blob: 6d569227af63816ad0b36116d2c8a95cd600f53f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_process_observer.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_thread.h"
namespace blink {
class WebPlatformEventListener;
namespace content {
// This class is used as a base class for PlatformEventObserver<ListenerType> to
// allow storing PlatformEventObserver<> with different typename in the same
// place.
class PlatformEventObserverBase {
virtual ~PlatformEventObserverBase() { }
// Methods that need to be exposed in PlatformEventObserverBase. Their purpose
// is described in PlatformEventObserver<>.
virtual void Start(blink::WebPlatformEventListener* listener) = 0;
virtual void Stop() = 0;
// Helper method that allows an sub-class to write its own test helper.
// The |data| type MUST be known from the caller.
virtual void SendFakeDataForTesting(void* data) { }
// PlatformEventObserver<> defines the basic skeleton for an object requesting
// the browser process to start/stop listening to some platform/hardware events
// and observe the result.
// The results are received via IPC, assuming that the object was correctly
// registered as an observer via the constructor taking a RenderThread.
template <typename ListenerType>
class PlatformEventObserver : public PlatformEventObserverBase,
public RenderProcessObserver {
// Creates a PlatformEventObserver that doesn't listen to responses from the
// browser process. Can be used for testing purposes or for observers that
// have other means to get their results.
: is_observing_(false),
listener_(0) {
// Creates a PlatformEventObserver that registers to the RenderThread in order
// to intercept the received IPC messages (via OnControlMessageReceived). If
// |thread| is null, it will not register.
explicit PlatformEventObserver(RenderThread* thread)
: is_observing_(false),
listener_(0) {
if (thread)
// The observer must automatically stop observing when destroyed in case it
// did not stop before. Implementations of PlatformEventObserver must do
// so by calling StopIfObserving() from their destructors.
virtual ~PlatformEventObserver() {
// If this assert fails, the derived destructor failed to invoke
// StopIfObserving().
// Called when a new IPC message is received. Must be used to listen to the
// responses from the browser process if any expected.
virtual bool OnControlMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) override {
return false;
// Start observing. Will request the browser process to start listening to the
// events. |listener| will receive any response from the browser process.
// Note: should not be called if already observing.
virtual void Start(blink::WebPlatformEventListener* listener) {
listener_ = static_cast<ListenerType*>(listener);
is_observing_ = true;
// Stop observing. Will let the browser know that it doesn't need to observe
// anymore.
virtual void Stop() {
listener_ = 0;
is_observing_ = false;
// This method is expected to send an IPC to the browser process to let it
// know that it should start observing.
// It is expected for subclasses to override it.
virtual void SendStartMessage() = 0;
// This method is expected to send an IPC to the browser process to let it
// know that it should start observing.
// It is expected for subclasses to override it.
virtual void SendStopMessage() = 0;
// Implementations of PlatformEventObserver must call StopIfObserving()
// from their destructor to shutdown in an orderly manner.
// (As Stop() calls a virtual method, it cannot be handled by
// ~PlatformEventObserver.)
void StopIfObserving() {
if (is_observing())
bool is_observing() const {
return is_observing_;
ListenerType* listener() {
return listener_;
bool is_observing_;
ListenerType* listener_;
} // namespace content