blob: 19cde7e4a9d7f1ade7519ca45147cbb62206c3ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/scoped_observer.h"
#include "chrome/common/extensions/command.h"
#include "extensions/browser/browser_context_keyed_api_factory.h"
#include "extensions/browser/extension_registry_observer.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension.h"
class Profile;
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
namespace ui {
class Accelerator;
namespace user_prefs {
class PrefRegistrySyncable;
namespace extensions {
class ExtensionRegistry;
// This service keeps track of preferences related to extension commands
// (assigning initial keybindings on install and removing them on deletion
// and answers questions related to which commands are active.
class CommandService : public BrowserContextKeyedAPI,
public ExtensionRegistryObserver {
// An enum specifying whether to fetch all extension commands or only active
// ones.
enum QueryType {
// An enum specifying whether the command is global in scope or not. Global
// commands -- unlike regular commands -- have a global keyboard hook
// associated with them (and therefore work when Chrome doesn't have focus).
enum CommandScope {
REGULAR, // Regular (non-globally scoped) command.
GLOBAL, // Global command (works when Chrome doesn't have focus)
ANY_SCOPE, // All commands, regardless of scope (used when querying).
// An enum specifying the types of commands that can be used by an extension.
enum ExtensionCommandType {
// Register prefs for keybinding.
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);
// Constructs a CommandService object for the given profile.
explicit CommandService(content::BrowserContext* context);
~CommandService() override;
// BrowserContextKeyedAPI implementation.
static BrowserContextKeyedAPIFactory<CommandService>* GetFactoryInstance();
// Convenience method to get the CommandService for a profile.
static CommandService* Get(content::BrowserContext* context);
// Returns true if |extension| is permitted to and does remove the bookmark
// shortcut key.
static bool RemovesBookmarkShortcut(const Extension* extension);
// Returns true if |extension| is permitted to and does remove the bookmark
// open pages shortcut key.
static bool RemovesBookmarkOpenPagesShortcut(const Extension* extension);
// Gets the command (if any) for the browser action of an extension given
// its |extension_id|. The function consults the master list to see if
// the command is active. Returns false if the extension has no browser
// action. Returns false if the command is not active and |type| requested
// is ACTIVE_ONLY. |command| contains the command found and |active| (if not
// NULL) contains whether |command| is active.
bool GetBrowserActionCommand(const std::string& extension_id,
QueryType type,
Command* command,
bool* active) const;
// Gets the command (if any) for the page action of an extension given
// its |extension_id|. The function consults the master list to see if
// the command is active. Returns false if the extension has no page
// action. Returns false if the command is not active and |type| requested
// is ACTIVE_ONLY. |command| contains the command found and |active| (if not
// NULL) contains whether |command| is active.
bool GetPageActionCommand(const std::string& extension_id,
QueryType type,
Command* command,
bool* active) const;
// Gets the active named commands (if any) for the extension with
// |extension_id|. The function consults the master list to see if the
// commands are active. Returns an empty map if the extension has no named
// commands of the right |scope| or no such active named commands when |type|
// requested is ACTIVE_ONLY.
bool GetNamedCommands(const std::string& extension_id,
QueryType type,
CommandScope scope,
CommandMap* command_map) const;
// Records a keybinding |accelerator| as active for an extension with id
// |extension_id| and command with the name |command_name|. If
// |allow_overrides| is false, the keybinding must be free for the change to
// be recorded (as determined by the master list in |user_prefs|). If
// |allow_overwrites| is true, any previously recorded keybinding for this
// |accelerator| will be overwritten. If |global| is true, the command will
// be registered as a global command (be active even when Chrome does not have
// focus. Returns true if the change was successfully recorded.
bool AddKeybindingPref(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator,
std::string extension_id,
std::string command_name,
bool allow_overrides,
bool global);
// Removes all keybindings for a given extension by its |extension_id|.
// |command_name| is optional and if specified, causes only the command with
// the name |command_name| to be removed.
void RemoveKeybindingPrefs(const std::string& extension_id,
const std::string& command_name);
// Update the keybinding prefs (for a command with a matching |extension_id|
// and |command_name|) to |keystroke|. If the command had another key assigned
// that key assignment will be removed.
void UpdateKeybindingPrefs(const std::string& extension_id,
const std::string& command_name,
const std::string& keystroke);
// Set the scope of the keybinding. If |global| is true, the keybinding works
// even when Chrome does not have focus. If the scope requested is already
// set, the function returns false, otherwise true.
bool SetScope(const std::string& extension_id,
const std::string& command_name,
bool global);
// Finds the command with the name |command_name| within an extension with id
// |extension_id| . Returns an empty Command object (with keycode
// VKEY_UNKNOWN) if the command is not found.
Command FindCommandByName(const std::string& extension_id,
const std::string& command) const;
// If the extension with |extension_id| binds a command to |accelerator|,
// returns true and assigns *|command| and *|command_type| to the command and
// its type if non-NULL.
bool GetBoundExtensionCommand(const std::string& extension_id,
const ui::Accelerator& accelerator,
Command* command,
ExtensionCommandType* command_type) const;
// Returns true if |extension| is permitted to and does override the bookmark
// shortcut key.
bool OverridesBookmarkShortcut(const Extension* extension) const;
friend class BrowserContextKeyedAPIFactory<CommandService>;
// BrowserContextKeyedAPI implementation.
static const char* service_name() {
return "CommandService";
static const bool kServiceRedirectedInIncognito = true;
// ExtensionRegistryObserver.
void OnExtensionWillBeInstalled(content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
const Extension* extension,
bool is_update,
bool from_ephemeral,
const std::string& old_name) override;
void OnExtensionUninstalled(content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
const Extension* extension,
extensions::UninstallReason reason) override;
// Updates keybindings for a given |extension|'s page action, browser action
// and named commands. Assigns new keybindings and removes relinquished
// keybindings if not changed by the user. In the case of adding keybindings,
// if the suggested keybinding is free, it will be taken by this extension. If
// not, the keybinding request is ignored.
void UpdateKeybindings(const Extension* extension);
// On update, removes keybindings that the extension previously suggested but
// now no longer does, as long as the user has not modified them.
void RemoveRelinquishedKeybindings(const Extension* extension);
// Assigns keybindings that the extension suggests, as long as they are not
// already assigned.
void AssignKeybindings(const Extension* extension);
// Checks if |extension| is permitted to automatically assign the
// |accelerator| key.
bool CanAutoAssign(const Command &command,
const Extension* extension);
// Updates the record of |extension|'s most recent suggested command shortcut
// keys in the preferences.
void UpdateExtensionSuggestedCommandPrefs(const Extension* extension);
// Remove suggested key command prefs that apply to commands that have been
// removed.
void RemoveDefunctExtensionSuggestedCommandPrefs(const Extension* extension);
// Returns true if the user modified a command's shortcut key from the
// |extension|-suggested value.
bool IsCommandShortcutUserModified(const Extension* extension,
const std::string& command_name);
// Returns true if the extension is changing the binding of |command_name| on
// install.
bool IsKeybindingChanging(const Extension* extension,
const std::string& command_name);
// Returns |extension|'s previous suggested key for |command_name| in the
// preferences, or the empty string if none.
std::string GetSuggestedKeyPref(const Extension* extension,
const std::string& command_name);
bool GetExtensionActionCommand(const std::string& extension_id,
QueryType query_type,
Command* command,
bool* active,
ExtensionCommandType action_type) const;
// A weak pointer to the profile we are associated with. Not owned by us.
Profile* profile_;
ScopedObserver<ExtensionRegistry, ExtensionRegistryObserver>
template <>
} // namespace extensions