blob: 4a85dfd2554e3f6b1e52eed0daf9d36a78837b65 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/history/most_visited_tiles_experiment.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "chrome/common/instant_types.h"
namespace history {
namespace {
// Constants for the most visited tile placement field trial.
// ex:
// "OneEightGroup_Flipped" --> Will cause tile 1 and 8 to be flipped.
// "OneEightGroup_NoChange" --> Will not flip anything.
// See field trial config (MostVisitedTilePlacement.json) for details.
const char kMostVisitedFieldTrialName[] = "MostVisitedTilePlacement";
// Name of histogram tracking types of actions carried out by the field trial.
const char kMostVisitedExperimentHistogramName[] =
const char kOneEightGroupPrefix[] = "OneEight";
const char kOneFourGroupPrefix[] = "OneFour";
const char kFlippedSuffix[] = "Flipped";
const char kDontShowOpenURLsGroupName[] = "DontShowOpenTabs";
// Minimum number of Most Visited suggestions required in order for the Most
// Visited Field Trial to remove a URL already open in the browser.
const size_t kMinUrlSuggestions = 8;
} // namespace
// static
void MostVisitedTilesExperiment::MaybeShuffle(MostVisitedURLList* data) {
const std::string group_name =
// Depending on the study group of the client, we might flip the 1st and 4th
// tiles, or the 1st and 8th, or do nothing.
if (!EndsWith(group_name, kFlippedSuffix, true))
size_t index_to_flip = 0;
if (StartsWithASCII(group_name, kOneEightGroupPrefix, true)) {
if (data->size() < 8) {
index_to_flip = 7;
} else if (StartsWithASCII(group_name, kOneFourGroupPrefix, true)) {
if (data->size() < 4) {
index_to_flip = 3;
std::swap((*data)[0], (*data)[index_to_flip]);
// static
bool MostVisitedTilesExperiment::IsDontShowOpenURLsEnabled() {
return base::FieldTrialList::FindFullName(kMostVisitedFieldTrialName) ==
// static
void MostVisitedTilesExperiment::RemoveItemsMatchingOpenTabs(
const std::set<std::string>& open_urls,
std::vector<InstantMostVisitedItem>* items) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < items->size(); ) {
const std::string& url = (*items)[i].url.spec();
if (ShouldRemoveURL(open_urls, url, items->size()))
items->erase(items->begin() + i);
// static
void MostVisitedTilesExperiment::RemovePageValuesMatchingOpenTabs(
const std::set<std::string>& open_urls,
base::ListValue* pages_value) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < pages_value->GetSize(); ) {
base::DictionaryValue* page_value;
std::string url;
if (pages_value->GetDictionary(i, &page_value) &&
page_value->GetString("url", &url) &&
ShouldRemoveURL(open_urls, url, pages_value->GetSize())) {
pages_value->Remove(*page_value, &i);
} else {
// static
void MostVisitedTilesExperiment::LogInHistogram(
NtpTileExperimentActions action) {
// static
bool MostVisitedTilesExperiment::ShouldRemoveURL(
const std::set<std::string>& open_urls,
const std::string& url,
const size_t size) {
if (open_urls.count(url) == 0)
return false;
if (size <= kMinUrlSuggestions) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace history