blob: ba559315e49b51ea9ca1aad0b1cfc0da76642c15 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from base64 import b64decode
from itertools import izip
import json
import logging
import posixpath
import time
import traceback
from appengine_url_fetcher import AppEngineUrlFetcher
from appengine_wrappers import IsDownloadError, app_identity
from docs_server_utils import StringIdentity
from file_system import (FileNotFoundError,
from future import All, Future
from path_util import AssertIsValid, IsDirectory, ToDirectory
from third_party.json_schema_compiler.memoize import memoize
from url_constants import (GITILES_BASE,
_JSON_FORMAT = '?format=JSON'
_TEXT_FORMAT = '?format=TEXT'
def _ParseGitilesJson(json_data):
'''json.loads with fix-up for non-executable JSON. Use this to parse any JSON
data coming from Gitiles views.
return json.loads(json_data[json_data.find('{'):])
def _CreateStatInfo(json_data):
'''Returns a StatInfo object comprised of the tree ID for |json_data|,
as well as the tree IDs for the entries in |json_data|.
tree = _ParseGitilesJson(json_data)
return StatInfo(tree['id'],
dict((e['name'], e['id']) for e in tree['entries']))
class GitilesFileSystem(FileSystem):
'''Class to fetch filesystem data from the Chromium project's gitiles
_logged_tokens = set()
def Create(cls, branch='master', commit=None):
token, _ = app_identity.get_access_token(GITILES_OAUTH2_SCOPE)
# Log the access token (once per token) so that it can be sneakily re-used
# in development.
if token not in cls._logged_tokens:'Got token %s for scope %s' % (token, GITILES_OAUTH2_SCOPE))
path_prefix = '' if token is None else _AUTH_PATH_PREFIX
if commit:
base_url = '%s%s/%s/%s' % (
GITILES_BASE, path_prefix, GITILES_SRC_ROOT, commit)
elif branch is 'master':
base_url = '%s%s/%s/master' % (
base_url = '%s%s/%s/%s/%s' % (
return GitilesFileSystem(AppEngineUrlFetcher(), base_url, branch, commit)
def __init__(self, fetcher, base_url, branch, commit):
self._fetcher = fetcher
self._base_url = base_url
self._branch = branch
self._commit = commit
def _FetchAsync(self, url):
'''Convenience wrapper for fetcher.FetchAsync, so callers don't
need to use posixpath.join.
access_token, _ = app_identity.get_access_token(GITILES_OAUTH2_SCOPE)
return self._fetcher.FetchAsync('%s/%s' % (self._base_url, url),
def _ResolveFetchContent(self, path, fetch_future, skip_not_found=False):
'''Returns a future to cleanly resolve |fetch_future|.
def handle(e):
if skip_not_found and IsDownloadError(e):
return None
exc_type = FileNotFoundError if IsDownloadError(e) else FileSystemError
raise exc_type('%s fetching %s for Get from %s: %s' %
(type(e).__name__, path, self._base_url, traceback.format_exc()))
def get_content(result):
if result.status_code == 404:
if skip_not_found:
return None
raise FileNotFoundError('Got 404 when fetching %s for Get from %s' %
(path, self._base_url))
if result.status_code == 429:
logging.warning('Access throttled when fetching %s for Get from %s' %
(path, self._base_url))
raise FileSystemThrottledError(
'Access throttled when fetching %s for Get from %s' %
(path, self._base_url))
if result.status_code != 200:
raise FileSystemError(
'Got %s when fetching %s for Get from %s, content %s' %
(result.status_code, path, self._base_url, result.content))
return result.content
return fetch_future.Then(get_content, handle)
def Read(self, paths, skip_not_found=False):
