blob: 68ae666f64bb7acff91acab532934d784a45a0d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
// Sent when a user-initiated drag to resize the container is initiated.
extern NSString* const kBrowserActionGrippyDragStartedNotification;
// Sent when a user-initiated drag is resizing the container.
extern NSString* const kBrowserActionGrippyDraggingNotification;
// Sent when a user-initiated drag to resize the container has finished.
extern NSString* const kBrowserActionGrippyDragFinishedNotification;
// The view that encompasses the Browser Action buttons in the toolbar and
// provides mechanisms for resizing.
@interface BrowserActionsContainerView : NSView {
// The frame encompasing the grippy used for resizing the container.
NSRect grippyRect_;
// The end frame of the animation currently running for this container or
// NSZeroRect if none is in progress.
NSRect animationEndFrame_;
// Used to cache the original position within the container that initiated the
// drag.
NSPoint initialDragPoint_;
// Used to cache the previous x-pos of the frame rect for resizing purposes.
CGFloat lastXPos_;
// The maximum width of the container.
CGFloat maxWidth_;
// Whether the container is currently being resized by the user.
BOOL userIsResizing_;
// Whether the user can resize this at all. Resizing is disabled in incognito
// mode since any changes done in incognito mode are not saved anyway, and
// also to avoid a crash.
BOOL resizable_;
// Whether the user is allowed to drag the grippy to the left. NO if all
// extensions are shown or the location bar has hit its minimum width (handled
// within
BOOL canDragLeft_;
// Whether the user is allowed to drag the grippy to the right. NO if all
// extensions are hidden.
BOOL canDragRight_;
// When the left grippy is pinned, resizing the window has no effect on its
// position. This prevents it from overlapping with other elements as well
// as letting the container expand when the window is going from super small
// to large.
BOOL grippyPinned_;
// Resizes the container to the given ideal width, adjusting the |lastXPos_| so
// that |resizeDeltaX| is accurate.
- (void)resizeToWidth:(CGFloat)width animate:(BOOL)animate;
// Returns the change in the x-pos of the frame rect during resizing. Meant to
// be queried when a NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification is fired to determine
// placement of surrounding elements.
- (CGFloat)resizeDeltaX;
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSRect animationEndFrame;
@property(nonatomic) BOOL canDragLeft;
@property(nonatomic) BOOL canDragRight;
@property(nonatomic) BOOL grippyPinned;
@property(nonatomic,getter=isResizable) BOOL resizable;
@property(nonatomic) CGFloat maxWidth;
@property(readonly, nonatomic) BOOL userIsResizing;