blob: a6a2302cea7aa99d377354891820e48fb0711e54 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
Checks a policy_templates.json file for conformity to its syntax specification.
import json
import optparse
import os
import re
import sys
LEADING_WHITESPACE = re.compile('^([ \t]*)')
TRAILING_WHITESPACE = re.compile('.*?([ \t]+)$')
# Matches all non-empty strings that contain no whitespaces.
NO_WHITESPACE = re.compile('[^\s]+$')
# Convert a 'type' to the schema types it may be converted to.
# The 'dict' type represents structured JSON data, and can be converted
# to an 'object' or an 'array'.
'int': [ 'integer' ],
'list': [ 'array' ],
'dict': [ 'object', 'array' ],
'main': [ 'boolean' ],
'string': [ 'string' ],
'int-enum': [ 'integer' ],
'string-enum': [ 'string' ],
'external': [ 'object' ],
# List of boolean policies that have been introduced with negative polarity in
# the past and should not trigger the negative polarity check.
class PolicyTemplateChecker(object):
def __init__(self):
self.error_count = 0
self.warning_count = 0
self.num_policies = 0
self.num_groups = 0
self.num_policies_in_groups = 0
self.options = None
self.features = []
def _Error(self, message, parent_element=None, identifier=None,
self.error_count += 1
error = ''
if identifier is not None and parent_element is not None:
error += 'In %s %s: ' % (parent_element, identifier)
print error + 'Error: ' + message
if offending_snippet is not None:
print ' Offending:', json.dumps(offending_snippet, indent=2)
def _CheckContains(self, container, key, value_type,
Checks |container| for presence of |key| with value of type |value_type|.
If |value_type| is string and |regexp_check| is specified, then an error is
reported when the value does not match the regular expression object.
|value_type| can also be a list, if more than one type is supported.
The other parameters are needed to generate, if applicable, an appropriate
human-readable error message of the following form:
In |parent_element| |identifier|:
(if the key is not present):
Error: |container_name| must have a |value_type| named |key|.
Offending snippet: |offending| (if specified; defaults to |container|)
(if the value does not have the required type):
Error: Value of |key| must be a |value_type|.
Offending snippet: |container[key]|
Returns: |container[key]| if the key is present, None otherwise.
if identifier is None:
identifier = container.get('name')
self._Error('Cannot access container name of "%s".' % container_name)
return None
if container_name is None:
container_name = parent_element
if offending == '__CONTAINER__':
offending = container
if key not in container:
if optional:
self._Error('%s must have a %s "%s".' %
(container_name.title(), value_type.__name__, key),
container_name, identifier, offending)
return None
value = container[key]
value_types = value_type if isinstance(value_type, list) else [ value_type ]
if not any(isinstance(value, type) for type in value_types):
self._Error('Value of "%s" must one of [ %s ].' %
(key, ', '.join([type.__name__ for type in value_types])),
container_name, identifier, value)
if str in value_types and regexp_check and not regexp_check.match(value):
self._Error('Value of "%s" must match "%s".' %
(key, regexp_check.pattern),
container_name, identifier, value)
return value
def _AddPolicyID(self, id, policy_ids, policy):
Adds |id| to |policy_ids|. Generates an error message if the
|id| exists already; |policy| is needed for this message.
if id in policy_ids:
self._Error('Duplicate id', 'policy', policy.get('name'),
def _CheckPolicyIDs(self, policy_ids):
Checks a set of policy_ids to make sure it contains a continuous range
of entries (i.e. no holes).
Holes would not be a technical problem, but we want to ensure that nobody
accidentally omits IDs.
for i in range(len(policy_ids)):
if (i + 1) not in policy_ids:
self._Error('No policy with id: %s' % (i + 1))
def _CheckPolicySchema(self, policy, policy_type):
'''Checks that the 'schema' field matches the 'type' field.'''
self._CheckContains(policy, 'schema', dict)
if isinstance(policy.get('schema'), dict):
self._CheckContains(policy['schema'], 'type', str)
schema_type = policy['schema'].get('type')
if schema_type not in TYPE_TO_SCHEMA[policy_type]:
self._Error('Schema type must match the existing type for policy %s' %
# Checks that boolean policies are not negated (which makes them harder to
# reason about).
if (schema_type == 'boolean' and
'disable' in policy.get('name').lower() and
policy.get('name') not in LEGACY_INVERTED_POLARITY_WHITELIST):
self._Error(('Boolean policy %s uses negative polarity, please make ' +
'new boolean policies follow the XYZEnabled pattern. ' +
'See also') % policy.get('name'))
def _CheckPolicy(self, policy, is_in_group, policy_ids):
if not isinstance(policy, dict):
self._Error('Each policy must be a dictionary.', 'policy', None, policy)
