blob: 1c08221c752c442746c1c4a68095263c42827af8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/cancelable_callback.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_tree_host.h"
#include "ui/base/cursor/cursor_loader_x11.h"
#include "ui/events/event_source.h"
#include "ui/events/platform/platform_event_dispatcher.h"
#include "ui/gfx/insets.h"
#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/size.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/x11_atom_cache.h"
#include "ui/views/views_export.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/desktop_aura/desktop_window_tree_host.h"
namespace gfx {
class ImageSkia;
class ImageSkiaRep;
namespace ui {
class EventHandler;
namespace views {
class DesktopDragDropClientAuraX11;
class DesktopDispatcherClient;
class DesktopWindowTreeHostObserverX11;
class X11DesktopWindowMoveClient;
class X11WindowEventFilter;
class VIEWS_EXPORT DesktopWindowTreeHostX11
: public DesktopWindowTreeHost,
public aura::WindowTreeHost,
public ui::EventSource,
public ui::PlatformEventDispatcher {
internal::NativeWidgetDelegate* native_widget_delegate,
DesktopNativeWidgetAura* desktop_native_widget_aura);
virtual ~DesktopWindowTreeHostX11();
// A way of converting an X11 |xid| host window into a |content_window_|.
static aura::Window* GetContentWindowForXID(XID xid);
// A way of converting an X11 |xid| host window into this object.
static DesktopWindowTreeHostX11* GetHostForXID(XID xid);
// Get all open top-level windows. This includes windows that may not be
// visible. This list is sorted in their stacking order, i.e. the first window
// is the topmost window.
static std::vector<aura::Window*> GetAllOpenWindows();
// Returns the current bounds in terms of the X11 Root Window.
gfx::Rect GetX11RootWindowBounds() const;
// Returns the current bounds in terms of the X11 Root Window including the
// borders provided by the window manager (if any).
gfx::Rect GetX11RootWindowOuterBounds() const;
// Returns the window shape if the window is not rectangular. Returns NULL
// otherwise.
::Region GetWindowShape() const;
// Called by X11DesktopHandler to notify us that the native windowing system
// has changed our activation.
void HandleNativeWidgetActivationChanged(bool active);
void AddObserver(views::DesktopWindowTreeHostObserverX11* observer);
void RemoveObserver(views::DesktopWindowTreeHostObserverX11* observer);
// Swaps the current handler for events in the non client view with |handler|.
void SwapNonClientEventHandler(scoped_ptr<ui::EventHandler> handler);
// Deallocates the internal list of open windows.
static void CleanUpWindowList();
// Overridden from DesktopWindowTreeHost:
virtual void Init(aura::Window* content_window,
const Widget::InitParams& params) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnNativeWidgetCreated(const Widget::InitParams& params) OVERRIDE;
virtual scoped_ptr<corewm::Tooltip> CreateTooltip() OVERRIDE;
virtual scoped_ptr<aura::client::DragDropClient>
CreateDragDropClient(DesktopNativeCursorManager* cursor_manager) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Close() OVERRIDE;
virtual void CloseNow() OVERRIDE;
virtual aura::WindowTreeHost* AsWindowTreeHost() OVERRIDE;
virtual void ShowWindowWithState(ui::WindowShowState show_state) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ShowMaximizedWithBounds(
const gfx::Rect& restored_bounds) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsVisible() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetSize(const gfx::Size& requested_size) OVERRIDE;
virtual void StackAtTop() OVERRIDE;
virtual void CenterWindow(const gfx::Size& size) OVERRIDE;
virtual void GetWindowPlacement(
gfx::Rect* bounds,
ui::WindowShowState* show_state) const OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::Rect GetWindowBoundsInScreen() const OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::Rect GetClientAreaBoundsInScreen() const OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::Rect GetRestoredBounds() const OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::Rect GetWorkAreaBoundsInScreen() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetShape(gfx::NativeRegion native_region) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Activate() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Deactivate() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsActive() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void Maximize() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Minimize() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Restore() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsMaximized() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsMinimized() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool HasCapture() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetAlwaysOnTop(bool always_on_top) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsAlwaysOnTop() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetVisibleOnAllWorkspaces(bool always_visible) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SetWindowTitle(const base::string16& title) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ClearNativeFocus() OVERRIDE;
