit_position:
print 'Could not determine commit position for %s' % git_revision
return None
# Update the revision information for the given depot
new_data = re.sub(deps_revision, str(commit_position), deps_contents)
# Check whether the depot and revision pattern in DEPS file vars
# e.g. for webkit the format is "webkit_revision": "559a6d4ab7a84c539..".
deps_revision = re.compile(
r'(?<=["\']%s["\']: ["\'])([a-fA-F0-9]{40})(?=["\'])' % deps_key,
if, deps_contents):
new_data = re.sub(deps_revision, git_revision, deps_contents)
if new_data:
# For v8_bleeding_edge revisions change V8 branch in order
# to fetch bleeding edge revision.
if depot == 'v8_bleeding_edge':
new_data = _UpdateV8Branch(new_data)
if not new_data:
return None
return new_data
def UpdateDeps(self, revision, depot, deps_file):
"""Updates DEPS file with new revision of dependency repository.
This method search DEPS for a particular pattern in which depot revision
is specified (e.g "webkit_revision": "123456"). If a match is found then
it resolves the given git hash to SVN revision and replace it in DEPS file.
revision: A git hash revision of the dependency repository.
depot: Current depot being bisected.
deps_file: Path to DEPS file.
True if DEPS file is modified successfully, otherwise False.
if not os.path.exists(deps_file):
return False
deps_var = bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[depot]['deps_var']
# Don't update DEPS file if deps_var is not set in DEPOT_DEPS_NAME.
if not deps_var:
print 'DEPS update not supported for Depot: %s', depot
return False
# Hack for Angle repository. In the DEPS file, "vars" dictionary variable
# contains "angle_revision" key that holds git hash instead of SVN revision.
# And sometime "angle_revision" key is not specified in "vars" variable.
# In such cases check, "deps" dictionary variable that matches
# angle.git@[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$ and replace git hash.
if depot == 'angle':
return _UpdateDEPSForAngle(revision, depot, deps_file)
deps_contents = ReadStringFromFile(deps_file)
updated_deps_content = self.UpdateDepsContents(
deps_contents, depot, revision, deps_var)
# Write changes to DEPS file
if updated_deps_content:
WriteStringToFile(updated_deps_content, deps_file)
return True
except IOError, e:
print 'Something went wrong while updating DEPS file. [%s]' % e
return False
def CreateDEPSPatch(self, depot, revision):
"""Modifies DEPS and returns diff as text.
depot: Current depot being bisected.
revision: A git hash revision of the dependency repository.
A tuple with git hash of chromium revision and DEPS patch text.
deps_file_path = os.path.join(self.src_cwd, bisect_utils.FILE_DEPS)
if not os.path.exists(deps_file_path):
raise RuntimeError('DEPS file does not exists.[%s]' % deps_file_path)
# Get current chromium revision (git hash).
cmd = ['rev-parse', 'HEAD']
chromium_sha = bisect_utils.CheckRunGit(cmd).strip()
if not chromium_sha:
raise RuntimeError('Failed to determine Chromium revision for %s' %
if ('chromium' in bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[depot]['from'] or
'v8' in bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[depot]['from']):
# Checkout DEPS file for the current chromium revision.
if source_control.CheckoutFileAtRevision(
bisect_utils.FILE_DEPS, chromium_sha, cwd=self.src_cwd):
if self.UpdateDeps(revision, depot, deps_file_path):
diff_command = [
diff_text = bisect_utils.CheckRunGit(diff_command, cwd=self.src_cwd)
return (chromium_sha, ChangeBackslashToSlashInPatch(diff_text))
raise RuntimeError(
'Failed to update DEPS file for chromium: [%s]' % chromium_sha)
raise RuntimeError(
'DEPS checkout Failed for chromium revision : [%s]' % chromium_sha)
return (None, None)
def _ObtainBuild(self, depot, revision=None):
"""Obtains a build by either downloading or building directly.
depot: Dependency repository name.
revision: A git commit hash. If None is given, the currently checked-out
revision is built.
True for success.
if self.opts.debug_ignore_build:
return True
build_success = False
cwd = os.getcwd()
# Fetch build archive for the given revision from the cloud storage when
# the storage bucket is passed.
if self.IsDownloadable(depot) and revision:
build_success = self._DownloadAndUnzipBuild(revision, depot)
# These codes are executed when bisect bots builds binaries locally.
build_success = self.builder.Build(depot, self.opts)
return build_success
def RunGClientHooks(self):
"""Runs gclient with runhooks command.
True if gclient reports no errors.
if self.opts.debug_ignore_build:
return True
return not bisect_utils.RunGClient(['runhooks'], cwd=self.src_cwd)
def _IsBisectModeUsingMetric(self):
return self.opts.bisect_mode in [bisect_utils.BISECT_MODE_MEAN,
def _IsBisectModeReturnCode(self):
return self.opts.bisect_mode in [bisect_utils.BISECT_MODE_RETURN_CODE]
def _IsBisectModeStandardDeviation(self):
return self.opts.bisect_mode in [bisect_utils.BISECT_MODE_STD_DEV]
def GetCompatibleCommand(self, command_to_run, revision, depot):
"""Return a possibly modified test command depending on the revision.
Prior to *only* android-chromium-testshell
Then until *both* (android-chromium-testshell and
android-chrome-shell) work. After that rev 276628 *only*
android-chrome-shell works. The script should
handle these cases and set appropriate browser type based on revision.
if self.opts.target_platform in ['android']:
# When its a third_party depot, get the chromium revision.
if depot != 'chromium':
revision = bisect_utils.CheckRunGit(
['rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=self.src_cwd).strip()
commit_position = source_control.GetCommitPosition(revision,
if not commit_position:
return command_to_run
cmd_re = re.compile('--browser=(?P<browser_type>\S+)')
matches =
if bisect_utils.IsStringInt(commit_position) and matches:
cmd_browser ='browser_type')
if commit_position <= 274857 and cmd_browser == 'android-chrome-shell':
return command_to_run.replace(cmd_browser,
elif (commit_position >= 276628 and
cmd_browser == 'android-chromium-testshell'):
return command_to_run.replace(cmd_browser,
return command_to_run
def RunPerformanceTestAndParseResults(
self, command_to_run, metric, reset_on_first_run=False,
upload_on_last_run=False, results_label=None):
"""Runs a performance test on the current revision and parses the results.
command_to_run: The command to be run to execute the performance test.
metric: The metric to parse out from the results of the performance test.
