blob: 227b4dab09e368e36b88a0c787ae3db37c8decc5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from file_system import FileSystem, FileNotFoundError, StatInfo
from future import Future
from path_util import AssertIsValid, AssertIsDirectory, IsDirectory
def MoveTo(base, obj):
'''Returns an object as |obj| moved to |base|. That is,
MoveTo('foo/bar', {'a': 'b'}) -> {'foo': {'bar': {'a': 'b'}}}
result = {}
leaf = result
for k in base.rstrip('/').split('/'):
leaf[k] = {}
leaf = leaf[k]
return result
def MoveAllTo(base, obj):
'''Moves every value in |obj| to |base|. See MoveTo.
result = {}
for key, value in obj.iteritems():
result[key] = MoveTo(base, value)
return result
def _List(file_system):
'''Returns a list of '/' separated paths derived from |file_system|.
For example, {'index.html': '', 'www': {'file.txt': ''}} would return
['index.html', 'www/file.txt'].
assert isinstance(file_system, dict)
result = {}
def update_result(item, path):
if isinstance(item, dict):
if path != '':
path += '/'
result[path] = [p if isinstance(content, basestring) else (p + '/')
for p, content in item.iteritems()]
for subpath, subitem in item.iteritems():
update_result(subitem, path + subpath)
elif isinstance(item, basestring):
result[path] = item
raise ValueError('Unsupported item type: %s' % type(item))
update_result(file_system, '')
return result
class _StatTracker(object):
'''Maintains the versions of paths in a file system. The versions of files
are changed either by |Increment| or |SetVersion|. The versions of
directories are derived from the versions of files within it.
def __init__(self):
self._path_stats = {}
self._global_stat = 0
def Increment(self, path=None, by=1):
if path is None:
self._global_stat += by
self.SetVersion(path, self._path_stats.get(path, 0) + by)
def SetVersion(self, path, new_version):
if IsDirectory(path):
raise ValueError('Only files have an incrementable stat, '
'but "%s" is a directory' % path)
# Update version of that file.
self._path_stats[path] = new_version
# Update all parent directory versions as well.
slash_index = 0 # (deliberately including '' in the dir paths)
while slash_index != -1:
dir_path = path[:slash_index] + '/'
self._path_stats[dir_path] = max(self._path_stats.get(dir_path, 0),
if dir_path == '/':
# Legacy support for '/' being the root of the file system rather
# than ''. Eventually when the path normalisation logic is complete
# this will be impossible and this logic will change slightly.
self._path_stats[''] = self._path_stats['/']
slash_index = path.find('/', slash_index + 1)
def GetVersion(self, path):
return self._global_stat + self._path_stats.get(path, 0)
class TestFileSystem(FileSystem):
'''A FileSystem backed by an object. Create with an object representing file
paths such that {'a': {'b': 'hello'}} will resolve Read('a/b') as 'hello',
Read('a/') as ['b'], and Stat determined by a value incremented via
def __init__(self, obj, relative_to=None, identity=None):
assert obj is not None
if relative_to is not None:
obj = MoveTo(relative_to, obj)
self._identity = identity or type(self).__name__
self._path_values = _List(obj)
self._stat_tracker = _StatTracker()
# FileSystem implementation.
def Read(self, paths, skip_not_found=False):
for path in paths:
if path not in self._path_values:
if skip_not_found: continue
return FileNotFoundError.RaiseInFuture(
'%s not in %s' % (path, '\n'.join(self._path_values)))
return Future(value=dict((k, v) for k, v in self._path_values.iteritems()
if k in paths))
def Refresh(self):
return Future(value=())
def Stat(self, path):
read_result = self.ReadSingle(path).Get()
stat_result = StatInfo(str(self._stat_tracker.GetVersion(path)))
if isinstance(read_result, list):
stat_result.child_versions = dict(
str(self._stat_tracker.GetVersion('%s%s' % (path, file_result))))
for file_result in read_result)
return stat_result
# Testing methods.
def IncrementStat(self, path=None, by=1):
self._stat_tracker.Increment(path, by=by)
def GetIdentity(self):
return self._identity