blob: 19707be49fcec8ae79449b9bb14f3ac2973311ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/networking_private/networking_private_delegate.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
namespace context {
class BrowserContext;
namespace dbus {
class Bus;
class ObjectPath;
class ObjectProxy;
class Response;
namespace extensions {
// Linux NetworkingPrivateDelegate implementation.
class NetworkingPrivateLinux : public KeyedService,
public NetworkingPrivateDelegate {
typedef std::map<base::string16, linked_ptr<base::DictionaryValue>>
explicit NetworkingPrivateLinux(content::BrowserContext* browser_context);
// NetworkingPrivateDelegate
virtual void GetProperties(const std::string& guid,
const DictionaryCallback& success_callback,
const FailureCallback& failure_callback) override;
virtual void GetManagedProperties(
const std::string& guid,
const DictionaryCallback& success_callback,
const FailureCallback& failure_callback) override;
virtual void GetState(const std::string& guid,
const DictionaryCallback& success_callback,
const FailureCallback& failure_callback) override;
virtual void SetProperties(const std::string& guid,
scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> properties,
const VoidCallback& success_callback,
const FailureCallback& failure_callback) override;
virtual void CreateNetwork(bool shared,
scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> properties,
const StringCallback& success_callback,
const FailureCallback& failure_callback) override;
virtual void GetNetworks(const std::string& network_type,
bool configured_only,
bool visible_only,
int limit,
const NetworkListCallback& success_callback,
const FailureCallback& failure_callback) override;
virtual void StartConnect(const std::string& guid,
const VoidCallback& success_callback,
const FailureCallback& failure_callback) override;
virtual void StartDisconnect(
const std::string& guid,
const VoidCallback& success_callback,
const FailureCallback& failure_callback) override;
virtual void VerifyDestination(
const VerificationProperties& verification_properties,
const BoolCallback& success_callback,
const FailureCallback& failure_callback) override;
virtual void VerifyAndEncryptCredentials(
const std::string& guid,
const VerificationProperties& verification_properties,
const StringCallback& success_callback,
const FailureCallback& failure_callback) override;
virtual void VerifyAndEncryptData(
const VerificationProperties& verification_properties,
const std::string& data,
const StringCallback& success_callback,
const FailureCallback& failure_callback) override;
virtual void SetWifiTDLSEnabledState(
const std::string& ip_or_mac_address,
bool enabled,
const StringCallback& success_callback,
const FailureCallback& failure_callback) override;
virtual void GetWifiTDLSStatus(
const std::string& ip_or_mac_address,
const StringCallback& success_callback,
const FailureCallback& failure_callback) override;
virtual void GetCaptivePortalStatus(
const std::string& guid,
const StringCallback& success_callback,
const FailureCallback& failure_callback) override;
virtual scoped_ptr<base::ListValue> GetEnabledNetworkTypes() override;
virtual bool EnableNetworkType(const std::string& type) override;
virtual bool DisableNetworkType(const std::string& type) override;
virtual bool RequestScan() override;
virtual ~NetworkingPrivateLinux();
enum DeviceType {
enum WirelessSecurityFlags {
NM_802_11_AP_SEC_NONE = 0x0,
NM_802_11_AP_SEC_PAIR_WEP40 = 0x1,
NM_802_11_AP_SEC_PAIR_WEP104 = 0x2,
NM_802_11_AP_SEC_PAIR_TKIP = 0x4,
NM_802_11_AP_SEC_PAIR_CCMP = 0x8,
NM_802_11_AP_SEC_GROUP_WEP40 = 0x10,
NM_802_11_AP_SEC_GROUP_WEP104 = 0x20,
NM_802_11_AP_SEC_GROUP_TKIP = 0x40,
NM_802_11_AP_SEC_GROUP_CCMP = 0x80,
NM_802_11_AP_SEC_KEY_MGMT_PSK = 0x100,
NM_802_11_AP_SEC_KEY_MGMT_802_1X = 0x200
// Initializes the DBus instance and the proxy object to the network manager.
