blob: 2f9fee2ac57fd429faafd5b6bd352f76119586fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ipc/ipc_channel.h"
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_channel_reader.h"
namespace base {
class ThreadChecker;
namespace IPC {
class ChannelWin : public Channel,
public internal::ChannelReader,
public base::MessageLoopForIO::IOHandler {
// Mirror methods of Channel, see ipc_channel.h for description.
ChannelWin(const IPC::ChannelHandle &channel_handle, Mode mode,
Listener* listener);
// Channel implementation
virtual bool Connect() override;
virtual void Close() override;
virtual bool Send(Message* message) override;
virtual base::ProcessId GetPeerPID() const override;
virtual base::ProcessId GetSelfPID() const override;
static bool IsNamedServerInitialized(const std::string& channel_id);
// ChannelReader implementation.
virtual ReadState ReadData(char* buffer,
int buffer_len,
int* bytes_read) override;
virtual bool WillDispatchInputMessage(Message* msg) override;
bool DidEmptyInputBuffers() override;
virtual void HandleInternalMessage(const Message& msg) override;
static const base::string16 PipeName(const std::string& channel_id,
int32* secret);
bool CreatePipe(const IPC::ChannelHandle &channel_handle, Mode mode);
bool ProcessConnection();
bool ProcessOutgoingMessages(base::MessageLoopForIO::IOContext* context,
DWORD bytes_written);
// MessageLoop::IOHandler implementation.
virtual void OnIOCompleted(base::MessageLoopForIO::IOContext* context,
DWORD bytes_transfered,
DWORD error);
struct State {
explicit State(ChannelWin* channel);
base::MessageLoopForIO::IOContext context;
bool is_pending;
State input_state_;
State output_state_;
base::win::ScopedHandle pipe_;
base::ProcessId peer_pid_;
// Messages to be sent are queued here.
std::queue<Message*> output_queue_;
// In server-mode, we have to wait for the client to connect before we
// can begin reading. We make use of the input_state_ when performing
// the connect operation in overlapped mode.
bool waiting_connect_;
// This flag is set when processing incoming messages. It is used to
// avoid recursing through ProcessIncomingMessages, which could cause
// problems. TODO(darin): make this unnecessary
bool processing_incoming_;
// Determines if we should validate a client's secret on connection.
bool validate_client_;
// True if there is a write in progress. TODO(rvargas): remove this.
bool writing_;
// Tracks the lifetime of this object, for debugging purposes.
uint32 debug_flags_;
// OS result for the current write. TODO(rvargas): remove this.
uint32 write_error_;
// OS result for a previous failed write. TODO(rvargas): remove this.
uint32 last_write_error_;
// Size of the current write. TODO(rvargas): remove this.
uint32 write_size_;
// This is a unique per-channel value used to authenticate the client end of
// a connection. If the value is non-zero, the client passes it in the hello
// and the host validates. (We don't send the zero value fto preserve IPC
// compatability with existing clients that don't validate the channel.)
int32 client_secret_;
scoped_ptr<base::ThreadChecker> thread_check_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ChannelWin> weak_factory_;
} // namespace IPC