virtual Widget::MoveLoopResult RunMoveLoop(
const gfx::Vector2d& drag_offset,
Widget::MoveLoopSource source,
Widget::MoveLoopEscapeBehavior escape_behavior) OVERRIDE;
virtual void EndMoveLoop() OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetVisibilityChangedAnimationsEnabled(bool value) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool ShouldUseNativeFrame() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool ShouldWindowContentsBeTransparent() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void FrameTypeChanged() OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetFullscreen(bool fullscreen) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsFullscreen() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetOpacity(unsigned char opacity) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetWindowIcons(const gfx::ImageSkia& window_icon,
const gfx::ImageSkia& app_icon) OVERRIDE;
virtual void InitModalType(ui::ModalType modal_type) OVERRIDE;
virtual void FlashFrame(bool flash_frame) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnRootViewLayout() OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnNativeWidgetFocus() OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnNativeWidgetBlur() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsAnimatingClosed() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsTranslucentWindowOpacitySupported() const OVERRIDE;
// Overridden from aura::WindowTreeHost:
virtual ui::EventSource* GetEventSource() OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::AcceleratedWidget GetAcceleratedWidget() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Show() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Hide() OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::Rect GetBounds() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& requested_bounds) OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::Point GetLocationOnNativeScreen() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetCapture() OVERRIDE;
virtual void ReleaseCapture() OVERRIDE;
virtual void PostNativeEvent(const base::NativeEvent& native_event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetCursorNative(gfx::NativeCursor cursor) OVERRIDE;
virtual void MoveCursorToNative(const gfx::Point& location) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnCursorVisibilityChangedNative(bool show) OVERRIDE;
// Overridden frm ui::EventSource
virtual ui::EventProcessor* GetEventProcessor() OVERRIDE;
// Initializes our X11 surface to draw on. This method performs all
// initialization related to talking to the X11 server.
void InitX11Window(const Widget::InitParams& params);
// Creates an aura::WindowEventDispatcher to contain the |content_window|,
// along with all aura client objects that direct behavior.
aura::WindowEventDispatcher* InitDispatcher(const Widget::InitParams& params);
// Adjusts |requested_size| to avoid the WM "feature" where setting the
// window size to the monitor size causes the WM to set the EWMH for
// fullscreen.
gfx::Size AdjustSize(const gfx::Size& requested_size);
// Called when |xwindow_|'s _NET_WM_STATE property is updated.
void OnWMStateUpdated();
// Called when |xwindow_|'s _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS property is updated.
void OnFrameExtentsUpdated();
// Updates |xwindow_|'s minimum and maximum size.
void UpdateMinAndMaxSize();
// Updates |xwindow_|'s _NET_WM_USER_TIME if |xwindow_| is active.
void UpdateWMUserTime(const ui::PlatformEvent& event);
// Sends a message to the x11 window manager, enabling or disabling the
// states |state1| and |state2|.
void SetWMSpecState(bool enabled, ::Atom state1, ::Atom state2);
// Checks if the window manager has set a specific state.
bool HasWMSpecProperty(const char* property) const;
// Sets whether the window's borders are provided by the window manager.
void SetUseNativeFrame(bool use_native_frame);
// Dispatches a mouse event, taking mouse capture into account. If a
// different host has capture, we translate the event to its coordinate space
// and dispatch it to that host instead.
void DispatchMouseEvent(ui::MouseEvent* event);
// Dispatches a touch event, taking capture into account. If a different host
// has capture, then touch-press events are translated to its coordinate space
// and dispatched to that host instead.
void DispatchTouchEvent(ui::TouchEvent* event);
// Resets the window region for the current widget bounds if necessary.
void ResetWindowRegion();
// Serializes an image to the format used by _NET_WM_ICON.
void SerializeImageRepresentation(const gfx::ImageSkiaRep& rep,
std::vector<unsigned long>* data);
// Returns an 8888 ARGB visual. Can return NULL if there is no matching
// visual on this display.
