blob: f75dcc55d175b73634642d3f203cd357bc70d38f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "media/cdm/aes_decryptor.h"
#include "media/cdm/ppapi/external_clear_key/clear_key_cdm_common.h"
// Enable this to use the fake decoder for testing.
// TODO(tomfinegan): Move fake audio decoder into a separate class.
#if 0
namespace media {
class FileIOTestRunner;
class CdmVideoDecoder;
class DecoderBuffer;
class FFmpegCdmAudioDecoder;
// Clear key implementation of the cdm::ContentDecryptionModule interface.
class ClearKeyCdm : public ClearKeyCdmInterface {
ClearKeyCdm(Host* host, const std::string& key_system);
virtual ~ClearKeyCdm();
// ContentDecryptionModule implementation.
virtual void CreateSession(uint32 promise_id,
const char* init_data_type,
uint32 init_data_type_size,
const uint8* init_data,
uint32 init_data_size,
cdm::SessionType session_type) override;
virtual void LoadSession(uint32 promise_id,
const char* web_session_id,
uint32_t web_session_id_length) override;
virtual void UpdateSession(uint32 promise_id,
const char* web_session_id,
uint32_t web_session_id_length,
const uint8* response,
uint32 response_size) override;
virtual void CloseSession(uint32 promise_id,
const char* web_session_id,
uint32_t web_session_id_length) override;
virtual void RemoveSession(uint32 promise_id,
const char* web_session_id,
uint32_t web_session_id_length) override;
virtual void GetUsableKeyIds(uint32_t promise_id,
const char* web_session_id,
uint32_t web_session_id_length) override;
virtual void SetServerCertificate(
uint32 promise_id,
const uint8_t* server_certificate_data,
uint32_t server_certificate_data_size) override;
virtual void TimerExpired(void* context) override;
virtual cdm::Status Decrypt(const cdm::InputBuffer& encrypted_buffer,
cdm::DecryptedBlock* decrypted_block) override;
virtual cdm::Status InitializeAudioDecoder(
const cdm::AudioDecoderConfig& audio_decoder_config) override;
virtual cdm::Status InitializeVideoDecoder(
const cdm::VideoDecoderConfig& video_decoder_config) override;
virtual void DeinitializeDecoder(cdm::StreamType decoder_type) override;
virtual void ResetDecoder(cdm::StreamType decoder_type) override;
virtual cdm::Status DecryptAndDecodeFrame(
const cdm::InputBuffer& encrypted_buffer,
cdm::VideoFrame* video_frame) override;
virtual cdm::Status DecryptAndDecodeSamples(
const cdm::InputBuffer& encrypted_buffer,
cdm::AudioFrames* audio_frames) override;
virtual void Destroy() override;
virtual void OnPlatformChallengeResponse(
const cdm::PlatformChallengeResponse& response) override;
virtual void OnQueryOutputProtectionStatus(
uint32_t link_mask, uint32_t output_protection_mask) override;
// Emulates a session stored for |session_id_for_emulated_loadsession_|. This
// is necessary since does not support storing sessions.
void LoadLoadableSession();
// ContentDecryptionModule callbacks.
void OnSessionMessage(const std::string& web_session_id,
const std::vector<uint8>& message,
const GURL& destination_url);
void OnSessionKeysChange(const std::string& web_session_id,
bool has_additional_usable_key);
void OnSessionClosed(const std::string& web_session_id);
// Handle the success/failure of a promise. These methods are responsible for
// calling |host_| to resolve or reject the promise.
void OnSessionCreated(uint32 promise_id, const std::string& web_session_id);
void OnSessionLoaded(uint32 promise_id, const std::string& web_session_id);
void OnSessionUpdated(uint32 promise_id, const std::string& web_session_id);
void OnUsableKeyIdsObtained(uint32 promise_id, const KeyIdsVector& key_ids);
void OnPromiseResolved(uint32 promise_id);
void OnPromiseFailed(uint32 promise_id,
MediaKeys::Exception exception_code,
uint32 system_code,
const std::string& error_message);
// Prepares next heartbeat message and sets a timer for it.
void ScheduleNextHeartBeat();
// Decrypts the |encrypted_buffer| and puts the result in |decrypted_buffer|.
// Returns cdm::kSuccess if decryption succeeded. The decrypted result is
// put in |decrypted_buffer|. If |encrypted_buffer| is empty, the
// |decrypted_buffer| is set to an empty (EOS) buffer.
// Returns cdm::kNoKey if no decryption key was available. In this case
// |decrypted_buffer| should be ignored by the caller.
// Returns cdm::kDecryptError if any decryption error occurred. In this case
// |decrypted_buffer| should be ignored by the caller.
cdm::Status DecryptToMediaDecoderBuffer(
const cdm::InputBuffer& encrypted_buffer,
scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer>* decrypted_buffer);
int64 CurrentTimeStampInMicroseconds() const;
// Generates fake video frames with |duration_in_microseconds|.
// Returns the number of samples generated in the |audio_frames|.
int GenerateFakeAudioFramesFromDuration(int64 duration_in_microseconds,
cdm::AudioFrames* audio_frames) const;
// Generates fake video frames given |input_timestamp|.
// Returns cdm::kSuccess if any audio frame is successfully generated.
cdm::Status GenerateFakeAudioFrames(int64 timestamp_in_microseconds,
cdm::AudioFrames* audio_frames);
void StartFileIOTest();
// Callback for CDM File IO test.
void OnFileIOTestComplete(bool success);
// Keep track of the last session created.
void SetSessionId(const std::string& web_session_id);
AesDecryptor decryptor_;
ClearKeyCdmHost* host_;
const std::string key_system_;
std::string last_session_id_;
std::string next_heartbeat_message_;
// In order to simulate LoadSession(), CreateSession() and then
// UpdateSession() will be called to create a session with known keys.
// |session_id_for_emulated_loadsession_| is used to keep track of the
// session_id allocated by aes_decryptor, as the session_id will be returned
// as |kLoadableWebSessionId|. Future requests for this simulated session
// need to use |session_id_for_emulated_loadsession_| for all calls
// to aes_decryptor.
// |promise_id_for_emulated_loadsession_| is used to keep track of the
// original LoadSession() promise, as it is not resolved until the
// UpdateSession() call succeeds.
// TODO(xhwang): Extract testing code from main implementation.
// See
std::string session_id_for_emulated_loadsession_;
uint32_t promise_id_for_emulated_loadsession_;
// Timer delay in milliseconds for the next host_->SetTimer() call.
int64 timer_delay_ms_;
// Indicates whether a heartbeat timer has been set to prevent multiple timers
// from running.
bool heartbeat_timer_set_;
int channel_count_;
int bits_per_channel_;
int samples_per_second_;
int64 output_timestamp_base_in_microseconds_;
int total_samples_generated_;
scoped_ptr<FFmpegCdmAudioDecoder> audio_decoder_;
scoped_ptr<CdmVideoDecoder> video_decoder_;
scoped_ptr<FileIOTestRunner> file_io_test_runner_;
} // namespace media