blob: 4d9f6fc7b7221a840ca940b5e507d3c782648a2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sys/types.h> // Include something that will define __BIONIC__.
#include "nacl_io/kernel_wrap.h" // IRT_EXT is turned on in this header.
// The entire file is wrapped in this #if. We do this so this .cc file can be
// compiled, even on a non-bionic build.
#if !defined(NACL_IO_IRT_EXT) && defined(__native_client__) && \
#include <alloca.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <irt_syscalls.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "nacl_io/kernel_intercept.h"
#include "nacl_io/kernel_wrap_real.h"
#include "nacl_io/osmman.h"
namespace {
void stat_to_nacl_stat(const struct stat* buf, nacl_abi_stat* nacl_buf) {
memset(nacl_buf, 0, sizeof(struct nacl_abi_stat));
nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_dev = buf->st_dev;
nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_ino = buf->st_ino;
nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_mode = buf->st_mode;
nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_nlink = buf->st_nlink;
nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_uid = buf->st_uid;
nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_gid = buf->st_gid;
nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_rdev = buf->st_rdev;
nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_size = buf->st_size;
nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_blksize = buf->st_blksize;
nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_blocks = buf->st_blocks;
nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_atime = buf->st_atime;
nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_mtime = buf->st_mtime;
nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_ctime = buf->st_ctime;
void nacl_stat_to_stat(const nacl_abi_stat* nacl_buf, struct stat* buf) {
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(struct stat));
buf->st_dev = nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_dev;
buf->st_ino = nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_ino;
buf->st_mode = nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_mode;
buf->st_nlink = nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_nlink;
buf->st_uid = nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_uid;
buf->st_gid = nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_gid;
buf->st_rdev = nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_rdev;
buf->st_size = nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_size;
buf->st_blksize = nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_blksize;
buf->st_blocks = nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_blocks;
buf->st_atime = nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_atime;
buf->st_mtime = nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_mtime;
buf->st_ctime = nacl_buf->nacl_abi_st_ctime;
} // namespace
// From native_client/src/trusted/service_runtime/include/sys/dirent.h
#ifndef nacl_abi___ino_t_defined
#define nacl_abi___ino_t_defined
typedef int64_t nacl_abi___ino_t;
typedef nacl_abi___ino_t nacl_abi_ino_t;
#ifndef nacl_abi___off_t_defined
#define nacl_abi___off_t_defined
typedef int64_t nacl_abi__off_t;
typedef nacl_abi__off_t nacl_abi_off_t;
/* We need a way to define the maximum size of a name. */
# ifdef NAME_MAX
# else
# define MAXNAMLEN 255
# endif
struct nacl_abi_dirent {
nacl_abi_ino_t nacl_abi_d_ino;
nacl_abi_off_t nacl_abi_d_off;
uint16_t nacl_abi_d_reclen;
char nacl_abi_d_name[MAXNAMLEN + 1];
static const int d_name_shift = offsetof (dirent, d_name) -
offsetof (struct nacl_abi_dirent, nacl_abi_d_name);
// Macro to get the REAL function pointer
#define REAL(name) __nacl_irt_##name##_real
// Macro to get the WRAP function
#define WRAP(name) __nacl_irt_##name##_wrap
// Declare REAL function pointer.
#define DECLARE_REAL_PTR(name) typeof(__nacl_irt_##name) REAL(name);
// Assign the REAL function pointer.
#define ASSIGN_REAL_PTR(name) REAL(name) = __nacl_irt_##name;
// Switch IRT's pointer to the REAL pointer
#define USE_REAL(name) __nacl_irt_##name = (typeof(__nacl_irt_##name))REAL(name)
// Switch IRT's pointer to the WRAP function
#define USE_WRAP(name) __nacl_irt_##name = (typeof(__nacl_irt_##name))WRAP(name)
OP(chdir); \
OP(close); \
OP(dup); \
OP(dup2); \
OP(exit); \
OP(fchdir); \
OP(fchmod); \
OP(fdatasync); \
OP(fstat); \
OP(fsync); \
OP(getcwd); \
OP(getdents); \
OP(isatty); \
OP(lstat); \
OP(mkdir); \
OP(mmap); \
OP(munmap); \
OP(open); \
OP(open_resource); \
OP(poll); \
OP(read); \
OP(readlink); \
OP(rmdir); \
OP(seek); \
OP(stat); \
OP(truncate); \
int WRAP(chdir)(const char* pathname) {
int WRAP(close)(int fd) {
int WRAP(dup)(int fd, int* newfd) NOTHROW {
*newfd = ki_dup(fd);
int WRAP(dup2)(int fd, int newfd) NOTHROW {
ERRNO_RTN(ki_dup2(fd, newfd));
void WRAP(exit)(int status) {
int WRAP(fchdir)(int fd) NOTHROW {
int WRAP(fchmod)(int fd, mode_t mode) NOTHROW {
ERRNO_RTN(ki_fchmod(fd, mode));
int WRAP(fdatasync)(int fd) NOTHROW {
int WRAP(fstat)(int fd, struct nacl_abi_stat* nacl_buf) {
struct stat buf;
memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(struct stat));
int res = ki_fstat(fd, &buf);
RTN_ERRNO_IF(res < 0);
stat_to_nacl_stat(&buf, nacl_buf);
return 0;
int WRAP(fsync)(int fd) NOTHROW {
int WRAP(getcwd)(char* buf, size_t size) {
RTN_ERRNO_IF(ki_getcwd(buf, size) == NULL);
return 0;
int WRAP(getdents)(int fd, dirent* nacl_buf, size_t nacl_count, size_t* nread) {
int nacl_offset = 0;
// "buf" contains dirent(s); "nacl_buf" contains nacl_abi_dirent(s).
