blob: 743f98a214a0c51248d6b518bc15732f30e20ad3 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Chrome rappor metrics
along with a detailed description for each histogram. See the design doc at
for a description of rappor metrics.
TODO(holte): Add validation and pretty printing scripts.
<!-- Rappor metric definitions -->
<rappor-metric name="Extensions.PossibleAdInjection2" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The eTLD+1 of a URL that might be doing ad injection.
<rappor-metric name="Search.DefaultSearchProvider" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL for the default search engine.
Recorded when a profile is opened or after a profile reset.
<rappor-metric name="Settings.FirstStartupPage" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL of the first page opened on startup.
Recorded when a profile is loaded if preferences specify a fixed set of URLs
to open on startup.
<rappor-metric name="Settings.HomePage2" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The eTLD+1 of the prefs::kHomePage setting. Recorded when a profile is
loaded if the URL is valid and prefs::kHomePageIsNewTabPage is false.
<rappor-metric name="Settings.NewTabPage" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL chrome://newtab is rewritten to.
Recorded when a profile is loaded, if the URL is valid.