blob: 5a0591e4177c2096738e9f12912a8c4933f0dade [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "chromeos/chromeos_export.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/shill_manager_client.h"
namespace net {
class IPEndPoint;
namespace chromeos {
// A fake implementation of ShillManagerClient. This works in close coordination
// with FakeShillServiceClient. FakeShillDeviceClient, and
// FakeShillProfileClient, and is not intended to be used independently.
class CHROMEOS_EXPORT FakeShillManagerClient
: public ShillManagerClient,
public ShillManagerClient::TestInterface {
virtual ~FakeShillManagerClient();
// ShillManagerClient overrides
virtual void Init(dbus::Bus* bus) override;
virtual void AddPropertyChangedObserver(
ShillPropertyChangedObserver* observer) override;
virtual void RemovePropertyChangedObserver(
ShillPropertyChangedObserver* observer) override;
virtual void GetProperties(const DictionaryValueCallback& callback) override;
virtual void GetNetworksForGeolocation(
const DictionaryValueCallback& callback) override;
virtual void SetProperty(const std::string& name,
const base::Value& value,
const base::Closure& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override;
virtual void RequestScan(const std::string& type,
const base::Closure& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override;
virtual void EnableTechnology(
const std::string& type,
const base::Closure& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override;
virtual void DisableTechnology(
const std::string& type,
const base::Closure& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override;
virtual void ConfigureService(
const base::DictionaryValue& properties,
const ObjectPathCallback& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override;
virtual void ConfigureServiceForProfile(
const dbus::ObjectPath& profile_path,
const base::DictionaryValue& properties,
const ObjectPathCallback& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override;
virtual void GetService(
const base::DictionaryValue& properties,
const ObjectPathCallback& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override;
virtual void VerifyDestination(const VerificationProperties& properties,
const BooleanCallback& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override;
virtual void VerifyAndEncryptCredentials(
const VerificationProperties& properties,
const std::string& service_path,
const StringCallback& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override;
virtual void VerifyAndEncryptData(
const VerificationProperties& properties,
const std::string& data,
const StringCallback& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override;
virtual void ConnectToBestServices(
const base::Closure& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override;
virtual void AddWakeOnPacketConnection(
const net::IPEndPoint& ip_connection,
const base::Closure& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override;
virtual void RemoveWakeOnPacketConnection(
const net::IPEndPoint& ip_endpoint,
const base::Closure& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override;
virtual void RemoveAllWakeOnPacketConnections(
const base::Closure& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override;
virtual ShillManagerClient::TestInterface* GetTestInterface() override;
// ShillManagerClient::TestInterface overrides.
virtual void AddDevice(const std::string& device_path) override;
virtual void RemoveDevice(const std::string& device_path) override;
virtual void ClearDevices() override;
virtual void AddTechnology(const std::string& type, bool enabled) override;
virtual void RemoveTechnology(const std::string& type) override;
virtual void SetTechnologyInitializing(const std::string& type,
bool initializing) override;
virtual void AddGeoNetwork(const std::string& technology,
const base::DictionaryValue& network) override;
virtual void AddProfile(const std::string& profile_path) override;
virtual void ClearProperties() override;
virtual void SetManagerProperty(const std::string& key,
const base::Value& value) override;
virtual void AddManagerService(const std::string& service_path,
bool notify_observers) override;
virtual void RemoveManagerService(const std::string& service_path) override;
virtual void ClearManagerServices() override;
virtual void ServiceStateChanged(const std::string& service_path,
const std::string& state) override;
virtual void SortManagerServices(bool notify) override;
virtual void SetupDefaultEnvironment() override;
virtual int GetInteractiveDelay() const override;
virtual void SetBestServiceToConnect(
const std::string& service_path) override;
// Constants used for testing.
static const char kFakeEthernetNetworkGuid[];
void SetDefaultProperties();
void PassStubProperties(const DictionaryValueCallback& callback) const;
void PassStubGeoNetworks(const DictionaryValueCallback& callback) const;
void CallNotifyObserversPropertyChanged(const std::string& property);
void NotifyObserversPropertyChanged(const std::string& property);
base::ListValue* GetListProperty(const std::string& property);
bool TechnologyEnabled(const std::string& type) const;
void SetTechnologyEnabled(const std::string& type,
const base::Closure& callback,
bool enabled);
base::ListValue* GetEnabledServiceList(const std::string& property) const;
void ScanCompleted(const std::string& device_path,
const base::Closure& callback);
// Parses the command line for Shill stub switches and sets initial states.
// Uses comma-separated name-value pairs (see SplitStringIntoKeyValuePairs):
// interactive={delay} - sets delay in seconds for interactive UI
// {wifi,cellular,etc}={on,off,disabled,none} - sets initial state for type
void ParseCommandLineSwitch();
bool ParseOption(const std::string& arg0, const std::string& arg1);
bool SetInitialNetworkState(std::string type_arg, std::string state_arg);
std::string GetInitialStateForType(const std::string& type,
bool* enabled);
// Dictionary of property name -> property value
base::DictionaryValue stub_properties_;
// Dictionary of technology -> list of property dictionaries
base::DictionaryValue stub_geo_networks_;
// Seconds to delay interactive actions
int interactive_delay_;
// Initial state for fake services.
std::map<std::string, std::string> shill_initial_state_map_;
typedef std::map<std::string, base::Value*> ShillPropertyMap;
typedef std::map<std::string, ShillPropertyMap> DevicePropertyMap;
DevicePropertyMap shill_device_property_map_;
ObserverList<ShillPropertyChangedObserver> observer_list_;
// Note: This should remain the last member so it'll be destroyed and
// invalidate its weak pointers before any other members are destroyed.
base::WeakPtrFactory<FakeShillManagerClient> weak_ptr_factory_;
// Track the default service for signaling Manager.DefaultService.
std::string default_service_;
// 'Best' service to connect to on ConnectToBestServices() calls.
std::string best_service_;
} // namespace chromeos