blob: dfe6ce7df4d2f7a496e0e24229ffc293a233f5aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "components/signin/core/browser/signin_manager.h"
#include "google_apis/gaia/google_service_auth_error.h"
#include "google_apis/gaia/merge_session_helper.h"
#include "google_apis/gaia/oauth2_token_service.h"
class AccountReconcilor;
class ProfileOAuth2TokenService;
class SigninClient;
// The signin flow logic is spread across several classes with varying
// responsibilities:
// SigninTracker (this class) - This class listens to notifications from various
// services (SigninManager, OAuth2TokenService) and coalesces them into
// notifications for the UI layer. This is the class that encapsulates the logic
// that determines whether a user is fully logged in or not, and exposes
// callbacks so various pieces of the UI (OneClickSyncStarter) can track the
// current startup state.
// SyncSetupHandler - This class is primarily responsible for interacting with
// the web UI for performing system login and sync configuration. Receives
// callbacks from the UI when the user wishes to initiate a login, and
// translates system state (login errors, etc) into the appropriate calls into
// the UI to reflect this status to the user.
// LoginUIService - Our desktop UI flows rely on having only a single login flow
// visible to the user at once. This is achieved via LoginUIService
// (a KeyedService that keeps track of the currently visible
// login UI).
// SigninManager - Records the currently-logged-in user and handles all
// interaction with the GAIA backend during the signin process. Unlike
// SigninTracker, SigninManager only knows about the GAIA login state and is
// not aware of the state of any signed in services.
// OAuth2TokenService - Maintains and manages OAuth2 tokens for the accounts
// connected to this profile.
// ProfileSyncService - Provides the external API for interacting with the
// sync framework. Listens for notifications for tokens to know when to startup
// sync, and provides an Observer interface to notify the UI layer of changes
// in sync state so they can be reflected in the UI.
class SigninTracker : public SigninManagerBase::Observer,
public OAuth2TokenService::Observer,
public MergeSessionHelper::Observer {
class Observer {
// The signin attempt failed, and the cause is passed in |error|.
virtual void SigninFailed(const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) = 0;
// The signin attempt succeeded.
virtual void SigninSuccess() = 0;
// The signed in account has been merged into the content area cookie jar.
// This will be called only after a call to SigninSuccess().
virtual void MergeSessionComplete(const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) = 0;
// Creates a SigninTracker that tracks the signin status on the passed
// classes, and notifies the |observer| on status changes. All of the
// instances with the exception of |account_reconcilor| must be non-null and
// must outlive the SigninTracker. |account_reconcilor| will be used if it is
// non-null.
SigninTracker(ProfileOAuth2TokenService* token_service,
SigninManagerBase* signin_manager,
AccountReconcilor* account_reconcilor,
SigninClient* client,
Observer* observer);
~SigninTracker() override;
// SigninManagerBase::Observer implementation.
void GoogleSigninFailed(const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) override;
// OAuth2TokenService::Observer implementation.
void OnRefreshTokenAvailable(const std::string& account_id) override;
void OnRefreshTokenRevoked(const std::string& account_id) override;
// Initializes this by adding notifications and observers.
void Initialize();
// MergeSessionHelper::Observer implementation.
void MergeSessionCompleted(const std::string& account_id,
const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) override;
// The classes whose collective signin status we are tracking.
ProfileOAuth2TokenService* token_service_;
SigninManagerBase* signin_manager_;
AccountReconcilor* account_reconcilor_;
// The client associated with this instance.
SigninClient* client_;
// Weak pointer to the observer we call when the signin state changes.
Observer* observer_;