# Directory content is formatted in JSON in Gitiles as follows:
# {
# "id": "12a5464de48d2c46bc0b2dc78fafed75aab554fa", # The tree ID.
# "entries": [
# {
# "mode": 33188,
# "type": "blob",
# "id": "ab971ca447bc4bce415ed4498369e00164d91cb6", # File ID.
# "name": ".gitignore"
# },
# ...
# ]
# }
def list_dir(json_data):
entries = _ParseGitilesJson(json_data).get('entries', [])
return [e['name'] + ('/' if e['type'] == 'tree' else '') for e in entries]
def fixup_url_format(path):
# By default, Gitiles URLs display resources in HTML. To get resources
# suitable for our consumption, a '?format=' string must be appended to
# the URL. The format may be one of 'JSON' or 'TEXT' for directory or
# text resources, respectively.
return path + (_JSON_FORMAT if IsDirectory(path) else _TEXT_FORMAT)
# A list of tuples of the form (path, Future).
fetches = [(path, self._FetchAsync(fixup_url_format(path)))
for path in paths]
def parse_contents(results):
value = {}
for path, content in izip(paths, results):
if content is None:
# Gitiles encodes text content in base64 (see
# for info about base64).
value[path] = (list_dir if IsDirectory(path) else b64decode)(content)
return value
return All(self._ResolveFetchContent(path, future, skip_not_found)
for path, future in fetches).Then(parse_contents)
def Refresh(self):
return Future(value=())
def _GetCommitInfo(self, key):
'''Gets the commit information specified by |key|.
The JSON view for commit info looks like:
"commit": "8fd578e1a7b142cd10a4387861f05fb9459b69e2", # Commit ID.
"tree": "3ade65d8a91eadd009a6c9feea8f87db2c528a53", # Tree ID.
"parents": [
"a477c787fe847ae0482329f69b39ce0fde047359" # Previous commit ID.
"author": {
"name": "...",
"email": "...",
"time": "Tue Aug 12 17:17:21 2014"
"committer": {
"name": "...",
"email": "...",
"time": "Tue Aug 12 17:18:28 2014"
"message": "...",
"tree_diff": [...]
# Commit information for a branch is obtained by appending '?format=JSON'
# to the branch URL. Note that '<gitiles_url>/<branch>?format=JSON' is
# different from '<gitiles_url>/<branch>/?format=JSON': the latter serves
# the root directory JSON content, whereas the former serves the branch
# commit info JSON content.
access_token, _ = app_identity.get_access_token(GITILES_OAUTH2_SCOPE)
fetch_future = self._fetcher.FetchAsync(self._base_url + _JSON_FORMAT,
content_future = self._ResolveFetchContent(self._base_url, fetch_future)
return content_future.Then(lambda json: _ParseGitilesJson(json)[key])
def GetCommitID(self):
'''Returns a future that resolves to the commit ID for this branch.
return self._GetCommitInfo('commit')
def GetPreviousCommitID(self):
'''Returns a future that resolves to the previous commit ID for this branch.
return self._GetCommitInfo('parents').Then(lambda parents: parents[0])
def StatAsync(self, path):
dir_, filename = posixpath.split(path)
def stat(content):
stat_info = _CreateStatInfo(content)
if stat_info.version is None:
raise FileSystemError('Failed to find version of dir %s' % dir_)
if IsDirectory(path):
return stat_info
if filename not in stat_info.child_versions:
raise FileNotFoundError(
'%s from %s was not in child versions for Stat' % (filename, path))
return StatInfo(stat_info.child_versions[filename])
fetch_future = self._FetchAsync(ToDirectory(dir_) + _JSON_FORMAT)
return self._ResolveFetchContent(path, fetch_future).Then(stat)
def GetIdentity(self):
if self._branch == 'master':
# A master FS always carries the same identity even if pinned to a commit.
str_id = 'master'
elif self._commit is not None:
str_id = self._commit
str_id = '%s/%s' % (GITILES_BRANCHES_PATH, self._branch)
return '@'.join((self.__class__.__name__, StringIdentity(
'%s/%s/%s' % (GITILES_BASE, GITILES_SRC_ROOT, str_id))))
def GetVersion(self):
return self._commit