blob: c2ffb4a1dbdc5052a75a2c456d8a57ef08606ae7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/password_form.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_store.h"
class PrefService;
namespace password_manager {
struct CredentialInfo;
class PasswordFormManager;
class PasswordManagerDriver;
class PasswordStore;
enum CustomPassphraseState {
// An abstraction of operations that depend on the embedders (e.g. Chrome)
// environment.
class PasswordManagerClient {
PasswordManagerClient() {}
virtual ~PasswordManagerClient() {}
// For automated testing, the save password prompt should sometimes not be
// shown, and password immediately saved instead. That can be enforced by
// a command-line flag. If auto-saving is enforced, this method returns true.
// The default return value is false.
virtual bool IsAutomaticPasswordSavingEnabled() const;
// If the password manager should work for the current page. Default
// always returns true.
virtual bool IsPasswordManagerEnabledForCurrentPage() const;
// Return true if |form| should not be available for autofill.
virtual bool ShouldFilterAutofillResult(
const autofill::PasswordForm& form) = 0;
// Return the username that the user is syncing with. Should return an empty
// string if sync is not enabled for passwords.
virtual std::string GetSyncUsername() const = 0;
// Returns true if |username| and |origin| correspond to the account which is
// syncing.
virtual bool IsSyncAccountCredential(
const std::string& username, const std::string& origin) const = 0;
// Called when all autofill results have been computed. Client can use
// this signal to report statistics. Default implementation is a noop.
virtual void AutofillResultsComputed() {}
// Informs the embedder of a password form that can be saved if the user
// allows it. The embedder is not required to prompt the user if it decides
// that this form doesn't need to be saved.
// Returns true if the prompt was indeed displayed.
virtual bool PromptUserToSavePassword(
scoped_ptr<PasswordFormManager> form_to_save) = 0;
// Called when a password is saved in an automated fashion. Embedder may
// inform the user that this save has occured.
virtual void AutomaticPasswordSave(
scoped_ptr<PasswordFormManager> saved_form_manager) = 0;
// Called when a password is autofilled. |best_matches| contains the
// PasswordForm into which a password was filled: the client may choose to
// save this to the PasswordStore, for example. Default implementation is a
// noop.
virtual void PasswordWasAutofilled(
const autofill::PasswordFormMap& best_matches) const {}
// Called when password autofill is blocked by the blacklist. |best_matches|
// contains the PasswordForm that flags the current site as being on the
// blacklist. The client may choose to remove this from the PasswordStore in
// order to unblacklist a site, for example. Default implementation is a noop.
virtual void PasswordAutofillWasBlocked(
const autofill::PasswordFormMap& best_matches) const {}
// Gets prefs associated with this embedder.
virtual PrefService* GetPrefs() = 0;
// Returns the PasswordStore associated with this instance.
virtual PasswordStore* GetPasswordStore() = 0;
// Returns the PasswordManagerDriver instance associated with this instance.
virtual PasswordManagerDriver* GetDriver() = 0;
// Returns the probability that the experiment identified by |experiment_name|
// should be enabled. The default implementation returns 0.
virtual base::FieldTrial::Probability GetProbabilityForExperiment(
const std::string& experiment_name);
// Returns true if password sync is enabled in the embedder. Return value for
// custom passphrase users depends on |state|. The default implementation
// always returns false.
virtual bool IsPasswordSyncEnabled(CustomPassphraseState state);
// Only for clients which registered with a LogRouter: If called with
// |router_can_be_used| set to false, the client may no longer use the
// LogRouter. If |router_can_be_used| is true, the LogRouter can be used after
// the return from OnLogRouterAvailabilityChanged.
virtual void OnLogRouterAvailabilityChanged(bool router_can_be_used);
// Forward |text| for display to the LogRouter (if registered with one).
virtual void LogSavePasswordProgress(const std::string& text);
// Returns true if logs recorded via LogSavePasswordProgress will be
// displayed, and false otherwise.
virtual bool IsLoggingActive() const;
// Returns the authorization prompt policy to be used with the given form.
// Only relevant on OSX.
virtual PasswordStore::AuthorizationPromptPolicy GetAuthorizationPromptPolicy(
const autofill::PasswordForm& form);
} // namespace password_manager