blob: f0520be8182c7090d337a9c3987e7a650f94d8a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/macros.h"
namespace mojo {
class Handle;
namespace internal {
// BoundsChecker is used to validate object sizes, pointers and handle indices
// for payload of incoming messages.
class BoundsChecker {
// [data, data + data_num_bytes) specifies the initial valid memory range.
// [0, num_handles) specifies the initial valid range of handle indices.
BoundsChecker(const void* data, uint32_t data_num_bytes, size_t num_handles);
// Claims the specified memory range.
// The method succeeds if the range is valid to claim. (Please see
// the comments for IsValidRange().)
// On success, the valid memory range is shrinked to begin right after the end
// of the claimed range.
bool ClaimMemory(const void* position, uint32_t num_bytes);
// Claims the specified encoded handle (which is basically a handle index).
// The method succeeds if:
// - |encoded_handle|'s value is |kEncodedInvalidHandleValue|.
// - the handle is contained inside the valid range of handle indices. In this
// case, the valid range is shinked to begin right after the claimed handle.
bool ClaimHandle(const Handle& encoded_handle);
// Returns true if the specified range is not empty, and the range is
// contained inside the valid memory range.
bool IsValidRange(const void* position, uint32_t num_bytes) const;
bool InternalIsValidRange(uintptr_t begin, uintptr_t end) const;
// [data_begin_, data_end_) is the valid memory range.
uintptr_t data_begin_;
uintptr_t data_end_;
// [handle_begin_, handle_end_) is the valid handle index range.
uint32_t handle_begin_;
uint32_t handle_end_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace mojo