This is the result chart name and trace name, separated by slash.
May be None for perf try jobs.
reset_on_first_run: If True, pass the flag --reset-results on first run.
upload_on_last_run: If True, pass the flag --upload-results on last run.
results_label: A value for the option flag --results-label.
The arguments reset_on_first_run, upload_on_last_run and results_label
are all ignored if the test is not a Telemetry test.
(values dict, 0) if --debug_ignore_perf_test was passed.
(values dict, 0, test output) if the test was run successfully.
(error message, -1) if the test couldn't be run.
(error message, -1, test output) if the test ran but there was an error.
success_code, failure_code = 0, -1
if self.opts.debug_ignore_perf_test:
fake_results = {
'mean': 0.0,
'std_err': 0.0,
'std_dev': 0.0,
'values': [0.0]
# When debug_fake_test_mean is set, its value is returned as the mean
# and the flag is cleared so that further calls behave as if it wasn't
# set (returning the fake_results dict as defined above).
if self.opts.debug_fake_first_test_mean:
fake_results['mean'] = float(self.opts.debug_fake_first_test_mean)
self.opts.debug_fake_first_test_mean = 0
return (fake_results, success_code)
# For Windows platform set posix=False, to parse windows paths correctly.
# On Windows, path separators '\' or '\\' are replace by '' when posix=True,
# refer to By default posix=True.
args = shlex.split(command_to_run, posix=not bisect_utils.IsWindowsHost())
if not _GenerateProfileIfNecessary(args):
err_text = 'Failed to generate profile for performance test.'
return (err_text, failure_code)
# If running a Telemetry test for Chrome OS, insert the remote IP and
# identity parameters.
is_telemetry = bisect_utils.IsTelemetryCommand(command_to_run)
if self.opts.target_platform == 'cros' and is_telemetry:
args.append('--remote=%s' % self.opts.cros_remote_ip)
args.append('--identity=%s' % bisect_utils.CROS_TEST_KEY_PATH)
start_time = time.time()
metric_values = []
output_of_all_runs = ''
for i in xrange(self.opts.repeat_test_count):
# Can ignore the return code since if the tests fail, it won't return 0.
current_args = copy.copy(args)
if is_telemetry:
if i == 0 and reset_on_first_run:
elif i == self.opts.repeat_test_count - 1 and upload_on_last_run:
if results_label:
current_args.append('--results-label=%s' % results_label)
output, return_code = bisect_utils.RunProcessAndRetrieveOutput(
current_args, cwd=self.src_cwd)
except OSError, e:
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
err_text = ('Something went wrong running the performance test. '
'Please review the command line:\n\n')
if 'src/' in ' '.join(args):
err_text += ('Check that you haven\'t accidentally specified a '
'path with src/ in the command.\n\n')
err_text += ' '.join(args)
err_text += '\n'
return (err_text, failure_code)
output_of_all_runs += output
if self.opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
print output
if metric and self._IsBisectModeUsingMetric():
metric_values += _ParseMetricValuesFromOutput(metric, output)
# If we're bisecting on a metric (ie, changes in the mean or
# standard deviation) and no metric values are produced, bail out.
if not metric_values:
elif self._IsBisectModeReturnCode():
elapsed_minutes = (time.time() - start_time) / 60.0
if elapsed_minutes >= self.opts.max_time_minutes:
if metric and len(metric_values) == 0:
err_text = 'Metric %s was not found in the test output.' % metric
# TODO(qyearsley): Consider also getting and displaying a list of metrics
# that were found in the output here.
return (err_text, failure_code, output_of_all_runs)
# If we're bisecting on return codes, we're really just looking for zero vs
# non-zero.
values = {}
if self._IsBisectModeReturnCode():
# If any of the return codes is non-zero, output 1.
overall_return_code = 0 if (
all(current_value == 0 for current_value in metric_values)) else 1
values = {
'mean': overall_return_code,
'std_err': 0.0,
'std_dev': 0.0,
'values': metric_values,
print 'Results of performance test: Command returned with %d' % (
elif metric:
# Need to get the average value if there were multiple values.
truncated_mean = math_utils.TruncatedMean(
metric_values, self.opts.truncate_percent)
standard_err = math_utils.StandardError(metric_values)
standard_dev = math_utils.StandardDeviation(metric_values)
if self._IsBisectModeStandardDeviation():
metric_values = [standard_dev]
values = {
'mean': truncated_mean,
'std_err': standard_err,
'std_dev': standard_dev,
'values': metric_values,
print 'Results of performance test: %12f %12f' % (
truncated_mean, standard_err)
return (values, success_code, output_of_all_runs)
def _FindAllRevisionsToSync(self, revision, depot):
"""Finds all dependent revisions and depots that need to be synced.
For example skia is broken up into 3 git mirrors over skia/src,
skia/gyp, and skia/include. To sync skia/src properly, one has to find
the proper revisions in skia/gyp and skia/include.
This is only useful in the git workflow, as an SVN depot may be split into
multiple mirrors.
revision: The revision to sync to.
depot: The depot in use at the moment (probably skia).
A list of [depot, revision] pairs that need to be synced.
revisions_to_sync = [[depot, revision]]
is_base = ((depot == 'chromium') or (depot == 'cros') or
(depot == 'android-chrome'))
# Some SVN depots were split into multiple git depots, so we need to
# figure out for each mirror which git revision to grab. There's no
# guarantee that the SVN revision will exist for each of the dependent
# depots, so we have to grep the git logs and grab the next earlier one.
if not is_base and bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[depot]['depends']:
commit_position = source_control.GetCommitPosition(revision)
for d in bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[depot]['depends']:
dependant_rev = source_control.ResolveToRevision(
commit_position, d, bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME, -1000)
if dependant_rev:
revisions_to_sync.append([d, dependant_rev])
num_resolved = len(revisions_to_sync)
num_needed = len(bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[depot]['depends'])
if not ((num_resolved - 1) == num_needed):
return None
return revisions_to_sync
def PerformPreBuildCleanup(self):
"""Performs cleanup between runs."""
print 'Cleaning up between runs.'