// nacl_abi_dirent(s) are smaller than dirent(s), so nacl_count bytes buffer
// is enough
char* buf = (char*)alloca(nacl_count);
int offset = 0;
int count;
count = ki_getdents(fd, buf, nacl_count);
RTN_ERRNO_IF(count < 0);
while (offset < count) {
dirent* d = (dirent*)(buf + offset);
nacl_abi_dirent* nacl_d = (nacl_abi_dirent*)((char*)nacl_buf + nacl_offset);
nacl_d->nacl_abi_d_ino = d->d_ino;
nacl_d->nacl_abi_d_off = d->d_off;
nacl_d->nacl_abi_d_reclen = d->d_reclen - d_name_shift;
size_t d_name_len = d->d_reclen - offsetof(dirent, d_name);
memcpy(nacl_d->nacl_abi_d_name, d->d_name, d_name_len);
offset += d->d_reclen;
nacl_offset += nacl_d->nacl_abi_d_reclen;
*nread = nacl_offset;
return 0;
int WRAP(isatty)(int fd, int* result) {
*result = ki_isatty(fd);
RTN_ERRNO_IF(*result == 0);
return 0;
int WRAP(lstat)(const char* path, struct nacl_abi_stat* nacl_buf) {
struct stat buf;
memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(struct stat));
int res = ki_lstat(path, &buf);
RTN_ERRNO_IF(res < 0);
stat_to_nacl_stat(&buf, nacl_buf);
return 0;
int WRAP(mkdir)(const char* pathname, mode_t mode) {
ERRNO_RTN(ki_mkdir(pathname, mode));
int WRAP(mmap)(void** addr,
size_t length,
int prot,
int flags,
int fd,
int64_t offset) {
if (flags & MAP_ANONYMOUS)
return REAL(mmap)(addr, length, prot, flags, fd, offset);
*addr = ki_mmap(*addr, length, prot, flags, fd, offset);
RTN_ERRNO_IF(*addr == (void*)-1)
return 0;
int WRAP(munmap)(void* addr, size_t length) {
// Always let the real munmap run on the address range. It is not an error if
// there are no mapped pages in that range.
ki_munmap(addr, length);
return REAL(munmap)(addr, length);
int WRAP(open)(const char* pathname, int oflag, mode_t mode, int* newfd) {
*newfd = ki_open(pathname, oflag, mode);
int WRAP(open_resource)(const char* file, int* fd) {
*fd = ki_open_resource(file);
int WRAP(poll)(struct pollfd* fds, nfds_t nfds, int timeout, int* count) {
*count = ki_poll(fds, nfds, timeout);
int WRAP(read)(int fd, void* buf, size_t count, size_t* nread) {
ssize_t signed_nread = ki_read(fd, buf, count);
*nread = static_cast<size_t>(signed_nread);
int WRAP(readlink)(const char* path, char* buf, size_t count, size_t* nread) {
ssize_t signed_nread = ki_readlink(path, buf, count);
*nread = static_cast<size_t>(signed_nread);
int WRAP(rmdir)(const char* pathname) {
int WRAP(seek)(int fd, off64_t offset, int whence, int64_t* new_offset) {
*new_offset = ki_lseek(fd, offset, whence);
int WRAP(select)(int nfds,
fd_set* readfds,
fd_set* writefds,
fd_set* exceptfds,
struct timeval* timeout,
int* count) {
*count = ki_select(nfds, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, timeout);
int WRAP(stat)(const char* pathname, struct nacl_abi_stat* nacl_buf) {
struct stat buf;
memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(struct stat));
int res = ki_stat(pathname, &buf);
RTN_ERRNO_IF(res < 0);
stat_to_nacl_stat(&buf, nacl_buf);
return 0;
int WRAP(truncate)(const char* name, int64_t len) {
ERRNO_RTN(ki_truncate(name, len));
int WRAP(write)(int fd, const void* buf, size_t count, size_t* nwrote) {
ssize_t signed_nwrote = ki_write(fd, buf, count);
*nwrote = static_cast<size_t>(signed_nwrote);
static void assign_real_pointers() {
static bool assigned = false;
if (!assigned) {
assigned = true;
#define CHECK_REAL(func) \
if (!REAL(func)) { \
assign_real_pointers(); \
if (!REAL(func)) \
return ENOSYS; \
// "real" functions, i.e. the unwrapped original functions.
