blob: c0ae8734c01cdaeab51f7c1ada93c1b8b2f35dd5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from appengine_wrappers import db
from datastore_models import PersistentObjectStoreItem
from environment import IsDevServer
from future import All, Future
from object_store import ObjectStore
class PersistentObjectStore(ObjectStore):
'''Stores data persistently using the AppEngine Datastore API.
def __init__(self, namespace):
self._namespace = namespace
def SetMulti(self, mapping):
rpcs = [db.put_async(
PersistentObjectStoreItem.CreateItem(self._namespace, key, value))
for key, value in mapping.iteritems()]
# If running the dev server, the futures don't complete until the server is
# *quitting*. This is annoying. Flush now.
if IsDevServer():
[rpc.wait() for rpc in rpcs]
return All(Future(callback=lambda: rpc.get_result()) for rpc in rpcs)
def GetMulti(self, keys):
db_futures = dict(
(k, db.get_async(
PersistentObjectStoreItem.CreateKey(self._namespace, k)))
for k in keys)
def resolve():
return dict((key, future.get_result().GetValue())
for key, future in db_futures.iteritems()
if future.get_result() is not None)
return Future(callback=resolve)
def DelMulti(self, keys):
futures = []
for key in keys:
PersistentObjectStoreItem.CreateKey(self._namespace, key)))
# If running the dev server, the futures don't complete until the server is
# *quitting*. This is annoying. Flush now.
if IsDevServer():
[future.wait() for future in futures]