# Leaving these .pyc files around between runs may disrupt some perf tests.
for (path, _, files) in os.walk(self.src_cwd):
for cur_file in files:
if cur_file.endswith('.pyc'):
path_to_file = os.path.join(path, cur_file)
def PerformCrosChrootCleanup(self):
"""Deletes the chroot.
True if successful.
cwd = os.getcwd()
cmd = [bisect_utils.CROS_SDK_PATH, '--delete']
return_code = bisect_utils.RunProcess(cmd)
return not return_code
def CreateCrosChroot(self):
"""Creates a new chroot.
True if successful.
cwd = os.getcwd()
cmd = [bisect_utils.CROS_SDK_PATH, '--create']
return_code = bisect_utils.RunProcess(cmd)
return not return_code
def _PerformPreSyncCleanup(self, depot):
"""Performs any necessary cleanup before syncing.
depot: Depot name.
True if successful.
if depot == 'cros':
return self.PerformCrosChrootCleanup()
return True
def _RunPostSync(self, depot):
"""Performs any work after syncing.
depot: Depot name.
True if successful.
if self.opts.target_platform == 'android':
if not builder.SetupAndroidBuildEnvironment(self.opts,
return False
if depot == 'cros':
return self.CreateCrosChroot()
return self.RunGClientHooks()
return True
def ShouldSkipRevision(depot, revision):
"""Checks whether a particular revision can be safely skipped.
Some commits can be safely skipped (such as a DEPS roll), since the tool
is git based those changes would have no effect.
depot: The depot being bisected.
revision: Current revision we're synced to.
True if we should skip building/testing this revision.
if depot == 'chromium':
cmd = ['diff-tree', '--no-commit-id', '--name-only', '-r', revision]
output = bisect_utils.CheckRunGit(cmd)
files = output.splitlines()
if len(files) == 1 and files[0] == 'DEPS':
return True
return False
def RunTest(self, revision, depot, command, metric, skippable=False):
"""Performs a full sync/build/run of the specified revision.
revision: The revision to sync to.
depot: The depot that's being used at the moment (src, webkit, etc.)
command: The command to execute the performance test.
metric: The performance metric being tested.
On success, a tuple containing the results of the performance test.
Otherwise, a tuple with the error message.
# Decide which sync program to use.
sync_client = None
if depot == 'chromium' or depot == 'android-chrome':
sync_client = 'gclient'
elif depot == 'cros':
sync_client = 'repo'
# Decide what depots will need to be synced to what revisions.
revisions_to_sync = self._FindAllRevisionsToSync(revision, depot)
if not revisions_to_sync:
return ('Failed to resolve dependent depots.', BUILD_RESULT_FAIL)
if not self._PerformPreSyncCleanup(depot):
return ('Failed to perform pre-sync cleanup.', BUILD_RESULT_FAIL)
# Do the syncing for all depots.
if not self.opts.debug_ignore_sync:
if not self._SyncAllRevisions(revisions_to_sync, sync_client):
return ('Failed to sync: [%s]' % str(revision), BUILD_RESULT_FAIL)
# Try to do any post-sync steps. This may include "gclient runhooks".
if not self._RunPostSync(depot):
return ('Failed to run [gclient runhooks].', BUILD_RESULT_FAIL)
# Skip this revision if it can be skipped.
if skippable and self.ShouldSkipRevision(depot, revision):
return ('Skipped revision: [%s]' % str(revision),
# Obtain a build for this revision. This may be done by requesting a build
# from another builder, waiting for it and downloading it.
start_build_time = time.time()
build_success = self._ObtainBuild(depot, revision)
if not build_success:
return ('Failed to build revision: [%s]' % str(revision),
after_build_time = time.time()
# Possibly alter the command.
command = self.GetCompatibleCommand(command, revision, depot)
# Run the command and get the results.
results = self.RunPerformanceTestAndParseResults(command, metric)
# Restore build output directory once the tests are done, to avoid
# any discrepancies.
if self.IsDownloadable(depot) and revision:
# A value other than 0 indicates that the test couldn't be run, and results
# should also include an error message.
if results[1] != 0:
return results
external_revisions = self._Get3rdPartyRevisions(depot)
if not external_revisions is None:
return (results[0], results[1], external_revisions,
time.time() - after_build_time, after_build_time -
return ('Failed to parse DEPS file for external revisions.',
def _SyncAllRevisions(self, revisions_to_sync, sync_client):
"""Syncs multiple depots to particular revisions.
revisions_to_sync: A list of (depot, revision) pairs to be synced.
sync_client: Program used to sync, e.g. "gclient", "repo". Can be None.
True if successful, False otherwise.
for depot, revision in revisions_to_sync:
if sync_client:
# When using gclient to sync, you need to specify the depot you
# want so that all the dependencies sync properly as well.
# i.e. gclient sync src@<SHA1>
if sync_client == 'gclient':
revision = '%s@%s' % (bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[depot]['src'],
sync_success = source_control.SyncToRevision(revision, sync_client)
if not sync_success:
return False
return True
def _CheckIfRunPassed(self, current_value, known_good_value, known_bad_value):
"""Given known good and bad values, decide if the current_value passed
or failed.
current_value: The value of the metric being checked.
known_bad_value: The reference value for a "failed" run.
known_good_value: The reference value for a "passed" run.
True if the current_value is closer to the known_good_value than the
if self.opts.bisect_mode == bisect_utils.BISECT_MODE_STD_DEV:
dist_to_good_value = abs(current_value['std_dev'] -
dist_to_bad_value = abs(current_value['std_dev'] -
dist_to_good_value = abs(current_value['mean'] - known_good_value['mean'])
dist_to_bad_value = abs(current_value['mean'] - known_bad_value['mean'])
return dist_to_good_value < dist_to_bad_value
def _GetV8BleedingEdgeFromV8TrunkIfMappable(
self, revision, bleeding_edge_branch):
"""Gets v8 bleeding edge revision mapped to v8 revision in trunk.
revision: A trunk V8 revision mapped to bleeding edge revision.
bleeding_edge_branch: Branch used to perform lookup of bleeding edge
A mapped bleeding edge revision if found, otherwise None.
