blob: f33864f2759dd369b8ad4548bad5f70137c5a6c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import "sample_import.mojom"
module sample {
// This sample shows how handles to MessagePipes can be sent as both parameters
// to methods as well as fields on structs.
struct Request {
int32 x;
handle<message_pipe> pipe;
handle<message_pipe>[] more_pipes;
struct Response {
int32 x;
handle<message_pipe> pipe;
interface Object {
SetName(string name);
GetName() => (string name);
interface Factory {
DoStuff(Request request, handle<message_pipe> pipe);
DoStuff2(handle<data_pipe_consumer> pipe);
CreateObject(Object& obj);
imported.ImportedInterface& obj) => (imported.ImportedInterface& obj);
imported.ImportedInterface obj) => (imported.ImportedInterface obj);
interface FactoryClient {
DidStuff(Response response, string text);
DidStuff2(string text);
} // module sample