blob: e6f161b36a1f704f21f364cff36e8562a0585ef7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/test/chromedriver/chrome/status.h"
// Content Shell and WebView have an empty product version and a fake user
// agent. There's no way to detect the actual version, so unless specified we
// assume it is tip of tree.
static const int kToTBuildNo = 9999;
// Similarly, if the Blink Revision isn't given then assume it is tip of tree.
static const int kToTBlinkRevision = 999999;
struct BrowserInfo {
BrowserInfo(std::string browser_name_,
std::string browser_version_,
int build_no_,
int blink_revision_);
std::string browser_name;
std::string browser_version;
int build_no;
int blink_revision;
Status ParseBrowserInfo(const std::string& data,
BrowserInfo* browser_info);
Status ParseBrowserString(const std::string& browser_string,
std::string* browser_name,
std::string* browser_version,
int* build_no);
Status ParseBlinkVersionString(const std::string& blink_version,
int* blink_revision);
bool IsGitHash(const std::string& revision);