commit_position = source_control.GetCommitPosition(revision)
if bisect_utils.IsStringInt(commit_position):
# V8 is tricky to bisect, in that there are only a few instances when
# we can dive into bleeding_edge and get back a meaningful result.
# Try to detect a V8 "business as usual" case, which is when:
# 1. trunk revision N has description "Version X.Y.Z"
# 2. bleeding_edge revision (N-1) has description "Prepare push to
# trunk. Now working on X.Y.(Z+1)."
# As of 01/24/2014, V8 trunk descriptions are formatted:
# "Version 3.X.Y (based on bleeding_edge revision rZ)"
# So we can just try parsing that out first and fall back to the old way.
v8_dir = self.depot_registry.GetDepotDir('v8')
v8_bleeding_edge_dir = self.depot_registry.GetDepotDir('v8_bleeding_edge')
revision_info = source_control.QueryRevisionInfo(revision, cwd=v8_dir)
version_re = re.compile("Version (?P<values>[0-9,.]+)")
regex_results =['subject'])
if regex_results:
git_revision = None
# TODO (prasadv): Support the v8 git migration based subject
# "based on <githash>"
# Look for "based on bleeding_edge" and parse out revision
if 'based on bleeding_edge' in revision_info['subject']:
bleeding_edge_revision = revision_info['subject'].split(
'bleeding_edge revision r')[1]
bleeding_edge_revision = int(bleeding_edge_revision.split(')')[0])
bleeding_edge_url = (''
'bleeding_edge@%s' % bleeding_edge_revision)
cmd = ['log',
output = bisect_utils.CheckRunGit(cmd, cwd=v8_dir)
if output:
git_revision = output.strip()
return git_revision
except (IndexError, ValueError):
if not git_revision:
# Wasn't successful, try the old way of looking for "Prepare push to"
git_revision = source_control.ResolveToRevision(
int(commit_position) - 1, 'v8_bleeding_edge',
bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME, -1, cwd=v8_bleeding_edge_dir)
if git_revision:
revision_info = source_control.QueryRevisionInfo(git_revision,
if 'Prepare push to trunk' in revision_info['subject']:
return git_revision
return None
def _GetNearestV8BleedingEdgeFromTrunk(
self, revision, v8_branch, bleeding_edge_branch, search_forward=True):
"""Gets the nearest V8 roll and maps to bleeding edge revision.
V8 is a bit tricky to bisect since it isn't just rolled out like blink.
Each revision on trunk might just be whatever was in bleeding edge, rolled
directly out. Or it could be some mixture of previous v8 trunk versions,
with bits and pieces cherry picked out from bleeding edge. In order to
bisect, we need both the before/after versions on trunk v8 to be just pushes
from bleeding edge. With the V8 git migration, the branches got switched.
a) master (external/v8) == candidates (v8/v8)
b) bleeding_edge (external/v8) == master (v8/v8)
revision: A V8 revision to get its nearest bleeding edge revision
search_forward: Searches forward if True, otherwise search backward.
A mapped bleeding edge revision if found, otherwise None.
cwd = self.depot_registry.GetDepotDir('v8')
cmd = ['log', '--format=%ct', '-1', revision]
output = bisect_utils.CheckRunGit(cmd, cwd=cwd)
commit_time = int(output)
commits = []
if search_forward:
cmd = ['log',
'--after=%d' % commit_time,
output = bisect_utils.CheckRunGit(cmd, cwd=cwd)
output = output.split()
commits = output
#Get 10 git hashes immediately after the given commit.
commits = commits[:10]
cmd = ['log',
'--before=%d' % commit_time,
output = bisect_utils.CheckRunGit(cmd, cwd=cwd)
output = output.split()
commits = output
bleeding_edge_revision = None
for c in commits:
bleeding_edge_revision = self._GetV8BleedingEdgeFromV8TrunkIfMappable(
c, bleeding_edge_branch)
if bleeding_edge_revision:
return bleeding_edge_revision
def _FillInV8BleedingEdgeInfo(self, min_revision_state, max_revision_state):
cwd = self.depot_registry.GetDepotDir('v8')
# when "remote.origin.url" is
v8_branch = 'origin/candidates'
bleeding_edge_branch = 'origin/master'
# Support for the chromium revisions with external V8 repo.
# ie
cmd = ['config', '--get', 'remote.origin.url']
v8_repo_url = bisect_utils.CheckRunGit(cmd, cwd=cwd)
if 'external/v8.git' in v8_repo_url:
v8_branch = 'origin/master'
bleeding_edge_branch = 'origin/bleeding_edge'
r1 = self._GetNearestV8BleedingEdgeFromTrunk(min_revision_state.revision,
v8_branch, bleeding_edge_branch, search_forward=True)
r2 = self._GetNearestV8BleedingEdgeFromTrunk(max_revision_state.revision,
v8_branch, bleeding_edge_branch, search_forward=False)
min_revision_state.external['v8_bleeding_edge'] = r1
max_revision_state.external['v8_bleeding_edge'] = r2
if (not self._GetV8BleedingEdgeFromV8TrunkIfMappable(
min_revision_state.revision, bleeding_edge_branch)
or not self._GetV8BleedingEdgeFromV8TrunkIfMappable(
max_revision_state.revision, bleeding_edge_branch)):
'Trunk revisions in V8 did not map directly to bleeding_edge. '
'Attempted to expand the range to find V8 rolls which did map '
'directly to bleeding_edge revisions, but results might not be '
def _FindNextDepotToBisect(
self, current_depot, min_revision_state, max_revision_state):
"""Decides which depot the script should dive into next (if any).
current_depot: Current depot being bisected.
min_revision_state: State of the earliest revision in the bisect range.
max_revision_state: State of the latest revision in the bisect range.
Name of the depot to bisect next, or None.
external_depot = None
for next_depot in bisect_utils.DEPOT_NAMES:
if bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[next_depot].has_key('platform'):
if bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[next_depot]['platform'] !=
if not (bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[next_depot]['recurse']
and min_revision_state.depot
in bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[next_depot]['from']):
if current_depot == 'v8':
# We grab the bleeding_edge info here rather than earlier because we
# finally have the revision range. From that we can search forwards and
# backwards to try to match trunk revisions to bleeding_edge.
self._FillInV8BleedingEdgeInfo(min_revision_state, max_revision_state)
if (min_revision_state.external.get(next_depot) ==
if (min_revision_state.external.get(next_depot) and
external_depot = next_depot
return external_depot
def PrepareToBisectOnDepot(
self, current_depot, start_revision, end_revision, previous_revision):
"""Changes to the appropriate directory and gathers a list of revisions
to bisect between |start_revision| and |end_revision|.
current_depot: The depot we want to bisect.
start_revision: Start of the revision range.
end_revision: End of the revision range.
previous_revision: The last revision we synced to on |previous_depot|.
