blob: f227c73a41a324c6085f8703d67d58d0c624ed3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "components/dom_distiller/core/article_entry.h"
#include "components/dom_distiller/core/distilled_page_prefs.h"
#include "components/dom_distiller/core/distiller_page.h"
class GURL;
namespace syncer {
class SyncableService;
namespace dom_distiller {
class DistilledArticleProto;
class DistilledContentStore;
class DistillerFactory;
class DistillerPageFactory;
class DomDistillerObserver;
class DomDistillerStoreInterface;
class TaskTracker;
class ViewerHandle;
class ViewRequestDelegate;
// Service for interacting with the Dom Distiller.
// Construction, destruction, and usage of this service must happen on the same
// thread. Callbacks will be called on that same thread.
class DomDistillerServiceInterface {
typedef base::Callback<void(bool)> ArticleAvailableCallback;
virtual ~DomDistillerServiceInterface() {}
virtual syncer::SyncableService* GetSyncableService() const = 0;
// Distill the article at |url| and add the resulting entry to the DOM
// distiller list. |article_cb| is always invoked, and the bool argument to it
// represents whether the article is available offline.
// Use CreateDefaultDistillerPage() to create a default |distiller_page|.
// The provided |distiller_page| is only used if there is not already a
// distillation task in progress for the given |url|.
virtual const std::string AddToList(
const GURL& url,
scoped_ptr<DistillerPage> distiller_page,
const ArticleAvailableCallback& article_cb) = 0;
// Returns whether an article stored has the given entry id.
virtual bool HasEntry(const std::string& entry_id) = 0;
// Returns the source URL given an entry ID. If the entry ID article has
// multiple pages, this will return the URL of the first page. Returns an
// empty string if there is no entry associated with the given entry ID.
virtual std::string GetUrlForEntry(const std::string& entry_id) = 0;
// Gets the full list of entries.
virtual std::vector<ArticleEntry> GetEntries() const = 0;
// Removes the specified entry from the dom distiller store.
virtual scoped_ptr<ArticleEntry> RemoveEntry(const std::string& entry_id) = 0;
// Request to view an article by entry id. Returns a null pointer if no entry
// with |entry_id| exists. The ViewerHandle should be destroyed before the
// ViewRequestDelegate. The request will be cancelled when the handle is
// destroyed (or when this service is destroyed), which also ensures that
// the |delegate| is not called after that.
// Use CreateDefaultDistillerPage() to create a default |distiller_page|.
// The provided |distiller_page| is only used if there is not already a
// distillation task in progress for the given |entry_id|.
virtual scoped_ptr<ViewerHandle> ViewEntry(
ViewRequestDelegate* delegate,
scoped_ptr<DistillerPage> distiller_page,
const std::string& entry_id) = 0;
// Request to view an article by url.
// Use CreateDefaultDistillerPage() to create a default |distiller_page|.
// The provided |distiller_page| is only used if there is not already a
// distillation task in progress for the given |url|.
virtual scoped_ptr<ViewerHandle> ViewUrl(
ViewRequestDelegate* delegate,
scoped_ptr<DistillerPage> distiller_page,
const GURL& url) = 0;
// Creates a default DistillerPage.
virtual scoped_ptr<DistillerPage> CreateDefaultDistillerPage(
const gfx::Size& render_view_size) = 0;
virtual scoped_ptr<DistillerPage> CreateDefaultDistillerPageWithHandle(
scoped_ptr<SourcePageHandle> handle) = 0;
virtual void AddObserver(DomDistillerObserver* observer) = 0;
virtual void RemoveObserver(DomDistillerObserver* observer) = 0;
// Returns the DistilledPagePrefs owned by the instance of
// DomDistillerService.
virtual DistilledPagePrefs* GetDistilledPagePrefs() = 0;
DomDistillerServiceInterface() {}
// Provide a view of the article list and ways of interacting with it.
class DomDistillerService : public DomDistillerServiceInterface {
DomDistillerService(scoped_ptr<DomDistillerStoreInterface> store,
scoped_ptr<DistillerFactory> distiller_factory,
scoped_ptr<DistillerPageFactory> distiller_page_factory,
scoped_ptr<DistilledPagePrefs> distilled_page_prefs);
~DomDistillerService() override;
// DomDistillerServiceInterface implementation.
syncer::SyncableService* GetSyncableService() const override;
const std::string AddToList(
const GURL& url,
scoped_ptr<DistillerPage> distiller_page,
const ArticleAvailableCallback& article_cb) override;
bool HasEntry(const std::string& entry_id) override;
std::string GetUrlForEntry(const std::string& entry_id) override;
std::vector<ArticleEntry> GetEntries() const override;
scoped_ptr<ArticleEntry> RemoveEntry(const std::string& entry_id) override;
scoped_ptr<ViewerHandle> ViewEntry(ViewRequestDelegate* delegate,
scoped_ptr<DistillerPage> distiller_page,
const std::string& entry_id) override;
scoped_ptr<ViewerHandle> ViewUrl(ViewRequestDelegate* delegate,
scoped_ptr<DistillerPage> distiller_page,
const GURL& url) override;
scoped_ptr<DistillerPage> CreateDefaultDistillerPage(
const gfx::Size& render_view_size) override;
scoped_ptr<DistillerPage> CreateDefaultDistillerPageWithHandle(
scoped_ptr<SourcePageHandle> handle) override;
void AddObserver(DomDistillerObserver* observer) override;
void RemoveObserver(DomDistillerObserver* observer) override;
DistilledPagePrefs* GetDistilledPagePrefs() override;
void CancelTask(TaskTracker* task);
void AddDistilledPageToList(const ArticleEntry& entry,
const DistilledArticleProto* article_proto,
bool distillation_succeeded);
TaskTracker* CreateTaskTracker(const ArticleEntry& entry);
TaskTracker* GetTaskTrackerForEntry(const ArticleEntry& entry) const;
// Gets the task tracker for the given |url| or |entry|. If no appropriate
// tracker exists, this will create one, initialize it, and add it to
// |tasks_|.
TaskTracker* GetOrCreateTaskTrackerForUrl(const GURL& url);
TaskTracker* GetOrCreateTaskTrackerForEntry(const ArticleEntry& entry);
scoped_ptr<DomDistillerStoreInterface> store_;
scoped_ptr<DistilledContentStore> content_store_;
scoped_ptr<DistillerFactory> distiller_factory_;
scoped_ptr<DistillerPageFactory> distiller_page_factory_;
scoped_ptr<DistilledPagePrefs> distilled_page_prefs_;
typedef ScopedVector<TaskTracker> TaskList;
TaskList tasks_;
} // namespace dom_distiller