blob: 2835c612904ac874983f808944c923e87f8e1f31 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.text.TextUtils;
import org.chromium.base.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Bridge to the native AutocompleteControllerAndroid.
public class AutocompleteController {
private long mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid;
private long mCurrentNativeAutocompleteResult;
private final OnSuggestionsReceivedListener mListener;
* Listener for receiving OmniboxSuggestions.
public static interface OnSuggestionsReceivedListener {
void onSuggestionsReceived(List<OmniboxSuggestion> suggestions,
String inlineAutocompleteText);
public AutocompleteController(OnSuggestionsReceivedListener listener) {
this(null, listener);
public AutocompleteController(Profile profile, OnSuggestionsReceivedListener listener) {
if (profile != null) {
mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid = nativeInit(profile);
mListener = listener;
* Resets the underlying autocomplete controller based on the specified profile.
* <p>This will implicitly stop the autocomplete suggestions, so
* {@link #start(Profile, String, String, boolean)} must be called again to start them flowing
* again. This should not be an issue as changing profiles should not normally occur while
* waiting on omnibox suggestions.
* @param profile The profile to reset the AutocompleteController with.
public void setProfile(Profile profile) {
if (profile == null) {
mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid = 0;
mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid = nativeInit(profile);
* Starts querying for omnibox suggestions for a given text.
* @param profile The profile to use for starting the AutocompleteController
* @param url The URL of the current tab, used to suggest query refinements.
* @param text The text to query autocomplete suggestions for.
* @param preventInlineAutocomplete Whether autocomplete suggestions should be prevented.
public void start(Profile profile, String url, String text, boolean preventInlineAutocomplete) {
if (profile == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) return;
mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid = nativeInit(profile);
// Initializing the native counterpart might still fail.
if (mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid != 0) {
nativeStart(mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, text, null, url,
preventInlineAutocomplete, false, false, true);
* Given some string |text| that the user wants to use for navigation, determines how it should
* be interpreted. This is a fallback in case the user didn't select a visible suggestion (e.g.
* the user pressed enter before omnibox suggestions had been shown).
* Note: this updates the internal state of the autocomplete controller just as start() does.
* Future calls that reference autocomplete results by index, e.g. onSuggestionSelected(),
* should reference the returned suggestion by index 0.
* @param text The user's input text to classify (i.e. what they typed in the omnibox)
* @return The OmniboxSuggestion specifying where to navigate, the transition type, etc. May
* be null if the input is invalid.
public OmniboxSuggestion classify(String text) {
return nativeClassify(mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, text);
* Starts a query for suggestions before any input is available from the user.
* @param profile The profile to use for starting the AutocompleteController.
* @param omniboxText The text displayed in the omnibox.
* @param url The url of the currently loaded web page.
* @param isQueryInOmnibox Whether the location bar is currently showing a search query.
* @param focusedFromFakebox Whether the user entered the omnibox by tapping the fakebox on the
* native NTP. This should be false on all other pages.
public void startZeroSuggest(Profile profile, String omniboxText, String url,
boolean isQueryInOmnibox, boolean focusedFromFakebox) {
if (profile == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) return;
mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid = nativeInit(profile);
if (mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid != 0) {
nativeStartZeroSuggest(mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, omniboxText, url,
isQueryInOmnibox, focusedFromFakebox);
* Stops generating autocomplete suggestions for the currently specified text from
* {@link #start(Profile,String, String, boolean)}.
* <p>
* Calling this method with {@code false}, will result in
* {@link #onSuggestionsReceived(List, String, long)} being called with an empty
* result set.
* @param clear Whether to clear the most recent autocomplete results.
public void stop(boolean clear) {
mCurrentNativeAutocompleteResult = 0;
if (mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid != 0) {
nativeStop(mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, clear);
* Resets session for autocomplete controller. This happens every time we start typing
* new input into the omnibox.
public void resetSession() {
if (mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid != 0) {
* Deletes an omnibox suggestion, if possible.
* @param position The position at which the suggestion is located.
public void deleteSuggestion(int position) {
if (mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid != 0) {
nativeDeleteSuggestion(mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, position);
* @return Native pointer to current autocomplete results.
public long getCurrentNativeAutocompleteResult() {
return mCurrentNativeAutocompleteResult;
protected void onSuggestionsReceived(
List<OmniboxSuggestion> suggestions,
String inlineAutocompleteText,
long currentNativeAutocompleteResult) {
mCurrentNativeAutocompleteResult = currentNativeAutocompleteResult;
// Notify callbacks of suggestions.
mListener.onSuggestionsReceived(suggestions, inlineAutocompleteText);
private void notifyNativeDestroyed() {
mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid = 0;
* Called whenever a navigation happens from the omnibox to record metrics about the user's
* interaction with the omnibox.
