blob: 0b86e2984ec52dffefb1db89aae028b73070d247 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace base {
class FilePath;
class SnapshotFileDetails;
struct SnapshotRequestInfo;
// Worker class to copy the contents of the media transfer protocol(MTP) device
// file to the given snapshot file.
class MTPReadFileWorker {
explicit MTPReadFileWorker(const std::string& device_handle);
// Dispatches the request to MediaTransferProtocolManager to get the media
// file contents.
// |request_info| specifies the snapshot file request params.
// |snapshot_file_info| specifies the metadata of the snapshot file.
void WriteDataIntoSnapshotFile(
const SnapshotRequestInfo& request_info,
const base::File::Info& snapshot_file_info);
// Called when WriteDataIntoSnapshotFile() completes.
// |snapshot_file_details| contains the current state of the snapshot file
// (such as how many bytes written to the snapshot file, media device file
// path, snapshot file path, bytes remaining, etc).
// If there is an error, |snapshot_file_details.error_callback| is invoked on
// the IO thread to notify the caller about the failure.
// If there is no error, |snapshot_file_details.success_callback| is invoked
// on the IO thread to notify the caller about the success.
void OnDidWriteIntoSnapshotFile(
scoped_ptr<SnapshotFileDetails> snapshot_file_details);
// Dispatches the request to MediaTransferProtocolManager to get the device
// media file data chunk based on the parameters in |snapshot_file_details|.
void ReadDataChunkFromDeviceFile(
scoped_ptr<SnapshotFileDetails> snapshot_file_details);
// Called when ReadDataChunkFromDeviceFile() completes.
// If there is no error, |data| will contain the data chunk and |error| is
// set to false.
// If there is an error, |data| is empty and |error| is set to true.
void OnDidReadDataChunkFromDeviceFile(
scoped_ptr<SnapshotFileDetails> snapshot_file_details,
const std::string& data,
bool error);
// Called when the data chunk is written to the
// |snapshot_file_details_.snapshot_file_path|.
// If the write operation succeeds, |bytes_written| is set to a non-zero
// value.
// If the write operation fails, |bytes_written| is set to zero.
void OnDidWriteDataChunkIntoSnapshotFile(
scoped_ptr<SnapshotFileDetails> snapshot_file_details,
uint32 bytes_written);
// The device unique identifier to query the device.
const std::string device_handle_;
// For callbacks that may run after destruction.
base::WeakPtrFactory<MTPReadFileWorker> weak_ptr_factory_;