blob: 0a6dc2c151682f3382a84259ffd69a2ded01a045 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/interface_ptr.h"
namespace mojo {
// Used in methods that return instances of remote objects.
template <typename Interface>
class InterfaceRequest {
MOJO_MOVE_ONLY_TYPE_FOR_CPP_03(InterfaceRequest, RValue)
InterfaceRequest() {}
InterfaceRequest(RValue other) { handle_ = other.object->handle_.Pass(); }
InterfaceRequest& operator=(RValue other) {
handle_ = other.object->handle_.Pass();
return *this;
// Returns true if the request has yet to be completed.
bool is_pending() const { return handle_.is_valid(); }
void Bind(ScopedMessagePipeHandle handle) { handle_ = handle.Pass(); }
ScopedMessagePipeHandle PassMessagePipe() { return handle_.Pass(); }
ScopedMessagePipeHandle handle_;
template <typename Interface>
InterfaceRequest<Interface> MakeRequest(ScopedMessagePipeHandle handle) {
InterfaceRequest<Interface> request;
return request.Pass();
// Used to construct a request that synchronously binds an InterfacePtr<..>,
// making it immediately usable upon return. The resulting request object may
// then be later bound to an InterfaceImpl<..> via BindToRequest.
// Given the following interface:
// interface Foo {
// CreateBar(Bar& bar);
// }
// The caller of CreateBar would have code similar to the following:
// InterfacePtr<Foo> foo = ...;
// InterfacePtr<Bar> bar;
// foo->CreateBar(GetProxy(&bar));
// Upon return from CreateBar, |bar| is ready to have methods called on it.
template <typename Interface>
InterfaceRequest<Interface> GetProxy(InterfacePtr<Interface>* ptr) {
MessagePipe pipe;
return MakeRequest<Interface>(pipe.handle1.Pass());
} // namespace mojo