blob: 58e3cb63bd8ceabe3c7a5aebb737bcf81890bafc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include "google_apis/gaia/oauth2_token_service.h"
@protocol OAuth2TokenServiceObserverBridgeDelegate <NSObject>
// Informs the delegate that a refresh token is avaible for |account_id|.
- (void)onRefreshTokenAvailable:(const std::string&)account_id;
// Informs the delegate that the refresh token was revoked for |account_id|.
- (void)onRefreshTokenRevoked:(const std::string&)account_id;
// Informs the delegate that the token service has finished loading the tokens.
- (void)onRefreshTokensLoaded;
// Informs the delegate that a batch of refresh token changes will start.
- (void)onStartBatchChanges;
// Informs the delegate that a batch of refresh token changes has ended.
- (void)onEndBatchChanges;
// Bridge class that listens for |OAuth2TokenService| notifications and passes
// them to its Objective-C delegate.
class OAuth2TokenServiceObserverBridge : public OAuth2TokenService::Observer {
OAuth2TokenService* token_service,
id<OAuth2TokenServiceObserverBridgeDelegate> delegate);
virtual ~OAuth2TokenServiceObserverBridge();
// OAuth2TokenService::Observer
virtual void OnRefreshTokenAvailable(const std::string& account_id) override;
virtual void OnRefreshTokenRevoked(const std::string& account_id) override;
virtual void OnRefreshTokensLoaded() override;
virtual void OnStartBatchChanges() override;
virtual void OnEndBatchChanges() override;
OAuth2TokenService* token_service_; // weak
id<OAuth2TokenServiceObserverBridgeDelegate> delegate_;