blob: 137a3d9beb987501dfacb882eee885e79fc7a0a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "chrome/common/custom_handlers/protocol_handler.h"
#include "components/infobars/core/confirm_infobar_delegate.h"
class InfoBarService;
class ProtocolHandlerRegistry;
// An InfoBar delegate that enables the user to allow or deny storing credit
// card information gathered from a form submission.
class RegisterProtocolHandlerInfoBarDelegate : public ConfirmInfoBarDelegate {
// Creates a new register protocol handler infobar and delegate. Searches
// |infobar_service| for an existing infobar for the same |handler|; replaces
// it with the new infobar if found, otherwise adds the new infobar to
// |infobar_service|.
static void Create(InfoBarService* infobar_service,
ProtocolHandlerRegistry* registry,
const ProtocolHandler& handler);
RegisterProtocolHandlerInfoBarDelegate(ProtocolHandlerRegistry* registry,
const ProtocolHandler& handler);
~RegisterProtocolHandlerInfoBarDelegate() override;
// ConfirmInfoBarDelegate:
InfoBarAutomationType GetInfoBarAutomationType() const override;
Type GetInfoBarType() const override;
AsRegisterProtocolHandlerInfoBarDelegate() override;
base::string16 GetMessageText() const override;
base::string16 GetButtonLabel(InfoBarButton button) const override;
bool OKButtonTriggersUACPrompt() const override;
bool Accept() override;
bool Cancel() override;
base::string16 GetLinkText() const override;
bool LinkClicked(WindowOpenDisposition disposition) override;
// Returns a user-friendly name for the protocol of this protocol handler.
base::string16 GetProtocolName(const ProtocolHandler& handler) const;
ProtocolHandlerRegistry* registry_;
ProtocolHandler handler_;