// Must be called on |dbus_thread_|.
void Initialize();
// Enumerates all WiFi adapters and scans for access points on each.
// Results are appended into the provided |network_map|.
// Must be called on |dbus_thread_|.
void GetAllWiFiAccessPoints(bool configured_only,
bool visible_only,
int limit,
NetworkMap* network_map);
// Initiates the connection to the network.
// Must be called on |dbus_thread_|.
void ConnectToNetwork(const std::string& guid, std::string* error);
// Checks whether the current thread is the DBus thread. If not, DCHECK will
// fail.
void AssertOnDBusThread();
// Verifies that NetworkManager interfaces are initialized.
// Returns true if NetworkManager is initialized, otherwise returns false
// and the API call will fail with |kErrorNotSupported|.
bool CheckNetworkManagerSupported(const FailureCallback& failure_callback);
// Gets all network devices on the system.
// Returns false if there is an error getting the device paths.
bool GetNetworkDevices(std::vector<dbus::ObjectPath>* device_paths);
// Returns the DeviceType (eg. WiFi, ethernet). corresponding to the
// |device_path|.
DeviceType GetDeviceType(const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path);
// Helper function to enumerate WiFi networks. Takes a path to a Wireless
// device, scans that device and appends networks to network_list.
// Returns false if there is an error getting the access points visible
// to the |device_path|.
bool AddAccessPointsFromDevice(const dbus::ObjectPath& device_path,
NetworkMap* network_map);
// Reply callback accepts the map of networks and fires the callback.
void OnAccessPointsFound(scoped_ptr<NetworkMap> network_map,
const NetworkListCallback& success_callback,
const FailureCallback& failure_callback);
// Gets a dictionary of information about the access point.
// Returns false if there is an error getting information about the
// supplied |access_point_path|.
bool GetAccessPointInfo(
const dbus::ObjectPath& access_point_path,
const scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue>& access_point_info);
// Helper function to extract a property from a device.
// Returns the dbus::Response object from calling Get on the supplied
// |property_name|.
scoped_ptr<dbus::Response> GetAccessPointProperty(
dbus::ObjectProxy* access_point_proxy,
const std::string& property_name);
// If the access_point is not already in the map it is added. Otherwise
// the access point is updated (eg. with the max of the signal
// strength).
void AddOrUpdateAccessPoint(NetworkMap* network_map,
const std::string& network_guid,
scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue>& access_point);
// Maps the WPA security flags to a human readable string.
void MapSecurityFlagsToString(uint32 securityFlags, std::string* security);
// Gets the connected access point path on the given device. Internally gets
// all active connections then checks if the device matches the requested
// device, then gets the access point associated with the connection.
// Returns false if there is an error getting the connected access point.
bool GetConnectedAccessPoint(dbus::ObjectPath device_path,
dbus::ObjectPath* access_point_path);
// Given a path to an active connection gets the path to the device
// that the connection belongs to. Returns false if there is an error getting
// the device corresponding to the supplied |connection_path|.
bool GetDeviceOfConnection(dbus::ObjectPath connection_path,
dbus::ObjectPath* device_path);
// Given a path to an active wireless connection gets the path to the
// access point associated with that connection.
// Returns false if there is an error getting the |access_point_path|
// corresponding to the supplied |connection_path|.
bool GetAccessPointForConnection(dbus::ObjectPath connection_path,
dbus::ObjectPath* access_point_path);
// Browser context.
content::BrowserContext* browser_context_;
// Thread used for DBus actions.
base::Thread dbus_thread_;
// DBus instance. Only access on |dbus_thread_|.
scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> dbus_;
// Task runner used by the |dbus_| object.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> dbus_task_runner_;
// This is owned by |dbus_| object. Only access on |dbus_thread_|.
dbus::ObjectProxy* network_manager_proxy_;
} // namespace extensions