blob: 53950dc3c11b4c07866c0e9863ce21bc76ac097e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "mojo/services/public/interfaces/view_manager/view_manager.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/services/view_manager/ids.h"
#include "mojo/services/view_manager/node_delegate.h"
#include "mojo/services/view_manager/view_manager_export.h"
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
namespace mojo {
namespace view_manager {
namespace service {
class Node;
class RootNodeManager;
class View;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Equivalent of NON_EXPORTED_BASE which does not work with the template snafu
// below.
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4275)
// Manages a connection from the client.
class MOJO_VIEW_MANAGER_EXPORT ViewManagerServiceImpl
: public InterfaceImpl<ViewManagerService>,
public NodeDelegate {
ViewManagerServiceImpl(RootNodeManager* root_node_manager,
ConnectionSpecificId creator_id,
const std::string& creator_url,
const std::string& url);
virtual ~ViewManagerServiceImpl();
// Used to mark this connection as originating from a call to
// ViewManagerService::Connect(). When set OnConnectionError() deletes |this|.
void set_delete_on_connection_error() { delete_on_connection_error_ = true; }
ConnectionSpecificId id() const { return id_; }
ConnectionSpecificId creator_id() const { return creator_id_; }
const std::string& url() const { return url_; }
// Returns the Node with the specified id.
Node* GetNode(const NodeId& id) {
return const_cast<Node*>(
const_cast<const ViewManagerServiceImpl*>(this)->GetNode(id));
const Node* GetNode(const NodeId& id) const;
// Returns the View with the specified id.
View* GetView(const ViewId& id) {
return const_cast<View*>(
const_cast<const ViewManagerServiceImpl*>(this)->GetView(id));
const View* GetView(const ViewId& id) const;
void SetRoots(const Array<Id>& node_ids);
// Invoked when a connection is destroyed.
void OnViewManagerServiceImplDestroyed(ConnectionSpecificId id);
// The following methods are invoked after the corresponding change has been
// processed. They do the appropriate bookkeeping and update the client as
// necessary.
void ProcessNodeBoundsChanged(const Node* node,
const gfx::Rect& old_bounds,
const gfx::Rect& new_bounds,
bool originated_change);
void ProcessNodeHierarchyChanged(const Node* node,
const Node* new_parent,
const Node* old_parent,
Id server_change_id,
bool originated_change);
void ProcessNodeReorder(const Node* node,
const Node* relative_node,
OrderDirection direction,
Id server_change_id,
bool originated_change);
void ProcessNodeViewReplaced(const Node* node,
const View* new_view,
const View* old_view,
bool originated_change);
void ProcessNodeDeleted(const NodeId& node,
Id server_change_id,
bool originated_change);
void ProcessViewDeleted(const ViewId& view, bool originated_change);
// TODO(sky): move this to private section (currently can't because of
// bindings).
// InterfaceImp overrides:
virtual void OnConnectionError() MOJO_OVERRIDE;
typedef std::map<ConnectionSpecificId, Node*> NodeMap;
typedef std::map<ConnectionSpecificId, View*> ViewMap;
typedef base::hash_set<Id> NodeIdSet;
// These functions return true if the corresponding mojom function is allowed
// for this connection.
bool CanRemoveNodeFromParent(const Node* node) const;
bool CanAddNode(const Node* parent, const Node* child) const;
bool CanReorderNode(const Node* node,
const Node* relative_node,
OrderDirection direction) const;
bool CanDeleteNode(const NodeId& node_id) const;
bool CanDeleteView(const ViewId& view_id) const;
bool CanSetView(const Node* node, const ViewId& view_id) const;
bool CanSetFocus(const Node* node) const;
bool CanGetNodeTree(const Node* node) const;
bool CanEmbed(const mojo::Array<uint32_t>& node_ids) const;
// Deletes a node owned by this connection. Returns true on success. |source|
// is the connection that originated the change.
bool DeleteNodeImpl(ViewManagerServiceImpl* source, const NodeId& node_id);
// Deletes a view owned by this connection. Returns true on success. |source|
// is the connection that originated the change.
bool DeleteViewImpl(ViewManagerServiceImpl* source, const ViewId& view_id);
// Sets the view associated with a node.
