blob: 1573f9c83a5180e68a1088980a3efbe932582914 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "remoting/ios/bridge/host_proxy.h"
#import "remoting/ios/data_store.h"
#import "remoting/ios/host_preferences.h"
#import "remoting/ios/bridge/client_instance.h"
#import "remoting/ios/bridge/client_proxy.h"
@implementation HostProxy
// Override default constructor and initialize internals
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_isConnected = false;
return self;
// Override default destructor
- (void)dealloc {
if (_isConnected) {
[self disconnectFromHost];
[super dealloc];
- (BOOL)isConnected {
return _isConnected;
- (void)connectToHost:(NSString*)username
delegate:(id<ClientProxyDelegate>)delegate {
// Implicitly, if currently connected, discard the connection and begin a new
// connection.
[self disconnectFromHost];
NSString* pairId = @"";
NSString* pairSecret = @"";
const HostPreferences* hostPrefs =
[[DataStore sharedStore] getHostForId:hostId];
// Use the pairing id and secret when known
if (hostPrefs && hostPrefs.pairId && hostPrefs.pairSecret) {
pairId = [hostPrefs.pairId copy];
pairSecret = [hostPrefs.pairSecret copy];
_hostToClientChannel.reset(new remoting::ClientProxy(
[ClientProxyDelegateWrapper wrapDelegate:delegate]));
_clientToHostChannel =
new remoting::ClientInstance(_hostToClientChannel->AsWeakPtr(),
[username UTF8String],
[token UTF8String],
[jid UTF8String],
[hostId UTF8String],
[hostPublicKey UTF8String],
[pairId UTF8String],
[pairSecret UTF8String]);
_isConnected = YES;
- (void)authenticationResponse:(NSString*)pin createPair:(BOOL)createPair {
if (_isConnected) {
_clientToHostChannel->ProvideSecret([pin UTF8String], createPair);
- (void)disconnectFromHost {
if (_isConnected) {
VLOG(1) << "Disconnecting from Host";
// |_clientToHostChannel| must be closed before releasing
// |_hostToClientChannel|
// |_clientToHostChannel| owns several objects that have references to
// itself. These objects need to be cleaned up before we can release
// |_clientToHostChannel|.
// All other references to |_clientToHostChannel| should now be free. When
// the next statement is executed the destructor is called automatically.
_clientToHostChannel = NULL;
_isConnected = NO;
- (void)mouseAction:(const webrtc::DesktopVector&)position
wheelDelta:(const webrtc::DesktopVector&)wheelDelta
buttonDown:(BOOL)buttonIsDown {
if (_isConnected) {
position, wheelDelta, buttonPressed, buttonIsDown);
- (void)keyboardAction:(NSInteger)keyCode keyDown:(BOOL)keyIsDown {
if (_isConnected) {
_clientToHostChannel->PerformKeyboardAction(keyCode, keyIsDown);