A list containing the revisions between |start_revision| and
|end_revision| inclusive.
# Change into working directory of external library to run
# subsequent commands.
# V8 (and possibly others) is merged in periodically. Bisecting
# this directory directly won't give much good info.
if bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[current_depot].has_key('custom_deps'):
config_path = os.path.join(self.src_cwd, '..')
if bisect_utils.RunGClientAndCreateConfig(
self.opts, bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[current_depot]['custom_deps'],
return []
if bisect_utils.RunGClient(
['sync', '--revision', previous_revision], cwd=self.src_cwd):
return []
if current_depot == 'v8_bleeding_edge':
shutil.move('v8', 'v8.bak')
shutil.move('v8_bleeding_edge', 'v8')
self.cleanup_commands.append(['mv', 'v8', 'v8_bleeding_edge'])
self.cleanup_commands.append(['mv', 'v8.bak', 'v8'])
os.path.join(self.src_cwd, 'v8'))
self.depot_registry.SetDepotDir('v8', os.path.join(self.src_cwd,
depot_revision_list = self.GetRevisionList(current_depot,
return depot_revision_list
def GatherReferenceValues(self, good_rev, bad_rev, cmd, metric, target_depot):
"""Gathers reference values by running the performance tests on the
known good and bad revisions.
good_rev: The last known good revision where the performance regression
has not occurred yet.
bad_rev: A revision where the performance regression has already occurred.
cmd: The command to execute the performance test.
metric: The metric being tested for regression.
A tuple with the results of building and running each revision.
bad_run_results = self.RunTest(bad_rev, target_depot, cmd, metric)
good_run_results = None
if not bad_run_results[1]:
good_run_results = self.RunTest(good_rev, target_depot, cmd, metric)
return (bad_run_results, good_run_results)
def PrintRevisionsToBisectMessage(self, revision_list, depot):
if self.opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
step_name = 'Bisection Range: [%s:%s - %s]' % (depot, revision_list[-1],
print 'Revisions to bisect on [%s]:' % depot
for revision_id in revision_list:
print ' -> %s' % (revision_id, )
if self.opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
def NudgeRevisionsIfDEPSChange(self, bad_revision, good_revision,
"""Checks to see if changes to DEPS file occurred, and that the revision
range also includes the change to .DEPS.git. If it doesn't, attempts to
expand the revision range to include it.
bad_revision: First known bad git revision.
good_revision: Last known good git revision.
good_svn_revision: Last known good svn revision.
A tuple with the new bad and good revisions.
# DONOT perform nudge because at revision 291563 .DEPS.git was removed
# and source contain only DEPS file for dependency changes.
if good_svn_revision >= 291563:
return (bad_revision, good_revision)
if self.opts.target_platform == 'chromium':
changes_to_deps = source_control.QueryFileRevisionHistory(
bisect_utils.FILE_DEPS, good_revision, bad_revision)
if changes_to_deps:
# DEPS file was changed, search from the oldest change to DEPS file to
# bad_revision to see if there are matching .DEPS.git changes.
oldest_deps_change = changes_to_deps[-1]
changes_to_gitdeps = source_control.QueryFileRevisionHistory(
bisect_utils.FILE_DEPS_GIT, oldest_deps_change, bad_revision)
if len(changes_to_deps) != len(changes_to_gitdeps):
# Grab the timestamp of the last DEPS change
cmd = ['log', '--format=%ct', '-1', changes_to_deps[0]]
output = bisect_utils.CheckRunGit(cmd)
commit_time = int(output)
# Try looking for a commit that touches the .DEPS.git file in the
# next 15 minutes after the DEPS file change.
cmd = ['log', '--format=%H', '-1',
'--before=%d' % (commit_time + 900), '--after=%d' % commit_time,
'origin/master', '--', bisect_utils.FILE_DEPS_GIT]
output = bisect_utils.CheckRunGit(cmd)
output = output.strip()
if output:
self.warnings.append('Detected change to DEPS and modified '
'revision range to include change to .DEPS.git')
return (output, good_revision)
self.warnings.append('Detected change to DEPS but couldn\'t find '
'matching change to .DEPS.git')
return (bad_revision, good_revision)
def CheckIfRevisionsInProperOrder(
self, target_depot, good_revision, bad_revision):
"""Checks that |good_revision| is an earlier revision than |bad_revision|.
good_revision: Number/tag of the known good revision.
bad_revision: Number/tag of the known bad revision.
True if the revisions are in the proper order (good earlier than bad).
if target_depot != 'cros':
cwd = self.depot_registry.GetDepotDir(target_depot)
good_position = source_control.GetCommitPosition(good_revision, cwd)
bad_position = source_control.GetCommitPosition(bad_revision, cwd)
# CrOS and SVN use integers.
good_position = int(good_revision)
bad_position = int(bad_revision)
return good_position <= bad_position
def CanPerformBisect(self, good_revision, bad_revision):
"""Checks whether a given revision is bisectable.
Checks for following:
1. Non-bisectable revsions for android bots (refer to
2. Non-bisectable revsions for Windows bots (refer to
good_revision: Known good revision.
bad_revision: Known bad revision.
A dictionary indicating the result. If revision is not bisectable,
this will contain the field "error", otherwise None.
if self.opts.target_platform == 'android':
good_revision = source_control.GetCommitPosition(good_revision)
if (bisect_utils.IsStringInt(good_revision)
and good_revision < 265549):
return {'error': (
'Bisect cannot continue for the given revision range.\n'
'It is impossible to bisect Android regressions '
'prior to r265549, which allows the bisect bot to '
'rely on Telemetry to do apk installation of the most recently '
'built local ChromeShell(refer to\n'
'Please try bisecting revisions greater than or equal to r265549.')}
if bisect_utils.IsWindowsHost():
good_revision = source_control.GetCommitPosition(good_revision)
bad_revision = source_control.GetCommitPosition(bad_revision)
if (bisect_utils.IsStringInt(good_revision) and
if (289987 <= good_revision < 290716 or
289987 <= bad_revision < 290716):
return {'error': ('Oops! Revision between r289987 and r290716 are '
'marked as dead zone for Windows due to '
' Please try another range.')}
return None
def Run(self, command_to_run, bad_revision_in, good_revision_in, metric):
"""Given known good and bad revisions, run a binary search on all
intermediate revisions to determine the CL where the performance regression
command_to_run: Specify the command to execute the performance test.
good_revision: Number/tag of the known good revision.
bad_revision: Number/tag of the known bad revision.
metric: The performance metric to monitor.
