blob: 5bb15b622503f018feaec0e005ddd7f65aa4ecb6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model.h"
#include "ui/base/page_transition_types.h"
// TabStripModelOrderController
// An object that allows different types of ordering and reselection to be
// heuristics plugged into a TabStripModel.
class TabStripModelOrderController : public TabStripModelObserver {
explicit TabStripModelOrderController(TabStripModel* tabstrip);
~TabStripModelOrderController() override;
// Determine where to place a newly opened tab by using the supplied
// transition and foreground flag to figure out how it was opened.
int DetermineInsertionIndex(ui::PageTransition transition,
bool foreground);
// Determine where to shift selection after a tab is closed.
int DetermineNewSelectedIndex(int removed_index) const;
// Overridden from TabStripModelObserver:
void ActiveTabChanged(content::WebContents* old_contents,
content::WebContents* new_contents,
int index,
int reason) override;
// Returns a valid index to be selected after the tab at |removing_index| is
// closed. If |index| is after |removing_index|, |index| is adjusted to
// reflect the fact that |removing_index| is going away.
int GetValidIndex(int index, int removing_index) const;
TabStripModel* tabstrip_;