blob: 28058249f84cd57c8c73497122aecbfd442e8b7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "chrome/browser/media_galleries/media_galleries_dialog_controller.h"
#include "chrome/browser/media_galleries/media_galleries_preferences.h"
#include "components/storage_monitor/removable_storage_observer.h"
namespace content {
class WebContents;
namespace extensions {
class Extension;
namespace ui {
class MenuModel;
class MediaGalleriesScanResultController;
class MediaGalleryContextMenu;
class Profile;
// The controller is responsible for handling the logic of the dialog and
// interfacing with the model (i.e., MediaGalleriesPreferences). It shows
// the dialog and owns itself.
class MediaGalleriesScanResultController
: public MediaGalleriesDialogController,
public storage_monitor::RemovableStorageObserver,
public MediaGalleriesPreferences::GalleryChangeObserver {
// |preferences| must be already initialized.
static size_t ScanResultCountForExtension(
MediaGalleriesPreferences* preferences,
const extensions::Extension* extension);
// The constructor creates a dialog controller which owns itself.
content::WebContents* web_contents,
const extensions::Extension& extension,
const base::Closure& on_finish);
// MediaGalleriesDialogController implementation.
virtual base::string16 GetHeader() const OVERRIDE;
virtual base::string16 GetSubtext() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsAcceptAllowed() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool ShouldShowFolderViewer(const Entry& entry) const OVERRIDE;
virtual std::vector<base::string16> GetSectionHeaders() const OVERRIDE;
virtual Entries GetSectionEntries(size_t index) const OVERRIDE;
virtual base::string16 GetAuxiliaryButtonText() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidClickAuxiliaryButton() OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidToggleEntry(MediaGalleryPrefId id, bool selected) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidClickOpenFolderViewer(MediaGalleryPrefId id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidForgetEntry(MediaGalleryPrefId id) OVERRIDE;
virtual base::string16 GetAcceptButtonText() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void DialogFinished(bool accepted) OVERRIDE;
virtual ui::MenuModel* GetContextMenu(MediaGalleryPrefId id) OVERRIDE;
virtual content::WebContents* WebContents() OVERRIDE;
typedef base::Callback<MediaGalleriesDialog* (
MediaGalleriesDialogController*)> CreateDialogCallback;
typedef std::map<MediaGalleryPrefId, Entry> ScanResults;
// Updates |scan_results| from |preferences|. Will not add galleries from
// |ignore_list| onto |scan_results|.
static void UpdateScanResultsFromPreferences(
MediaGalleriesPreferences* preferences,
const extensions::Extension* extension,
MediaGalleryPrefIdSet ignore_list,
ScanResults* scan_results);
// Used for unit tests.
const extensions::Extension& extension,
MediaGalleriesPreferences* preferences_,
const CreateDialogCallback& create_dialog_callback,
const base::Closure& on_finish);
virtual ~MediaGalleriesScanResultController();
friend class MediaGalleriesScanResultControllerTest;
friend class MediaGalleriesScanResultCocoaTest;
friend class TestMediaGalleriesAddScanResultsFunction;
// Bottom half of constructor -- called when |preferences_| is initialized.
void OnPreferencesInitialized();
// Used to keep the dialog in sync with the preferences.
void OnPreferenceUpdate(const std::string& extension_id);
// Used to keep the dialog in sync with attached and detached devices.
void OnRemovableDeviceUpdate(const std::string device_id);
Profile* GetProfile() const;
// RemovableStorageObserver implementation.
// Used to keep dialog in sync with removable device status.
virtual void OnRemovableStorageAttached(
const storage_monitor::StorageInfo& info) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnRemovableStorageDetached(
const storage_monitor::StorageInfo& info) OVERRIDE;
// MediaGalleriesPreferences::GalleryChangeObserver implementations.
// Used to keep the dialog in sync when the preferences change.
virtual void OnPermissionAdded(MediaGalleriesPreferences* pref,
const std::string& extension_id,
MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnPermissionRemoved(MediaGalleriesPreferences* pref,
const std::string& extension_id,
MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnGalleryAdded(MediaGalleriesPreferences* pref,
MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnGalleryRemoved(MediaGalleriesPreferences* pref,
MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnGalleryInfoUpdated(MediaGalleriesPreferences* pref,
MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id) OVERRIDE;
// The web contents from which the request originated.
content::WebContents* web_contents_;
// This is just a reference, but it's assumed that it won't become invalid
// while the dialog is showing.
const extensions::Extension* extension_;
// The scan results that aren't blacklisted and this extension doesn't
// already have access to.
ScanResults scan_results_;
// The set of scan results which should be removed (blacklisted) - unless
// the user clicks Cancel.
MediaGalleryPrefIdSet results_to_remove_;
// Callback to run when the dialog closes.
base::Closure on_finish_;
// The model that tracks galleries and extensions' permissions.
// This is the authoritative source for gallery information.
MediaGalleriesPreferences* preferences_;
// Creates the dialog. Only changed for unit tests.
CreateDialogCallback create_dialog_callback_;
// The view that's showing.
scoped_ptr<MediaGalleriesDialog> dialog_;
scoped_ptr<MediaGalleryContextMenu> context_menu_;