Visual* GetARGBVisual();
// See comment for variable open_windows_.
static std::list<XID>& open_windows();
// Map the window (shows it) taking into account the given |show_state|.
void MapWindow(ui::WindowShowState show_state);
void SetWindowTransparency();
// Relayout the widget's client and non-client views.
void Relayout();
// ui::PlatformEventDispatcher:
virtual bool CanDispatchEvent(const ui::PlatformEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
virtual uint32_t DispatchEvent(const ui::PlatformEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
void DelayedResize(const gfx::Size& size);
base::WeakPtrFactory<DesktopWindowTreeHostX11> close_widget_factory_;
// X11 things
// The display and the native X window hosting the root window.
XDisplay* xdisplay_;
::Window xwindow_;
// The native root window.
::Window x_root_window_;
ui::X11AtomCache atom_cache_;
// Is the window mapped to the screen?
bool window_mapped_;
// The bounds of |xwindow_|.
gfx::Rect bounds_;
// Whenever the bounds are set, we keep the previous set of bounds around so
// we can have a better chance of getting the real |restored_bounds_|. Window
// managers tend to send a Configure message with the maximized bounds, and
// then set the window maximized property. (We don't rely on this for when we
// request that the window be maximized, only when we detect that some other
// process has requested that we become the maximized window.)
gfx::Rect previous_bounds_;
// The bounds of our window before we were maximized.
gfx::Rect restored_bounds_;
// |xwindow_|'s minimum size.
gfx::Size min_size_;
// |xwindow_|'s maximum size.
gfx::Size max_size_;
// The window manager state bits.
std::set< ::Atom> window_properties_;
// Whether |xwindow_| was requested to be fullscreen via SetFullscreen().
bool is_fullscreen_;
// True if the window should stay on top of most other windows.
bool is_always_on_top_;
// True if the window has title-bar / borders provided by the window manager.
bool use_native_frame_;
// Whether we used an ARGB visual for our window.
bool use_argb_visual_;
DesktopDragDropClientAuraX11* drag_drop_client_;
scoped_ptr<ui::EventHandler> x11_non_client_event_filter_;
scoped_ptr<X11DesktopWindowMoveClient> x11_window_move_client_;
// TODO(beng): Consider providing an interface to DesktopNativeWidgetAura
// instead of providing this route back to Widget.
internal::NativeWidgetDelegate* native_widget_delegate_;
DesktopNativeWidgetAura* desktop_native_widget_aura_;
aura::Window* content_window_;
// We can optionally have a parent which can order us to close, or own
// children who we're responsible for closing when we CloseNow().
DesktopWindowTreeHostX11* window_parent_;
std::set<DesktopWindowTreeHostX11*> window_children_;
ObserverList<DesktopWindowTreeHostObserverX11> observer_list_;
// The window shape if the window is non-rectangular.
::Region window_shape_;
// Whether |window_shape_| was set via SetShape().
bool custom_window_shape_;
// The size of the window manager provided borders (if any).
gfx::Insets native_window_frame_borders_;
// The current DesktopWindowTreeHostX11 which has capture. Set synchronously
// when capture is requested via SetCapture().
static DesktopWindowTreeHostX11* g_current_capture;
// A list of all (top-level) windows that have been created but not yet
// destroyed.
static std::list<XID>* open_windows_;
base::string16 window_title_;
// Whether we currently are flashing our frame. This feature is implemented
// by setting the urgency hint with the window manager, which can draw
// attention to the window or completely ignore the hint. We stop flashing
// the frame when |xwindow_| gains focus or handles a mouse button event.
bool urgency_hint_set_;
base::CancelableCallback<void()> delayed_resize_task_;
} // namespace views