blob: 0f0f6c2e134ba13cfde638658a9925f5056605d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
namespace blink {
class WebDocument;
class WebElement;
class WebFormElement;
class WebFormControlElement;
class WebFrame;
class WebInputElement;
class WebNode;
namespace autofill {
struct FormData;
struct FormFieldData;
struct WebElementDescriptor;
// A bit field mask for form or form element requirements.
enum RequirementsMask {
REQUIRE_NONE = 0, // No requirements.
REQUIRE_AUTOCOMPLETE = 1, // Require that autocomplete != off.
// A bit field mask to extract data from WebFormControlElement.
enum ExtractMask {
EXTRACT_VALUE = 1 << 0, // Extract value from WebFormControlElement.
EXTRACT_OPTION_TEXT = 1 << 1, // Extract option text from
// WebFormSelectElement. Only valid when
// |EXTRACT_VALUE| is set.
// This is used for form submission where
// human readable value is captured.
EXTRACT_OPTIONS = 1 << 2, // Extract options from
// WebFormControlElement.
// The maximum number of form fields we are willing to parse, due to
// computational costs. Several examples of forms with lots of fields that are
// not relevant to Autofill: (1) the Netflix queue; (2) the Amazon wishlist;
// (3) router configuration pages; and (4) other configuration pages, e.g. for
// Google code project settings.
extern const size_t kMaxParseableFields;
// Returns true if |element| is a month input element.
bool IsMonthInput(const blink::WebInputElement* element);
// Returns true if |element| is a text input element.
bool IsTextInput(const blink::WebInputElement* element);
// Returns true if |element| is a select element.
bool IsSelectElement(const blink::WebFormControlElement& element);
// Returns true if |element| is a textarea element.
bool IsTextAreaElement(const blink::WebFormControlElement& element);
// Returns true if |element| is a checkbox or a radio button element.
bool IsCheckableElement(const blink::WebInputElement* element);
// Returns true if |element| is one of the input element types that can be
// autofilled. {Text, Radiobutton, Checkbox}.
bool IsAutofillableInputElement(const blink::WebInputElement* element);
// Recursively checks whether |node| or any of its children have a non-empty
// bounding box.
bool IsWebNodeVisible(const blink::WebNode& node);
// Returns the form's |name| attribute if non-empty; otherwise the form's |id|
// attribute.
const base::string16 GetFormIdentifier(const blink::WebFormElement& form);
// Returns true if the element specified by |click_element| was successfully
// clicked.
bool ClickElement(const blink::WebDocument& document,
const WebElementDescriptor& element_descriptor);
// Fills |autofillable_elements| with all the auto-fillable form control
// elements in |form_element|.
void ExtractAutofillableElements(
const blink::WebFormElement& form_element,
RequirementsMask requirements,
std::vector<blink::WebFormControlElement>* autofillable_elements);
// Fills out a FormField object from a given WebFormControlElement.
// |extract_mask|: See the enum ExtractMask above for details.
void WebFormControlElementToFormField(
const blink::WebFormControlElement& element,
ExtractMask extract_mask,
FormFieldData* field);
// Fills |form| with the FormData object corresponding to the |form_element|.
// If |field| is non-NULL, also fills |field| with the FormField object
// corresponding to the |form_control_element|.
// |extract_mask| controls what data is extracted.
// Returns true if |form| is filled out; it's possible that the |form_element|
// won't meet the |requirements|. Also returns false if there are no fields or
// too many fields in the |form|.
bool WebFormElementToFormData(
const blink::WebFormElement& form_element,
const blink::WebFormControlElement& form_control_element,
RequirementsMask requirements,
ExtractMask extract_mask,
FormData* form,
FormFieldData* field);
// Finds the form that contains |element| and returns it in |form|. Fills
// |field| with the |FormField| representation for element.
// Returns false if the form is not found or cannot be serialized.
bool FindFormAndFieldForFormControlElement(
const blink::WebFormControlElement& element,
FormData* form,
FormFieldData* field,
RequirementsMask requirements);
// Fills the form represented by |form|. |element| is the input element that
// initiated the auto-fill process.
void FillForm(const FormData& form,
const blink::WebFormControlElement& element);
// Fills focusable and non-focusable form control elements within |form_element|
// with field data from |form_data|.
void FillFormIncludingNonFocusableElements(
const FormData& form_data,
const blink::WebFormElement& form_element);
// Fills all (including disabled, read-only and non-focusable) form control
// elements within |form_element| with field data from |form_data|.
void FillFormForAllElements(
const FormData& form_data,
const blink::WebFormElement& form_element);
// Previews the form represented by |form|. |element| is the input element that
// initiated the preview process.
void PreviewForm(const FormData& form,
const blink::WebFormControlElement& element);
// Clears the placeholder values and the auto-filled background for any fields
// in the form containing |node| that have been previewed. Resets the
// autofilled state of |node| to |was_autofilled|. Returns false if the form is
// not found.
bool ClearPreviewedFormWithElement(const blink::WebFormControlElement& element,
bool was_autofilled);
// Returns true if |form| has any auto-filled fields.
bool FormWithElementIsAutofilled(const blink::WebInputElement& element);
// Checks if the webpage is empty.
// This kind of webpage is considered as empty:
// <html>
// <head>
// <head/>
// <body>
// <body/>
// <html/>
// Meta, script and title tags don't influence the emptiness of a webpage.
bool IsWebpageEmpty(const blink::WebFrame* frame);
// This function checks whether the children of |element|
// are of the type <script>, <meta>, or <title>.
bool IsWebElementEmpty(const blink::WebElement& element);
// Return a gfx::RectF that is the bounding box for |element| scaled by |scale|.
gfx::RectF GetScaledBoundingBox(float scale,
blink::WebFormControlElement* element);
} // namespace autofill