bool SetViewImpl(Node* node, const ViewId& view_id);
// If |node| is known (in |known_nodes_|) does nothing. Otherwise adds |node|
// to |nodes|, marks |node| as known and recurses.
void GetUnknownNodesFrom(const Node* node, std::vector<const Node*>* nodes);
// Removes |node| and all its descendants from |known_nodes_|. This does not
// recurse through nodes that were created by this connection.
void RemoveFromKnown(const Node* node);
// Adds |node_ids| to roots, returning true if at least one of the nodes was
// not already a root. If at least one of the nodes was not already a root
// the client is told of the new roots.
bool AddRoots(const std::vector<Id>& node_ids);
// Returns true if |node| is a non-null and a descendant of |roots_| (or
// |roots_| is empty).
bool IsNodeDescendantOfRoots(const Node* node) const;
// Returns true if notification should be sent of a hierarchy change. If true
// is returned, any nodes that need to be sent to the client are added to
// |to_send|.
bool ShouldNotifyOnHierarchyChange(const Node* node,
const Node** new_parent,
const Node** old_parent,
std::vector<const Node*>* to_send);
// Converts an array of Nodes to NodeDatas. This assumes all the nodes are
// valid for the client. The parent of nodes the client is not allowed to see
// are set to NULL (in the returned NodeDatas).
Array<NodeDataPtr> NodesToNodeDatas(const std::vector<const Node*>& nodes);
// Overridden from ViewManagerService:
virtual void CreateNode(Id transport_node_id,
const Callback<void(bool)>& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DeleteNode(Id transport_node_id,
Id server_change_id,
const Callback<void(bool)>& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void AddNode(Id parent_id,
Id child_id,
Id server_change_id,
const Callback<void(bool)>& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void RemoveNodeFromParent(
Id node_id,
Id server_change_id,
const Callback<void(bool)>& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ReorderNode(Id node_id,
Id relative_node_id,
OrderDirection direction,
Id server_change_id,
const Callback<void(bool)>& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void GetNodeTree(
Id node_id,
const Callback<void(Array<NodeDataPtr>)>& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void CreateView(Id transport_view_id,
const Callback<void(bool)>& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DeleteView(Id transport_view_id,
const Callback<void(bool)>& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetView(Id transport_node_id,
Id transport_view_id,
const Callback<void(bool)>& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetViewContents(Id view_id,
ScopedSharedBufferHandle buffer,
uint32_t buffer_size,
const Callback<void(bool)>& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetFocus(Id node_id,
const Callback<void(bool)> & callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetNodeBounds(Id node_id,
RectPtr bounds,
const Callback<void(bool)>& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Embed(const mojo::String& url,
mojo::Array<uint32_t> node_ids,
const mojo::Callback<void(bool)>& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DispatchOnViewInputEvent(Id transport_view_id,
EventPtr event) OVERRIDE;
// Overridden from NodeDelegate:
virtual void OnNodeHierarchyChanged(const Node* node,
const Node* new_parent,
const Node* old_parent) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnNodeViewReplaced(const Node* node,
const View* new_view,
const View* old_view) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnViewInputEvent(const View* view,
const ui::Event* event) OVERRIDE;
// InterfaceImp overrides:
virtual void OnConnectionEstablished() MOJO_OVERRIDE;
RootNodeManager* root_node_manager_;
// Id of this connection as assigned by RootNodeManager.
const ConnectionSpecificId id_;
// URL this connection was created for.
const std::string url_;
// ID of the connection that created us. If 0 it indicates either we were
// created by the root, or the connection that created us has been destroyed.
ConnectionSpecificId creator_id_;
// The URL of the app that embedded the app this connection was created for.
const std::string creator_url_;
NodeMap node_map_;
ViewMap view_map_;
// The set of nodes that has been communicated to the client.
NodeIdSet known_nodes_;
// This is the set of nodes the connection can parent nodes to (in addition to
// any nodes created by this connection). If empty the connection can
// manipulate any nodes (except for deleting other connections nodes/views).
// The connection can not delete or move these. If this is set to a non-empty
// value and all the nodes are deleted (by another connection), then an
// invalid node is added here to ensure this connection is still constrained.
NodeIdSet roots_;
// See description above setter.
bool delete_on_connection_error_;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#pragma warning(pop)
} // namespace service
} // namespace view_manager
} // namespace mojo