A BisectResults object.
# Choose depot to bisect first
target_depot = 'chromium'
if self.opts.target_platform == 'cros':
target_depot = 'cros'
elif self.opts.target_platform == 'android-chrome':
target_depot = 'android-chrome'
cwd = os.getcwd()
# If they passed SVN revisions, we can try match them to git SHA1 hashes.
bad_revision = source_control.ResolveToRevision(
bad_revision_in, target_depot, bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME, 100)
good_revision = source_control.ResolveToRevision(
good_revision_in, target_depot, bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME, -100)
if bad_revision is None:
return BisectResults(
error='Couldn\'t resolve [%s] to SHA1.' % bad_revision_in)
if good_revision is None:
return BisectResults(
error='Couldn\'t resolve [%s] to SHA1.' % good_revision_in)
# Check that they didn't accidentally swap good and bad revisions.
if not self.CheckIfRevisionsInProperOrder(
target_depot, good_revision, bad_revision):
return BisectResults(error='bad_revision < good_revision, did you swap '
'these by mistake?')
bad_revision, good_revision = self.NudgeRevisionsIfDEPSChange(
bad_revision, good_revision, good_revision_in)
if self.opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepStart('Gathering Revisions')
cannot_bisect = self.CanPerformBisect(good_revision, bad_revision)
if cannot_bisect:
return BisectResults(error=cannot_bisect.get('error'))
print 'Gathering revision range for bisection.'
# Retrieve a list of revisions to do bisection on.
revision_list = self.GetRevisionList(target_depot, bad_revision,
if self.opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
if revision_list:
self.PrintRevisionsToBisectMessage(revision_list, target_depot)
if self.opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepStart('Gathering Reference Values')
print 'Gathering reference values for bisection.'
# Perform the performance tests on the good and bad revisions, to get
# reference values.
bad_results, good_results = self.GatherReferenceValues(good_revision,
if self.opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
if bad_results[1]:
error = ('An error occurred while building and running the \'bad\' '
'reference value. The bisect cannot continue without '
'a working \'bad\' revision to start from.\n\nError: %s' %
return BisectResults(error=error)
if good_results[1]:
error = ('An error occurred while building and running the \'good\' '
'reference value. The bisect cannot continue without '
'a working \'good\' revision to start from.\n\nError: %s' %
return BisectResults(error=error)
# We need these reference values to determine if later runs should be
# classified as pass or fail.
known_bad_value = bad_results[0]
known_good_value = good_results[0]
# Check the direction of improvement only if the improvement_direction
# option is set to a specific direction (1 for higher is better or -1 for
# lower is better).
improvement_dir = self.opts.improvement_direction
if improvement_dir:
higher_is_better = improvement_dir > 0
if higher_is_better:
message = "Expecting higher values to be better for this metric, "
message = "Expecting lower values to be better for this metric, "
metric_increased = known_bad_value['mean'] > known_good_value['mean']
if metric_increased:
message += "and the metric appears to have increased. "
message += "and the metric appears to have decreased. "
if ((higher_is_better and metric_increased) or
(not higher_is_better and not metric_increased)):
error = (message + 'Then, the test results for the ends of the given '
'\'good\' - \'bad\' range of revisions represent an '
'improvement (and not a regression).')
return BisectResults(error=error)
print message, "Therefore we continue to bisect."
bisect_state = BisectState(target_depot, revision_list)
revision_states = bisect_state.GetRevisionStates()
min_revision = 0
max_revision = len(revision_states) - 1
# Check how likely it is that the good and bad results are different
# beyond chance-induced variation.
if not self.opts.debug_ignore_regression_confidence:
error = _CheckRegressionConfidenceError(good_revision,
if error:
return BisectResults(error=error)
# Can just mark the good and bad revisions explicitly here since we
# already know the results.
bad_revision_state = revision_states[min_revision]
bad_revision_state.external = bad_results[2]
bad_revision_state.perf_time = bad_results[3]
bad_revision_state.build_time = bad_results[4]
bad_revision_state.passed = False
bad_revision_state.value = known_bad_value
good_revision_state = revision_states[max_revision]
good_revision_state.external = good_results[2]
good_revision_state.perf_time = good_results[3]
good_revision_state.build_time = good_results[4]
good_revision_state.passed = True
good_revision_state.value = known_good_value
bisect_printer = BisectPrinter(self.opts, self.depot_registry)
while True:
if not revision_states:
if max_revision - min_revision <= 1:
min_revision_state = revision_states[min_revision]
max_revision_state = revision_states[max_revision]
current_depot = min_revision_state.depot
# TODO(sergiyb): Under which conditions can first two branches be hit?
if min_revision_state.passed == '?':
next_revision_index = min_revision
elif max_revision_state.passed == '?':
next_revision_index = max_revision
elif current_depot in ['android-chrome', 'cros', 'chromium', 'v8']:
previous_revision = revision_states[min_revision].revision
# If there were changes to any of the external libraries we track,
# should bisect the changes there as well.
external_depot = self._FindNextDepotToBisect(
current_depot, min_revision_state, max_revision_state)
# If there was no change in any of the external depots, the search
# is over.
if not external_depot:
if current_depot == 'v8':
self.warnings.append('Unfortunately, V8 bisection couldn\'t '
'continue any further. The script can only bisect into '
'V8\'s bleeding_edge repository if both the current and '
'previous revisions in trunk map directly to revisions in '
earliest_revision = max_revision_state.external[external_depot]
latest_revision = min_revision_state.external[external_depot]
new_revision_list = self.PrepareToBisectOnDepot(
external_depot, earliest_revision, latest_revision,
if not new_revision_list:
error = ('An error occurred attempting to retrieve revision '
'range: [%s..%s]' % (earliest_revision, latest_revision))
return BisectResults(error=error)