int _real_close(int fd) {
return REAL(close)(fd);
void _real_exit(int status) {
int _real_fchdir(int fd) {
return REAL(fchdir)(fd);
int _real_fchmod(int fd, mode_t mode) {
return REAL(fchmod)(fd, mode);
int _real_fdatasync(int fd) {
return REAL(fdatasync)(fd);
int _real_fstat(int fd, struct stat* buf) {
struct nacl_abi_stat st;
int err = REAL(fstat)(fd, (struct stat*)&st);
if (err) {
errno = err;
return -1;
nacl_stat_to_stat(&st, buf);
return 0;
int _real_fsync(int fd) {
return REAL(fsync)(fd);
int _real_getdents(int fd, void* buf, size_t count, size_t* nread) {
// "buf" contains dirent(s); "nacl_buf" contains nacl_abi_dirent(s).
// See WRAP(getdents) above.
char* nacl_buf = (char*)alloca(count);
size_t offset = 0;
size_t nacl_offset = 0;
size_t nacl_nread;
int err = REAL(getdents)(fd, (dirent*)nacl_buf, count, &nacl_nread);
if (err)
return err;
while (nacl_offset < nacl_nread) {
dirent* d = (dirent*)((char*)buf + offset);
nacl_abi_dirent* nacl_d = (nacl_abi_dirent*)(nacl_buf + nacl_offset);
d->d_ino = nacl_d->nacl_abi_d_ino;
d->d_off = nacl_d->nacl_abi_d_off;
d->d_reclen = nacl_d->nacl_abi_d_reclen + d_name_shift;
size_t d_name_len =
nacl_d->nacl_abi_d_reclen - offsetof(nacl_abi_dirent, nacl_abi_d_name);
memcpy(d->d_name, nacl_d->nacl_abi_d_name, d_name_len);
offset += d->d_reclen;
offset += nacl_d->nacl_abi_d_reclen;
*nread = offset;
return 0;
int _real_isatty(int fd, int* result) {
*result = isatty(fd);
return *result ? 0 : -1;
int _real_lseek(int fd, int64_t offset, int whence, int64_t* new_offset) {
nacl_abi_off_t nacl_new_offs;
int ret = REAL(seek)(fd, offset, whence, &nacl_new_offs);
*new_offset = static_cast<off_t>(nacl_new_offs);
return ret;
int _real_lstat(const char* path, struct stat* buf) {
struct nacl_abi_stat st;
int err = REAL(lstat)(path, (struct stat*)&st);
if (err) {
errno = err;
return -1;
nacl_stat_to_stat(&st, buf);
return 0;
int _real_mkdir(const char* pathname, mode_t mode) {
return REAL(mkdir)(pathname, mode);
int _real_mmap(void** addr,
size_t length,
int prot,
int flags,
int fd,
int64_t offset) {
return REAL(mmap)(addr, length, prot, flags, fd, offset);
int _real_munmap(void* addr, size_t length) {
return REAL(munmap)(addr, length);
int _real_open(const char* pathname, int oflag, mode_t mode, int* newfd) {
return REAL(open)(pathname, oflag, mode, newfd);
int _real_open_resource(const char* file, int* fd) {
return REAL(open_resource)(file, fd);
int _real_read(int fd, void* buf, size_t count, size_t* nread) {
return REAL(read)(fd, buf, count, nread);
int _real_readlink(const char* path, char* buf, size_t count, size_t* nread) {
return REAL(readlink)(path, buf, count, nread);
int _real_rmdir(const char* pathname) {
return REAL(rmdir)(pathname);
int _real_truncate(const char* pathname, int64_t len) {
return REAL(truncate)(pathname, len);
int _real_write(int fd, const void* buf, size_t count, size_t* nwrote) {
return REAL(write)(fd, buf, count, nwrote);
int _real_getcwd(char* pathname, size_t len) {
return REAL(getcwd)(pathname, len);
static bool s_wrapped = false;
void kernel_wrap_init() {
if (!s_wrapped) {
s_wrapped = true;
void kernel_wrap_uninit() {
if (s_wrapped) {
s_wrapped = false;
#endif // defined(__native_client__) && defined(__BIONIC__)