blob: 305c385dfb2d6cd28900a1501794dd6fc42e0f62 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Enumerate the various item subtypes that are supported by sync.
// Each sync object is expected to have an immutable object type.
// An object's type is inferred from the type of data it holds.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "sync/base/sync_export.h"
#include "sync/internal_api/public/base/enum_set.h"
namespace base {
class ListValue;
class StringValue;
class Value;
namespace sync_pb {
class EntitySpecifics;
class SyncEntity;
namespace syncer {
// TODO(akalin): Move the non-exported functions in this file to a
// private header.
enum ModelType {
// Object type unknown. Objects may transition through
// the unknown state during their initial creation, before
// their properties are set. After deletion, object types
// are generally preserved.
// A permanent folder whose children may be of mixed
// datatypes (e.g. the "Google Chrome" folder).
// ------------------------------------ Start of "real" model types.
// The model types declared before here are somewhat special, as they
// they do not correspond to any browser data model. The remaining types
// are bona fide model types; all have a related browser data model and
// can be represented in the protocol using a specific Message type in the
// EntitySpecifics protocol buffer.
// A bookmark folder or a bookmark URL object.
FIRST_USER_MODEL_TYPE = BOOKMARKS, // Declared 2nd, for debugger prettiness.
// A preference object.
// A password object.
// An AutofillProfile Object
// An autofill object.
// A themes object.
// A typed_url object.
// An extension object.
// An object representing a custom search engine.
// An object representing a browser session.
// An app object.
// An app setting from the extension settings API.
// An extension setting from the extension settings API.
// App notifications.
// History delete directives.
// Synced push notifications.
// Synced Notification app info.
// Custom spelling dictionary.
// Favicon images.
// Favicon tracking information.
// Client-specific metadata, synced before other user types.
// These preferences are synced before other user types and are never
// encrypted.
// Supervised user settings.
// Supervised users. Every supervised user is a profile that is configured
// remotely by this user and can have restrictions applied. SUPERVISED_USERS
// and SUPERVISED_USER_SETTINGS can not be encrypted.
// Supervised user shared settings. Shared settings can be modified both by
// the manager and the supervised user.
// Distilled articles.
// App List items
// Enhanced bookmarks clips or folios.
// ---- Proxy types ----
// Proxy types are excluded from the sync protocol, but are still considered
// real user types. By convention, we prefix them with 'PROXY_' to distinguish
// them from normal protocol types.
// Tab sync. This is a placeholder type, so that Sessions can be implicitly
// enabled for history sync and tabs sync.
// ---- Control Types ----
// An object representing a set of Nigori keys.
// Flags to enable experimental features.
// If you are adding a new sync datatype that is exposed to the user via the
// sync preferences UI, be sure to update the list in
// components/sync_driver/user_selectable_sync_type.h so that the UMA
// histograms for sync include your new type. In this case, be sure to also
// update the UserSelectableTypes() definition in
// sync/syncable/
inline ModelType ModelTypeFromInt(int i) {
DCHECK_GE(i, 0);
return static_cast<ModelType>(i);
// Used by tests outside of sync/.
SYNC_EXPORT void AddDefaultFieldValue(ModelType datatype,
sync_pb::EntitySpecifics* specifics);
// Extract the model type of a SyncEntity protocol buffer. ModelType is a
// local concept: the enum is not in the protocol. The SyncEntity's ModelType
// is inferred from the presence of particular datatype field in the
// entity specifics.
const sync_pb::SyncEntity& sync_entity);
// Extract the model type from an EntitySpecifics field. Note that there
// are some ModelTypes (like TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER) that can't be inferred this way;
// prefer using GetModelType where possible.
SYNC_EXPORT ModelType GetModelTypeFromSpecifics(
const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& specifics);
// Protocol types are those types that have actual protocol buffer
// representations. This distinguishes them from Proxy types, which have no
// protocol representation and are never sent to the server.
SYNC_EXPORT ModelTypeSet ProtocolTypes();
// These are the normal user-controlled types. This is to distinguish from
// ControlTypes which are always enabled. Note that some of these share a
// preference flag, so not all of them are individually user-selectable.
SYNC_EXPORT ModelTypeSet UserTypes();
// These are the user-selectable data types.
SYNC_EXPORT ModelTypeSet UserSelectableTypes();
SYNC_EXPORT bool IsUserSelectableType(ModelType model_type);
// This is the subset of UserTypes() that can be encrypted.
SYNC_EXPORT_PRIVATE ModelTypeSet EncryptableUserTypes();
// This is the subset of UserTypes() that have priority over other types. These
// types are synced before other user types and are never encrypted.
SYNC_EXPORT ModelTypeSet PriorityUserTypes();
// Proxy types are placeholder types for handling implicitly enabling real
// types. They do not exist at the server, and are simply used for
// UI/Configuration logic.