revision_states = bisect_state.CreateRevisionStatesAfter(
external_depot, new_revision_list, current_depot,
# Reset the bisection and perform it on the newly inserted states.
min_revision = 0
max_revision = len(revision_states) - 1
print ('Regression in metric %s appears to be the result of '
'changes in [%s].' % (metric, external_depot))
revision_list = [state.revision for state in revision_states]
self.PrintRevisionsToBisectMessage(revision_list, external_depot)
next_revision_index = (int((max_revision - min_revision) / 2) +
next_revision_state = revision_states[next_revision_index]
next_revision = next_revision_state.revision
next_depot = next_revision_state.depot
message = 'Working on [%s:%s]' % (next_depot, next_revision)
print message
if self.opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
run_results = self.RunTest(next_revision, next_depot, command_to_run,
metric, skippable=True)
# If the build is successful, check whether or not the metric
# had regressed.
if not run_results[1]:
if len(run_results) > 2:
next_revision_state.external = run_results[2]
next_revision_state.perf_time = run_results[3]
next_revision_state.build_time = run_results[4]
passed_regression = self._CheckIfRunPassed(run_results[0],
next_revision_state.passed = passed_regression
next_revision_state.value = run_results[0]
if passed_regression:
max_revision = next_revision_index
min_revision = next_revision_index
if run_results[1] == BUILD_RESULT_SKIPPED:
next_revision_state.passed = 'Skipped'
elif run_results[1] == BUILD_RESULT_FAIL:
next_revision_state.passed = 'Build Failed'
print run_results[0]
# If the build is broken, remove it and redo search.
max_revision -= 1
if self.opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
return BisectResults(bisect_state, self.depot_registry, self.opts,
# Weren't able to sync and retrieve the revision range.
error = ('An error occurred attempting to retrieve revision range: '
'[%s..%s]' % (good_revision, bad_revision))
return BisectResults(error=error)
def _IsPlatformSupported():
"""Checks that this platform and build system are supported.
opts: The options parsed from the command line.
True if the platform and build system are supported.
# Haven't tested the script out on any other platforms yet.
supported = ['posix', 'nt']
return in supported
def RemakeDirectoryTree(path_to_dir):
"""Removes a directory tree and replaces it with an empty one.
Returns True if successful, False otherwise.
if not RemoveDirectoryTree(path_to_dir):
return False
return MaybeMakeDirectory(path_to_dir)
def RemoveDirectoryTree(path_to_dir):
"""Removes a directory tree. Returns True if successful or False otherwise."""
if os.path.exists(path_to_dir):
except OSError, e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
return False
return True
def RemoveBuildFiles(build_type):
"""Removes build files from previous runs."""
out_dir = os.path.join('out', build_type)
build_dir = os.path.join('build', build_type)
return RemakeDirectoryTree(out_dir) and RemakeDirectoryTree(build_dir)
class BisectOptions(object):
"""Options to be used when running bisection."""
def __init__(self):
super(BisectOptions, self).__init__()
self.target_platform = 'chromium'
self.build_preference = None
self.good_revision = None
self.bad_revision = None
self.use_goma = None
self.goma_dir = None
self.cros_board = None
self.cros_remote_ip = None
self.repeat_test_count = 20
self.truncate_percent = 25
self.max_time_minutes = 20
self.metric = None
self.command = None
self.output_buildbot_annotations = None
self.no_custom_deps = False
self.working_directory = None
self.extra_src = None
self.debug_ignore_build = None
self.debug_ignore_sync = None
self.debug_ignore_perf_test = None
self.debug_ignore_regression_confidence = None
self.debug_fake_first_test_mean = 0
self.gs_bucket = None
self.target_arch = 'ia32'
self.target_build_type = 'Release'
self.builder_host = None
self.builder_port = None
self.bisect_mode = bisect_utils.BISECT_MODE_MEAN
self.improvement_direction = 0
def _CreateCommandLineParser():
"""Creates a parser with bisect options.
An instance of optparse.OptionParser.
usage = ('%prog [options] [-- chromium-options]\n'
'Perform binary search on revision history to find a minimal '
'range of revisions where a performance metric regressed.\n')
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Bisect options')
group.add_option('-c', '--command',
help='A command to execute your performance test at' +
' each point in the bisection.')
group.add_option('-b', '--bad_revision',
help='A bad revision to start bisection. ' +
'Must be later than good revision. May be either a git' +
' or svn revision.')
group.add_option('-g', '--good_revision',
help='A revision to start bisection where performance' +
' test is known to pass. Must be earlier than the ' +
'bad revision. May be either a git or svn revision.')
group.add_option('-m', '--metric',
help='The desired metric to bisect on. For example ' +
group.add_option('-d', '--improvement_direction',
help='An integer number representing the direction of ' +
'improvement. 1 for higher is better, -1 for lower is ' +
'better, 0 for ignore (default).')
group.add_option('-r', '--repeat_test_count',
help='The number of times to repeat the performance '
'test. Values will be clamped to range [1, 100]. '
'Default value is 20.')
help='The maximum time (in minutes) to take running the '
'performance tests. The script will run the performance '
'tests according to --repeat_test_count, so long as it '
'doesn\'t exceed --max_time_minutes. Values will be '
'clamped to range [1, 60].'
