blob: 48d85c264a448a488c25e4940d03a8d6e18d7129 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/mouse_lock.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/point.h"
#include "ppapi/utility/completion_callback_factory.h"
#include "remoting/protocol/input_stub.h"
namespace pp {
class ImageData;
class InputEvent;
class Instance;
} // namespace pp
namespace remoting {
namespace protocol {
class InputStub;
} // namespace protocol
class PepperInputHandler : public pp::MouseLock {
// |instance| must outlive |this|.
explicit PepperInputHandler(pp::Instance* instance);
~PepperInputHandler() override;
void set_input_stub(protocol::InputStub* input_stub) {
input_stub_ = input_stub;
bool HandleInputEvent(const pp::InputEvent& event);
// Enables locking the mouse when the host sets a completely transparent mouse
// cursor.
void AllowMouseLock();
// Called when the plugin receives or loses focus.
void DidChangeFocus(bool has_focus);
// Sets the mouse cursor image. Passing NULL image will lock the mouse if
// mouse lock is enabled.
void SetMouseCursor(scoped_ptr<pp::ImageData> image,
const pp::Point& hotspot);
// Enable or disable sending mouse input when the plugin does not have input
// focus.
void set_send_mouse_input_when_unfocused(bool send) {
send_mouse_input_when_unfocused_ = send;
enum MouseLockState {
// pp::MouseLock interface.
void MouseLockLost() override;
// Requests the browser to lock the mouse and hides the cursor.
void RequestMouseLock();
// Requests the browser to cancel mouse lock and restores the cursor once
// the lock is gone.
void CancelMouseLock();
// Applies |cursor_image_| as the custom pointer or uses the standard arrow
// pointer if |cursor_image_| is not available.
void UpdateMouseCursor();
// Handles completion of the mouse lock request issued by RequestMouseLock().
void OnMouseLocked(int error);
pp::Instance* instance_;
protocol::InputStub* input_stub_;
pp::CompletionCallbackFactory<PepperInputHandler> callback_factory_;
// Custom cursor image sent by the host. |cursor_image_| is set to NULL when
// the cursor image is completely transparent. This can be interpreted as
// a mouse lock request if enabled by the webapp.
scoped_ptr<pp::ImageData> cursor_image_;
// Hot spot for |cursor_image_|.
pp::Point cursor_hotspot_;
// True if the plugin has focus.
bool has_focus_;
// True if the plugin should respond to mouse input even if it does not have
// keyboard focus.
bool send_mouse_input_when_unfocused_;
MouseLockState mouse_lock_state_;
// Accumulated sub-pixel and sub-tick deltas from wheel events.
float wheel_delta_x_;
float wheel_delta_y_;
float wheel_ticks_x_;
float wheel_ticks_y_;
} // namespace remoting