SYNC_EXPORT ModelTypeSet ProxyTypes();
// Returns a list of all control types.
// The control types are intended to contain metadata nodes that are essential
// for the normal operation of the syncer. As such, they have the following
// special properties:
// - They are downloaded early during SyncBackend initialization.
// - They are always enabled. Users may not disable these types.
// - Their contents are not encrypted automatically.
// - They support custom update application and conflict resolution logic.
// - All change processing occurs on the sync thread (GROUP_PASSIVE).
SYNC_EXPORT ModelTypeSet ControlTypes();
// Returns true if this is a control type.
// See comment above for more information on what makes these types special.
SYNC_EXPORT bool IsControlType(ModelType model_type);
// Core types are those data types used by sync's core functionality (i.e. not
// user data types). These types are always enabled, and include ControlTypes().
// The set of all core types.
SYNC_EXPORT ModelTypeSet CoreTypes();
// Those core types that have high priority (includes ControlTypes()).
SYNC_EXPORT ModelTypeSet PriorityCoreTypes();
// Determine a model type from the field number of its associated
// EntitySpecifics field. Returns UNSPECIFIED if the field number is
// not recognized.
// If you're putting the result in a ModelTypeSet, you should use the
// following pattern:
// ModelTypeSet model_types;
// // Say we're looping through a list of items, each of which has a
// // field number.
// for (...) {
// int field_number = ...;
// ModelType model_type =
// GetModelTypeFromSpecificsFieldNumber(field_number);
// if (!IsRealDataType(model_type)) {
// DLOG(WARNING) << "Unknown field number " << field_number;
// continue;
// }
// model_types.Put(model_type);
// }
SYNC_EXPORT_PRIVATE ModelType GetModelTypeFromSpecificsFieldNumber(
int field_number);
// Return the field number of the EntitySpecifics field associated with
// a model type.
// Used by tests outside of sync.
SYNC_EXPORT int GetSpecificsFieldNumberFromModelType(
ModelType model_type);
FullModelTypeSet ToFullModelTypeSet(ModelTypeSet in);
// TODO(sync): The functions below badly need some cleanup.
// Returns a pointer to a string with application lifetime that represents
// the name of |model_type|.
SYNC_EXPORT const char* ModelTypeToString(ModelType model_type);
// Some histograms take an integer parameter that represents a model type.
// The mapping from ModelType to integer is defined here. It should match
// the mapping from integer to labels defined in histograms.xml.
SYNC_EXPORT int ModelTypeToHistogramInt(ModelType model_type);
// Handles all model types, and not just real ones.
// Caller takes ownership of returned value.
SYNC_EXPORT_PRIVATE base::StringValue* ModelTypeToValue(ModelType model_type);
// Converts a Value into a ModelType - complement to ModelTypeToValue().
SYNC_EXPORT_PRIVATE ModelType ModelTypeFromValue(const base::Value& value);
// Returns the ModelType corresponding to the name |model_type_string|.
SYNC_EXPORT ModelType ModelTypeFromString(
const std::string& model_type_string);
// Returns the comma-separated string representation of |model_types|.
SYNC_EXPORT std::string ModelTypeSetToString(ModelTypeSet model_types);
// Returns the set of comma-separated model types from |model_type_string|.
SYNC_EXPORT ModelTypeSet ModelTypeSetFromString(
const std::string& model_type_string);
// Caller takes ownership of returned list.
SYNC_EXPORT base::ListValue* ModelTypeSetToValue(ModelTypeSet model_types);
SYNC_EXPORT ModelTypeSet ModelTypeSetFromValue(const base::ListValue& value);
// Returns a string corresponding to the syncable tag for this datatype.
SYNC_EXPORT std::string ModelTypeToRootTag(ModelType type);
// Convert a real model type to a notification type (used for
// subscribing to server-issued notifications). Returns true iff
// |model_type| was a real model type and |notification_type| was
// filled in.
SYNC_EXPORT bool RealModelTypeToNotificationType(
ModelType model_type,
std::string* notification_type);
// Converts a notification type to a real model type. Returns true
// iff |notification_type| was the notification type of a real model
// type and |model_type| was filled in.
SYNC_EXPORT bool NotificationTypeToRealModelType(
const std::string& notification_type,
ModelType* model_type);
// Returns true if |model_type| is a real datatype
SYNC_EXPORT bool IsRealDataType(ModelType model_type);
// Returns true if |model_type| is a proxy type
SYNC_EXPORT bool IsProxyType(ModelType model_type);
// Returns true if |model_type| is an act-once type. Act once types drop
// entities after applying them. Drops are deletes that are not synced to other
// clients.
// TODO(haitaol): Make entries of act-once data types immutable.
SYNC_EXPORT bool IsActOnceDataType(ModelType model_type);
// Returns set of model types that should be backed up before first sync.
SYNC_EXPORT ModelTypeSet BackupTypes();
} // namespace syncer