blob: ff9ebe226f51cb2d6444a6f8a175c6a17010b739 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/presentation_mode_controller.h"
namespace chrome {
// The height of the tab strip.
extern const CGFloat kTabStripHeight;
// The parameters used to calculate the layout of the views managed by the
// BrowserWindowController.
struct LayoutParameters {
// The size of the content view of the window.
NSSize contentViewSize;
// The size of the window.
NSSize windowSize;
// Whether the controller is in any fullscreen mode. This parameter should be
// NO if the controller is in the process of entering fullscreen.
BOOL inAnyFullscreen;
// The fullscreen sliding style. See presentation_mode_controller.h for more
// details.
fullscreen_mac::SlidingStyle slidingStyle;
// The minY of the AppKit Menu Bar, relative to the top of the screen. Ranges
// from 0 to -22. Only relevant in fullscreen mode.
CGFloat menubarOffset;
// The fraction of the sliding toolbar that is visible in fullscreenm mode.
// Ranges from 0 to 1. Only relevant in fullscreen mode.
CGFloat toolbarFraction;
BOOL hasTabStrip;
// The frame of the fullscreen button. May be NSZeroRect if the fullscreen
// button doesn't exist. Only needs to be set when hasTabStrip is YES.
NSRect fullscreenButtonFrame;
// Whether the avatar button should be shown. Only needs to be set when
// hasTabStrip is YES.
BOOL shouldShowAvatar;
// Whether to use the new avatar button. Only needs to be set when
// shouldShowAvatar is YES.
BOOL shouldUseNewAvatar;
// The size of the avatar button. Only needs to be set when shouldShowAvatar
// is YES.
NSSize avatarSize;
// The line width that will generate a 1 pixel wide line for the avatar's
// superview. Only needs to be set when shouldShowAvatar is YES.
CGFloat avatarLineWidth;
BOOL hasToolbar;
BOOL hasLocationBar;
CGFloat toolbarHeight;
BOOL bookmarkBarHidden;
// If the bookmark bar is not hidden, then the bookmark bar should either be
// directly below the omnibox, or directly below the info bar. This parameter
// selects between those 2 cases.
BOOL placeBookmarkBarBelowInfoBar;
CGFloat bookmarkBarHeight;
// The height of the info bar, not including the top arrow.
CGFloat infoBarHeight;
// The distance from the bottom of the location icon to the bottom of the
// toolbar. Only needs to be set if infoBarHeight is not 0 and hasToolbar is
// YES.
CGFloat pageInfoBubblePointY;
BOOL hasDownloadShelf;
CGFloat downloadShelfHeight;
// The parameters required to lay out the tab strip and its components.
struct TabStripLayout {
// The frame of the tab strip in window coordinates.
NSRect frame;
// The left indent for the controls of the TabStripController.
CGFloat leftIndent;
// The right indent for the controls of the TabStripController.
CGFloat rightIndent;
// Whether the TabStripController needs to add custom traffic light buttons.
BOOL addCustomWindowControls;
// The frame of the avatar in window coordinates.
NSRect avatarFrame;
// The output frames of the views managed by the BrowserWindowController. All
// frames are in the coordinate system of the window. The lower-left corner of
// the contentView coincides with the lower-left corner of the window, so these
// frames are also in the coordinate system of the contentView.
struct LayoutOutput {
TabStripLayout tabStripLayout;
NSRect toolbarFrame;
NSRect bookmarkFrame;
NSRect fullscreenBackingBarFrame;
CGFloat findBarMaxY;
CGFloat fullscreenExitButtonMaxY;
NSRect infoBarFrame;
CGFloat infoBarMaxTopArrowHeight;
NSRect downloadShelfFrame;
NSRect contentAreaFrame;
} // namespace chrome
// This class is the sole entity responsible for calculating the layout of the
// views managed by the BrowserWindowController. The parameters used to
// calculate the layout are the fields of |parameters_|. These fields should be
// filled by calling the appropriate setters on this class. Once the parameters
// have been set, calling -computeLayout will return a LayoutOutput that
// includes sufficient information to lay out all views managed by
// BrowserWindowController.
// This is a lightweight class. It should be created on demand.
@interface BrowserWindowLayout : NSObject {
// Stores the parameters used to compute layout.
chrome::LayoutParameters parameters_;
// Stores the layout output as it's being computed.
chrome::LayoutOutput output_;
// The offset of the maxY of the tab strip during fullscreen mode.
CGFloat fullscreenYOffset_;
// The views are laid out from highest Y to lowest Y. This variable holds the
// current highest Y that the next view is expected to be laid under.
CGFloat maxY_;
// Performs the layout computation and returns the results. This method is fast
// and does not perform any caching.
- (chrome::LayoutOutput)computeLayout;
- (void)setContentViewSize:(NSSize)size;
- (void)setWindowSize:(NSSize)size;
// Whether the controller is in any fullscreen mode. |inAnyFullscreen| should
// be NO if the controller is in the process of entering fullscreen.
- (void)setInAnyFullscreen:(BOOL)inAnyFullscreen;
- (void)setFullscreenSlidingStyle:(fullscreen_mac::SlidingStyle)slidingStyle;
- (void)setFullscreenMenubarOffset:(CGFloat)menubarOffset;
- (void)setFullscreenToolbarFraction:(CGFloat)toolbarFraction;
- (void)setHasTabStrip:(BOOL)hasTabStrip;
- (void)setFullscreenButtonFrame:(NSRect)frame;
- (void)setShouldShowAvatar:(BOOL)shouldShowAvatar;
- (void)setShouldUseNewAvatar:(BOOL)shouldUseNewAvatar;
- (void)setAvatarSize:(NSSize)avatarSize;
- (void)setAvatarLineWidth:(CGFloat)avatarLineWidth;
- (void)setHasToolbar:(BOOL)hasToolbar;
- (void)setHasLocationBar:(BOOL)hasLocationBar;
- (void)setToolbarHeight:(CGFloat)toolbarHeight;
- (void)setBookmarkBarHidden:(BOOL)bookmarkBarHidden;
- (void)setPlaceBookmarkBarBelowInfoBar:(BOOL)placeBookmarkBarBelowInfoBar;
- (void)setBookmarkBarHeight:(CGFloat)bookmarkBarHeight;
// The height of the info bar, not including the top arrow.
- (void)setInfoBarHeight:(CGFloat)infoBarHeight;
// The min Y of the bubble point, relative to the toolbar.
- (void)setPageInfoBubblePointY:(CGFloat)pageInfoBubblePointY;
- (void)setHasDownloadShelf:(BOOL)hasDownloadShelf;
- (void)setDownloadShelfHeight:(CGFloat)downloadShelfHeight;