# There should not be any unknown keys in |policy|.
for key in policy:
if key not in ('name', 'type', 'caption', 'desc', 'device_only',
'supported_on', 'label', 'policies', 'items',
'example_value', 'features', 'deprecated', 'future',
'id', 'schema', 'max_size'):
self.warning_count += 1
print ('In policy %s: Warning: Unknown key: %s' %
(policy.get('name'), key))
# Each policy must have a name.
self._CheckContains(policy, 'name', str, regexp_check=NO_WHITESPACE)
# Each policy must have a type.
policy_types = ('group', 'main', 'string', 'int', 'list', 'int-enum',
'string-enum', 'dict', 'external')
policy_type = self._CheckContains(policy, 'type', str)
if policy_type not in policy_types:
self._Error('Policy type must be one of: ' + ', '.join(policy_types),
'policy', policy.get('name'), policy_type)
return # Can't continue for unsupported type.
# Each policy must have a caption message.
self._CheckContains(policy, 'caption', str)
# Each policy must have a description message.
self._CheckContains(policy, 'desc', str)
# If 'label' is present, it must be a string.
self._CheckContains(policy, 'label', str, True)
# If 'deprecated' is present, it must be a bool.
self._CheckContains(policy, 'deprecated', bool, True)
# If 'future' is present, it must be a bool.
self._CheckContains(policy, 'future', bool, True)
if policy_type == 'group':
# Groups must not be nested.
if is_in_group:
self._Error('Policy groups must not be nested.', 'policy', policy)
# Each policy group must have a list of policies.
policies = self._CheckContains(policy, 'policies', list)
# Check sub-policies.
if policies is not None:
for nested_policy in policies:
self._CheckPolicy(nested_policy, True, policy_ids)
# Groups must not have an |id|.
if 'id' in policy:
self._Error('Policies of type "group" must not have an "id" field.',
'policy', policy)
# Statistics.
self.num_groups += 1
else: # policy_type != group
# Each policy must have a protobuf ID.
id = self._CheckContains(policy, 'id', int)
self._AddPolicyID(id, policy_ids, policy)
# 'schema' is the new 'type'.
# TODO(joaodasilva): remove the 'type' checks once 'schema' is used
# everywhere.
self._CheckPolicySchema(policy, policy_type)
# Each policy must have a supported_on list.
supported_on = self._CheckContains(policy, 'supported_on', list)
if supported_on is not None:
for s in supported_on:
if not isinstance(s, str):
self._Error('Entries in "supported_on" must be strings.', 'policy',
policy, supported_on)
# Each policy must have a 'features' dict.
features = self._CheckContains(policy, 'features', dict)
# All the features must have a documenting message.
if features:
for feature in features:
if not feature in self.features:
self._Error('Unknown feature "%s". Known features must have a '
'documentation string in the messages dictionary.' %
feature, 'policy', policy.get('name', policy))
# All user policies must have a per_profile feature flag.
if (not policy.get('device_only', False) and
not policy.get('deprecated', False) and
not filter(re.compile('^chrome_frame:.*').match, supported_on)):
self._CheckContains(features, 'per_profile', bool,
# All policies must declare whether they allow changes at runtime.
self._CheckContains(features, 'dynamic_refresh', bool,
# Each policy must have an 'example_value' of appropriate type.
if policy_type == 'main':
value_type = bool
elif policy_type in ('string', 'string-enum'):
value_type = str
elif policy_type in ('int', 'int-enum'):
value_type = int
elif policy_type == 'list':
value_type = list
elif policy_type == 'external':
value_type = dict
elif policy_type == 'dict':
value_type = [ dict, list ]
raise NotImplementedError('Unimplemented policy type: %s' % policy_type)
self._CheckContains(policy, 'example_value', value_type)
# Statistics.
self.num_policies += 1
if is_in_group:
self.num_policies_in_groups += 1
if policy_type in ('int-enum', 'string-enum'):
# Enums must contain a list of items.
items = self._CheckContains(policy, 'items', list)
if items is not None:
if len(items) < 1:
self._Error('"items" must not be empty.', 'policy', policy, items)
for item in items:
