blob: 0ac5f6d47603042826bcfb2e352b5323cc071e90 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace mojo {
// Specialize the following class:
// template <typename T, typename U> class TypeConverter;
// to perform type conversion for Mojom-defined structs and arrays. Here, T is
// the Mojom-defined struct or array, and U is some other non-Mojom
// struct or array type.
// Specializations should implement the following interface:
// namespace mojo {
// template <>
// class TypeConverter<T, U> {
// public:
// static T ConvertFrom(const U& input);
// static U ConvertTo(const T& input);
// };
// }
// Suppose you have the following Mojom-defined struct:
// module geometry {
// struct Point {
// int32 x;
// int32 y;
// };
// }
// Now, imagine you wanted to write a TypeConverter specialization for
// gfx::Point. It might look like this:
// namespace mojo {
// template <>
// class TypeConverter<geometry::PointPtr, gfx::Point> {
// public:
// static geometry::PointPtr ConvertFrom(const gfx::Point& input) {
// geometry::PointPtr result;
// result->x = input.x();
// result->y = input.y();
// return result.Pass();
// }
// static gfx::Point ConvertTo(const geometry::PointPtr& input) {
// return input ? gfx::Point(input->x, input->y) : gfx::Point();
// }
// };
// }
// With the above TypeConverter defined, it is possible to write code like this:
// void AcceptPoint(const geometry::PointPtr& input) {
// // With an explicit cast using the .To<> method.
// gfx::Point pt = input.To<gfx::Point>();
// // With an explicit cast using the static From() method.
// geometry::PointPtr output = geometry::Point::From(pt);
// }
template <typename T, typename U> class TypeConverter;
// The following specialization is useful when you are converting between
// Array<POD> and std::vector<POD>.
template <typename T> class TypeConverter<T, T> {
static T ConvertFrom(const T& obj) {
return obj;
static T ConvertTo(const T& obj) {
return obj;
} // namespace mojo