'Default value is 20.')
group.add_option('-t', '--truncate_percent',
help='The highest/lowest % are discarded to form a '
'truncated mean. Values will be clamped to range [0, '
'25]. Default value is 25 (highest/lowest 25% will be '
help='The bisect mode. Choices are to bisect on the '
'difference in mean, std_dev, or return_code.')
group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Build options')
group.add_option('-w', '--working_directory',
help='Path to the working directory where the script '
'will do an initial checkout of the chromium depot. The '
'files will be placed in a subdirectory "bisect" under '
'working_directory and that will be used to perform the '
'bisection. This parameter is optional, if it is not '
'supplied, the script will work from the current depot.')
choices=['msvs', 'ninja', 'make'],
help='The preferred build system to use. On linux/mac '
'the options are make/ninja. On Windows, the options '
'are msvs/ninja.')
choices=['chromium', 'cros', 'android', 'android-chrome'],
help='The target platform. Choices are "chromium" '
'(current platform), "cros", or "android". If you '
'specify something other than "chromium", you must be '
'properly set up to build that platform.')
help='Run the script with custom_deps or not.')
help='Path to a script which can be used to modify '
'the bisect script\'s behavior.')
help='The cros board type to build.')
help='The remote machine to image to.')
help='Add a bunch of extra threads for goma, and enable '
help='Path to goma tools (or system default if not '
help='Add extra annotation output for buildbot.')
help=('Name of Google Storage bucket to upload or '
'download build. e.g., chrome-perf'))
choices=['ia32', 'x64', 'arm'],
help=('The target build architecture. Choices are "ia32" '
'(default), "x64" or "arm".'))
choices=['Release', 'Debug'],
help='The target build type. Choices are "Release" '
'(default), or "Debug".')
help=('Host address of server to produce build by posting'
' try job request.'))
help=('HTTP port of the server to produce build by posting'
' try job request.'))
group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Debug options')
help='DEBUG: Don\'t perform builds.')
help='DEBUG: Don\'t perform syncs.')
help='DEBUG: Don\'t perform performance tests.')
help='DEBUG: Don\'t score the confidence of the initial '
'good and bad revisions\' test results.')
help=('DEBUG: When faking performance tests, return this '
'value as the mean of the first performance test, '
'and return a mean of 0.0 for further tests.'))
return parser
def ParseCommandLine(self):
"""Parses the command line for bisect options."""
parser = self._CreateCommandLineParser()
opts, _ = parser.parse_args()
if not opts.command:
raise RuntimeError('missing required parameter: --command')
if not opts.good_revision:
raise RuntimeError('missing required parameter: --good_revision')
if not opts.bad_revision:
raise RuntimeError('missing required parameter: --bad_revision')
if (not opts.metric and
opts.bisect_mode != bisect_utils.BISECT_MODE_RETURN_CODE):
raise RuntimeError('missing required parameter: --metric')
if opts.gs_bucket:
if not cloud_storage.List(opts.gs_bucket):
raise RuntimeError('Invalid Google Storage: gs://%s' % opts.gs_bucket)
if not opts.builder_host:
raise RuntimeError('Must specify try server host name using '
'--builder_host when gs_bucket is used.')
if not opts.builder_port:
raise RuntimeError('Must specify try server port number using '
'--builder_port when gs_bucket is used.')
if opts.target_platform == 'cros':
# Run sudo up front to make sure credentials are cached for later.
print 'Sudo is required to build cros:'
bisect_utils.RunProcess(['sudo', 'true'])
if not opts.cros_board:
raise RuntimeError('missing required parameter: --cros_board')
if not opts.cros_remote_ip:
raise RuntimeError('missing required parameter: --cros_remote_ip')
if not opts.working_directory:
raise RuntimeError('missing required parameter: --working_directory')
if opts.bisect_mode != bisect_utils.BISECT_MODE_RETURN_CODE:
metric_values = opts.metric.split('/')
if len(metric_values) != 2:
raise RuntimeError('Invalid metric specified: [%s]' % opts.metric)
opts.metric = metric_values
opts.repeat_test_count = min(max(opts.repeat_test_count, 1), 100)
opts.max_time_minutes = min(max(opts.max_time_minutes, 1), 60)
opts.truncate_percent = min(max(opts.truncate_percent, 0), 25)
opts.truncate_percent = opts.truncate_percent / 100.0
for k, v in opts.__dict__.iteritems():
assert hasattr(self, k), 'Invalid %s attribute in BisectOptions.' % k
setattr(self, k, v)
except RuntimeError, e:
output_string = StringIO.StringIO()
error_message = '%s\n\n%s' % (e.message, output_string.getvalue())
raise RuntimeError(error_message)
def FromDict(values):
"""Creates an instance of BisectOptions from a dictionary.
values: a dict containing options to set.
An instance of BisectOptions.
opts = BisectOptions()
for k, v in values.iteritems():
assert hasattr(opts, k), 'Invalid %s attribute in BisectOptions.' % k
setattr(opts, k, v)
if opts.metric and opts.bisect_mode != bisect_utils.BISECT_MODE_RETURN_CODE:
metric_values = opts.metric.split('/')
if len(metric_values) != 2:
raise RuntimeError('Invalid metric specified: [%s]' % opts.metric)
opts.metric = metric_values
opts.repeat_test_count = min(max(opts.repeat_test_count, 1), 100)
opts.max_time_minutes = min(max(opts.max_time_minutes, 1), 60)
opts.truncate_percent = min(max(opts.truncate_percent, 0), 25)
opts.truncate_percent = opts.truncate_percent / 100.0
return opts
def main():
opts = BisectOptions()
if opts.extra_src:
extra_src = bisect_utils.LoadExtraSrc(opts.extra_src)
if not extra_src:
raise RuntimeError('Invalid or missing --extra_src.')
if opts.working_directory:
custom_deps = bisect_utils.DEFAULT_GCLIENT_CUSTOM_DEPS
if opts.no_custom_deps:
custom_deps = None
bisect_utils.CreateBisectDirectoryAndSetupDepot(opts, custom_deps)
os.chdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'src'))
if not RemoveBuildFiles(opts.target_build_type):
raise RuntimeError('Something went wrong removing the build files.')
if not _IsPlatformSupported():
raise RuntimeError('Sorry, this platform isn\'t supported yet.')
if not source_control.IsInGitRepository():
raise RuntimeError(
'Sorry, only the git workflow is supported at the moment.')
# gClient sync seems to fail if you're not in master branch.
if (not source_control.IsInProperBranch() and
not opts.debug_ignore_sync and
not opts.working_directory):
raise RuntimeError('You must switch to master branch to run bisection.')
bisect_test = BisectPerformanceMetrics(opts)
bisect_printer = BisectPrinter(opts, bisect_test.depot_registry)
results = bisect_test.Run(opts.command, opts.bad_revision,
opts.good_revision, opts.metric)
if results.error:
raise RuntimeError(results.error)
return 0
except RuntimeError, e:
if opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
# The perf dashboard scrapes the "results" step in order to comment on
# bugs. If you change this, please update the perf dashboard as well.
print 'Error: %s' % e.message
if opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
return 1
if __name__ == '__main__':