* @param selectedIndex The index of the suggestion that was selected.
* @param type The type of the selected suggestion.
* @param currentPageUrl The URL of the current page.
* @param focusedFromFakebox Whether the user entered the omnibox by tapping the fakebox on the
* native NTP. This should be false on all other pages.
* @param elapsedTimeSinceModified The number of ms that passed between the user first
* modifying text in the omnibox and selecting a suggestion.
* @param webContents The web contents for the tab where the selected suggestion will be shown.
protected void onSuggestionSelected(int selectedIndex, OmniboxSuggestion.Type type,
String currentPageUrl, boolean isQueryInOmnibox, boolean focusedFromFakebox,
long elapsedTimeSinceModified, WebContents webContents) {
nativeOnSuggestionSelected(mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, selectedIndex,
currentPageUrl, isQueryInOmnibox, focusedFromFakebox, elapsedTimeSinceModified,
private static List<OmniboxSuggestion> createOmniboxSuggestionList(int size) {
return new ArrayList<OmniboxSuggestion>(size);
private static void addOmniboxSuggestionToList(List<OmniboxSuggestion> suggestionList,
OmniboxSuggestion suggestion) {
private static OmniboxSuggestion buildOmniboxSuggestion(int nativeType, int relevance,
int transition, String text, String description, String answerContents,
String answerType, String fillIntoEdit, String url, String formattedUrl,
boolean isStarred, boolean isDeletable) {
return new OmniboxSuggestion(nativeType, relevance, transition, text, description,
answerContents, answerType, fillIntoEdit, url, formattedUrl, isStarred,
* Updates aqs parameters on the selected match that we will navigate to and returns the
* updated URL. |selected_index| is the position of the selected match and
* |elapsed_time_since_input_change| is the time in ms between the first typed input and match
* selection.
* @param selectedIndex The index of the autocomplete entry selected.
* @param elapsedTimeSinceInputChange The number of ms between the time the user started
* typing in the omnibox and the time the user has selected
* a suggestion.
* @return The url to navigate to for this match with aqs parameter updated, if we are
* making a Google search query.
public String updateMatchDestinationUrl(int selectedIndex, long elapsedTimeSinceInputChange) {
return nativeUpdateMatchDestinationURL(mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, selectedIndex,
* @param query User input text.
* @return The top synchronous suggestion from the autocomplete controller.
public OmniboxSuggestion getTopSynchronousMatch(String query) {
return nativeGetTopSynchronousMatch(mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, query);
protected native long nativeInit(Profile profile);
private native void nativeStart(long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, String text,
String desiredTld, String currentUrl, boolean preventInlineAutocomplete,
boolean preferKeyword, boolean allowExactKeywordMatch, boolean wantAsynchronousMatches);
private native OmniboxSuggestion nativeClassify(long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid,
String text);
private native void nativeStop(long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, boolean clearResults);
private native void nativeResetSession(long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid);
private native void nativeOnSuggestionSelected(long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid,
int selectedIndex, String currentPageUrl, boolean isQueryInOmnibox,
boolean focusedFromFakebox, long elapsedTimeSinceModified, WebContents webContents);
private native void nativeStartZeroSuggest(long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid,
String omniboxText, String currentUrl, boolean isQueryInOmnibox,
boolean focusedFromFakebox);
private native void nativeDeleteSuggestion(long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid,
int selectedIndex);
private native String nativeUpdateMatchDestinationURL(long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid,
int selectedIndex, long elapsedTimeSinceInputChange);
private native OmniboxSuggestion nativeGetTopSynchronousMatch(
long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, String query);
* Given a search query, this will attempt to see if the query appears to be portion of a
* properly formed URL. If it appears to be a URL, this will return the fully qualified
* version (i.e. including the scheme, etc...). If the query does not appear to be a URL,
* this will return null.
* @param query The query to be expanded into a fully qualified URL if appropriate.
* @return The fully qualified URL or null.
public static native String nativeQualifyPartialURLQuery(String query);
* Sends a zero suggest request to the server in order to pre-populate the result cache.
public static native void nativePrefetchZeroSuggestResults();