blob: 3aee1b891396bfa6cdcdfa5b4cf4f61d9e790c61 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
class Profile;
namespace base {
class FilePath;
namespace file_manager {
namespace util {
// Gets the absolute path for the 'Downloads' folder for the |profile|.
base::FilePath GetDownloadsFolderForProfile(Profile* profile);
// Converts |old_path| to |new_path| and returns true, if the old path points
// to an old location of user folders (in "Downloads" or "Google Drive").
// The |profile| argument is used for determining the location of the
// "Downloads" folder.
// Here's the list of relocations we have made so far.
// M27:, Migration code for this is removed in M34.
// The "Google Drive" folder is moved from /special/drive to
// /special/drive/root to stored shared files outside of "My Drive" in
// /special/drive/other.
// M34:
// The "Downloads" folder is changed from /home/chronos/user/Downloads to
// /home/chronos/u-<hash>/Downloads when multi-profile is enabled.
// The path "/home/chronos/user" is a hard link to the u-<hash> directory of
// the primary profile of the current session. The two paths always meant the
// same directory before multi-profiles. However, for secondary profiles in
// a multi-profile session, the "user" path cannot be used to mean "its own"
// Download folder anymore. Thus we are switching to always use "u-<hash>"
// that consistently works whether or not it is primary.
// M35:
// It turned out even if multi-profile is disabled, u-<hash> style profile
// can be used in some situations. To address the cases, we add a migration
// from /home/chronos/u-<hash>/Downloads to current Download path.
// This just results in no-op when multi-profile is enabled.
bool MigratePathFromOldFormat(Profile* profile,
const base::FilePath& old_path,
base::FilePath* new_path);
// The canonical mount point name for "Downloads" folder.
std::string GetDownloadsMountPointName(Profile* profile);
} // namespace util
} // namespace file_manager