blob: ef9b66cb12f7458568c84fa0bbfb4a25cdc8c932 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/content_settings/core/common/pref_names.h"
namespace prefs {
// Version of the pattern format used to define content settings.
const char kContentSettingsVersion[] = "profile.content_settings.pref_version";
// Patterns for mapping origins to origin related settings. Default settings
// will be applied to origins that don't match any of the patterns. The pattern
// format used is defined by kContentSettingsVersion.
const char kContentSettingsPatternPairs[] =
// Integer that specifies the index of the tab the user was on when they
// last visited the content settings window.
const char kContentSettingsWindowLastTabIndex[] =
// Dictionary of content settings applied to all hosts by default.
const char kDefaultContentSettings[] = "profile.default_content_settings";
// Dictionary of content settings that can globally disallow all hosts by
// default. If a value is set, it means the setting is globally disallowed.
// If a value is not set, it means the setting is allowed.
const char kOverrideContentSettings[] = "profile.override_content_settings";
// Preferences that are exclusively used to store managed values for default
// content settings.
const char kManagedDefaultCookiesSetting[] =
const char kManagedDefaultImagesSetting[] =
const char kManagedDefaultJavaScriptSetting[] =
const char kManagedDefaultPluginsSetting[] =
const char kManagedDefaultPopupsSetting[] =
const char kManagedDefaultGeolocationSetting[] =
const char kManagedDefaultNotificationsSetting[] =
const char kManagedDefaultMediaStreamSetting[] =
// Preferences that are exclusively used to store managed
// content settings patterns.
const char kManagedCookiesAllowedForUrls[] =
const char kManagedCookiesBlockedForUrls[] =
const char kManagedCookiesSessionOnlyForUrls[] =
const char kManagedImagesAllowedForUrls[] =
const char kManagedImagesBlockedForUrls[] =
const char kManagedJavaScriptAllowedForUrls[] =
const char kManagedJavaScriptBlockedForUrls[] =
const char kManagedPluginsAllowedForUrls[] =
const char kManagedPluginsBlockedForUrls[] =
const char kManagedPopupsAllowedForUrls[] =
const char kManagedPopupsBlockedForUrls[] =
const char kManagedNotificationsAllowedForUrls[] =
const char kManagedNotificationsBlockedForUrls[] =
const char kManagedAutoSelectCertificateForUrls[] =
} // namespace prefs