blob: 07a075a9943836fe16e862dafbe2404c57d79a09 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service_observer.h"
#include "ui/base/models/table_model.h"
class ModelEntry;
class TemplateURL;
class TemplateURLService;
namespace gfx {
class ImageSkia;
// TemplateURLTableModel is the TableModel implementation used by
// KeywordEditorView to show the keywords in a TableView.
// TemplateURLTableModel has two columns, the first showing the description,
// the second the keyword.
// TemplateURLTableModel maintains a vector of ModelEntrys that correspond to
// each row in the tableview. Each ModelEntry wraps a TemplateURL, providing
// the favicon. The entries in the model are sorted such that non-generated
// appear first (grouped together) and are followed by generated keywords.
class TemplateURLTableModel : public ui::TableModel,
TemplateURLServiceObserver {
explicit TemplateURLTableModel(TemplateURLService* template_url_service);
virtual ~TemplateURLTableModel();
// Reloads the entries from the TemplateURLService. This should ONLY be
// invoked if the TemplateURLService wasn't initially loaded and has been
// loaded.
void Reload();
// ui::TableModel overrides.
virtual int RowCount() OVERRIDE;
virtual base::string16 GetText(int row, int column) OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::ImageSkia GetIcon(int row) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetObserver(ui::TableModelObserver* observer) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool HasGroups() OVERRIDE;
virtual Groups GetGroups() OVERRIDE;
virtual int GetGroupID(int row) OVERRIDE;
// Removes the entry at the specified index.
void Remove(int index);
// Adds a new entry at the specified index.
void Add(int index,
const base::string16& short_name,
const base::string16& keyword,
const std::string& url);
// Update the entry at the specified index.
void ModifyTemplateURL(int index,
const base::string16& title,
const base::string16& keyword,
const std::string& url);
// Reloads the icon at the specified index.
void ReloadIcon(int index);
// Returns the TemplateURL at the specified index.
TemplateURL* GetTemplateURL(int index);
// Returns the index of the TemplateURL, or -1 if it the TemplateURL is not
// found.
int IndexOfTemplateURL(const TemplateURL* template_url);
// Moves the keyword at the specified index to be at the end of the main
// group. Returns the new index. If the entry is already in the main group,
// no action is taken, and the current index is returned.
int MoveToMainGroup(int index);
// Make the TemplateURL at |index| the default. Returns the new index, or -1
// if the index is invalid or it is already the default.
int MakeDefaultTemplateURL(int index);
// If there is an observer, it's notified the selected row has changed.
void NotifyChanged(int index);
TemplateURLService* template_url_service() const {
return template_url_service_;
// Returns the index of the last entry shown in the search engines group.
int last_search_engine_index() const { return last_search_engine_index_; }
// Returns the index of the last entry shown in the other search engines
// group.
int last_other_engine_index() const { return last_other_engine_index_; }
friend class ModelEntry;
// Notification that a model entry has fetched its icon.
void FaviconAvailable(ModelEntry* entry);
// TemplateURLServiceObserver notification.
virtual void OnTemplateURLServiceChanged() OVERRIDE;
// Removes the entry at |index| from |entries_| and returns the removed item.
scoped_ptr<ModelEntry> RemoveEntry(int index);
// Adds |entry| to |entries_| at |index| and takes ownership.
void AddEntry(int index, scoped_ptr<ModelEntry> entry);
ui::TableModelObserver* observer_;
// The entries.
std::vector<ModelEntry*> entries_;
// The model we're displaying entries from.
TemplateURLService* template_url_service_;
// Index of the last search engine in entries_. This is used to determine the
// group boundaries.
int last_search_engine_index_;
// Index of the last other engine in entries_. This is used to determine the
// group boundaries.
int last_other_engine_index_;