# Each item must have a name.
# Note: |policy.get('name')| is used instead of |policy['name']|
# because it returns None rather than failing when no key called
# 'name' exists.
self._CheckContains(item, 'name', str, container_name='item',
# Each item must have a value of the correct type.
self._CheckContains(item, 'value', value_type, container_name='item',
# Each item must have a caption.
self._CheckContains(item, 'caption', str, container_name='item',
if policy_type == 'external':
# Each policy referencing external data must specify a maximum data size.
self._CheckContains(policy, 'max_size', int)
def _CheckMessage(self, key, value):
# |key| must be a string, |value| a dict.
if not isinstance(key, str):
self._Error('Each message key must be a string.', 'message', key, key)
if not isinstance(value, dict):
self._Error('Each message must be a dictionary.', 'message', key, value)
# Each message must have a desc.
self._CheckContains(value, 'desc', str, parent_element='message',
# Each message must have a text.
self._CheckContains(value, 'text', str, parent_element='message',
# There should not be any unknown keys in |value|.
for vkey in value:
if vkey not in ('desc', 'text'):
self.warning_count += 1
print 'In message %s: Warning: Unknown key: %s' % (key, vkey)
def _LeadingWhitespace(self, line):
match = LEADING_WHITESPACE.match(line)
if match:
return ''
def _TrailingWhitespace(self, line):
match = TRAILING_WHITESPACE.match(line)
if match:
return ''
def _LineError(self, message, line_number):
self.error_count += 1
print 'In line %d: Error: %s' % (line_number, message)
def _LineWarning(self, message, line_number):
self.warning_count += 1
print ('In line %d: Warning: Automatically fixing formatting: %s'
% (line_number, message))
def _CheckFormat(self, filename):
if self.options.fix:
fixed_lines = []
with open(filename) as f:
indent = 0
line_number = 0
for line in f:
line_number += 1
line = line.rstrip('\n')
# Check for trailing whitespace.
trailing_whitespace = self._TrailingWhitespace(line)
if len(trailing_whitespace) > 0:
if self.options.fix:
line = line.rstrip()
self._LineWarning('Trailing whitespace.', line_number)
self._LineError('Trailing whitespace.', line_number)
if self.options.fix:
if len(line) == 0:
fixed_lines += ['\n']
if line == trailing_whitespace:
# This also catches the case of an empty line.
# Check for correct amount of leading whitespace.
leading_whitespace = self._LeadingWhitespace(line)
if leading_whitespace.count('\t') > 0:
if self.options.fix:
leading_whitespace = leading_whitespace.replace('\t', ' ')
line = leading_whitespace + line.lstrip()
self._LineWarning('Tab character found.', line_number)
self._LineError('Tab character found.', line_number)
if line[len(leading_whitespace)] in (']', '}'):
indent -= 2
if line[0] != '#': # Ignore 0-indented comments.
if len(leading_whitespace) != indent:
if self.options.fix:
line = ' ' * indent + line.lstrip()
self._LineWarning('Indentation should be ' + str(indent) +
' spaces.', line_number)
self._LineError('Bad indentation. Should be ' + str(indent) +
' spaces.', line_number)
if line[-1] in ('[', '{'):
indent += 2
if self.options.fix:
fixed_lines.append(line + '\n')
# If --fix is specified: backup the file (deleting any existing backup),
# then write the fixed version with the old filename.
if self.options.fix:
if self.options.backup:
backupfilename = filename + '.bak'
if os.path.exists(backupfilename):
os.rename(filename, backupfilename)
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
def Main(self, filename, options):
with open(filename) as f:
data = eval(
import traceback
self._Error('Invalid Python/JSON syntax.')
return 1
if data == None:
self._Error('Invalid Python/JSON syntax.')
return 1
self.options = options
# First part: check JSON structure.
# Check (non-policy-specific) message definitions.
messages = self._CheckContains(data, 'messages', dict,
container_name='The root element',
if messages is not None:
for message in messages:
self._CheckMessage(message, messages[message])
if message.startswith('doc_feature_'):
# Check policy definitions.
policy_definitions = self._CheckContains(data, 'policy_definitions', list,
container_name='The root element',
if policy_definitions is not None:
policy_ids = set()
for policy in policy_definitions:
self._CheckPolicy(policy, False, policy_ids)
# Second part: check formatting.
# Third part: summary and exit.
print ('Finished checking %s. %d errors, %d warnings.' %
(filename, self.error_count, self.warning_count))
if self.options.stats:
if self.num_groups > 0:
print ('%d policies, %d of those in %d groups (containing on '
'average %.1f policies).' %
(self.num_policies, self.num_policies_in_groups, self.num_groups,
(1.0 * self.num_policies_in_groups / self.num_groups)))
print self.num_policies, 'policies, 0 policy groups.'
if self.error_count > 0:
return 1
return 0
def Run(self, argv, filename=None):
parser = optparse.OptionParser(
usage='usage: %prog [options] filename',
description='Syntax check a policy_templates.json file.')
parser.add_option('--fix', action='store_true',
help='Automatically fix formatting.')
parser.add_option('--backup', action='store_true',
help='Create backup of original file (before fixing).')
parser.add_option('--stats', action='store_true',
help='Generate statistics.')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv)
if filename is None:
if len(args) != 2:
filename = args[1]
return self.Main(filename, options)
if __name__ == '__main__':