blob: 50513a733e2551fb89d2ef2d79d89b1fe9cd907e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_destroyer.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/debug/trace_event.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h"
namespace {
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Set the render host waiting time to 5s on Android, that's the same
// as an "Application Not Responding" timeout.
const int64 kTimerDelaySeconds = 5;
const int64 kTimerDelaySeconds = 1;
} // namespace
ProfileDestroyer::DestroyerSet* ProfileDestroyer::pending_destroyers_ = NULL;
// static
void ProfileDestroyer::DestroyProfileWhenAppropriate(Profile* const profile) {
TRACE_EVENT0("shutdown", "ProfileDestroyer::DestroyProfileWhenAppropriate");
HostSet hosts;
// Testing profiles can simply be deleted directly. Some tests don't setup
// RenderProcessHost correctly and don't necessary run on the UI thread
// anyway, so we can't use the AllHostIterator.
if (profile->AsTestingProfile() == NULL) {
GetHostsForProfile(profile, &hosts);
if (!profile->IsOffTheRecord() && profile->HasOffTheRecordProfile())
GetHostsForProfile(profile->GetOffTheRecordProfile(), &hosts);
// Generally, !hosts.empty() means that there is a leak in a render process
// host that MUST BE FIXED!!!
// However, off-the-record profiles are destroyed before their
// RenderProcessHosts in order to erase private data quickly, and
// RenderProcessHostImpl::Release() avoids destroying RenderProcessHosts in
// --single-process mode to avoid race conditions.
DCHECK(hosts.empty() || profile->IsOffTheRecord() ||
content::RenderProcessHost::run_renderer_in_process()) << \
"Profile still has " << hosts.size() << " hosts";
// Note that we still test for !profile->IsOffTheRecord here even though we
// DCHECK'd above because we want to protect Release builds against this even
// we need to identify if there are leaks when we run Debug builds.
if (hosts.empty() || !profile->IsOffTheRecord()) {
if (profile->IsOffTheRecord())
delete profile;
} else {
// The instance will destroy itself once all render process hosts referring
// to it are properly terminated.
new ProfileDestroyer(profile, &hosts);
// This can be called to cancel any pending destruction and destroy the profile
// now, e.g., if the parent profile is being destroyed while the incognito one
// still pending...
void ProfileDestroyer::DestroyOffTheRecordProfileNow(Profile* const profile) {
if (pending_destroyers_) {
for (DestroyerSet::iterator i = pending_destroyers_->begin();
i != pending_destroyers_->end(); ++i) {
if ((*i)->profile_ == profile) {
// We want to signal this in debug builds so that we don't lose sight of
// these potential leaks, but we handle it in release so that we don't
// crash or corrupt profile data on disk.
NOTREACHED() << "A render process host wasn't destroyed early enough.";
(*i)->profile_ = NULL;
ProfileDestroyer::ProfileDestroyer(Profile* const profile, HostSet* hosts)
: timer_(false, false),
weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
if (pending_destroyers_ == NULL)
pending_destroyers_ = new DestroyerSet;
for (HostSet::iterator i = hosts->begin(); i != hosts->end(); ++i) {
// For each of the observations, we bump up our reference count.
// It will go back to 0 and free us when all hosts are terminated.
// If we are going to wait for render process hosts, we don't want to do it
// for longer than kTimerDelaySeconds.
if (num_hosts_) {
ProfileDestroyer::~ProfileDestroyer() {
// Check again, in case other render hosts were added while we were
// waiting for the previous ones to go away...
if (profile_)
// Don't wait for pending registrations, if any, these hosts are buggy.
// Note: this can happen, but if so, it's better to crash here than wait
// for the host to dereference a deleted Profile.
CHECK_EQ(0U, num_hosts_) << "Some render process hosts were not "
<< "destroyed early enough!";
DCHECK(pending_destroyers_ != NULL);
DestroyerSet::iterator iter = pending_destroyers_->find(this);
DCHECK(iter != pending_destroyers_->end());
if (pending_destroyers_->empty()) {
delete pending_destroyers_;
pending_destroyers_ = NULL;
void ProfileDestroyer::RenderProcessHostDestroyed(
content::RenderProcessHost* host) {
DCHECK(num_hosts_ > 0);
if (num_hosts_ == 0) {
// Delay the destruction one step further in case other observers need to
// look at the profile attached to the host.
FROM_HERE, base::Bind(
&ProfileDestroyer::DestroyProfile, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
void ProfileDestroyer::DestroyProfile() {
// We might have been cancelled externally before the timer expired.
if (!profile_) {
delete this;
profile_ = NULL;
// And stop the timer so we can be released early too.
delete this;
// static
bool ProfileDestroyer::GetHostsForProfile(
Profile* const profile, HostSet* hosts) {
for (content::RenderProcessHost::iterator iter(
!iter.IsAtEnd(); iter.Advance()) {
content::RenderProcessHost* render_process_host = iter.GetCurrentValue();
if (render_process_host &&
render_process_host->GetBrowserContext() == profile) {
return !hosts->empty();