blob: 8dae9ce8fc1d930221d3d81f13c21aeb2c959528 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "chrome/browser/sync_file_system/drive_backend/metadata_database_index_interface.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync_file_system/drive_backend/tracker_id_set.h"
namespace sync_file_system {
namespace drive_backend {
class FileMetadata;
class FileTracker;
class LevelDBWrapper;
class ServiceMetadata;
struct DatabaseContents;
// TODO(peria): Migrate implementation of ParentIDAndTitle structure from
// metadata_database_index.{cc,h} to here, on removing the files.
struct ParentIDAndTitle;
// Maintains indexes of MetadataDatabase on disk.
class MetadataDatabaseIndexOnDisk : public MetadataDatabaseIndexInterface {
static scoped_ptr<MetadataDatabaseIndexOnDisk> Create(LevelDBWrapper* db);
virtual ~MetadataDatabaseIndexOnDisk();
// MetadataDatabaseIndexInterface overrides.
virtual bool GetFileMetadata(
const std::string& file_id, FileMetadata* metadata) const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool GetFileTracker(
int64 tracker_id, FileTracker* tracker) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void StoreFileMetadata(scoped_ptr<FileMetadata> metadata) OVERRIDE;
virtual void StoreFileTracker(scoped_ptr<FileTracker> tracker) OVERRIDE;
virtual void RemoveFileMetadata(const std::string& file_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void RemoveFileTracker(int64 tracker_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual TrackerIDSet GetFileTrackerIDsByFileID(
const std::string& file_id) const OVERRIDE;
virtual int64 GetAppRootTracker(const std::string& app_id) const OVERRIDE;
virtual TrackerIDSet GetFileTrackerIDsByParentAndTitle(
int64 parent_tracker_id, const std::string& title) const OVERRIDE;
virtual std::vector<int64> GetFileTrackerIDsByParent(
int64 parent_tracker_id) const OVERRIDE;
virtual std::string PickMultiTrackerFileID() const OVERRIDE;
virtual ParentIDAndTitle PickMultiBackingFilePath() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int64 PickDirtyTracker() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void DemoteDirtyTracker(int64 tracker_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool HasDemotedDirtyTracker() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void PromoteDemotedDirtyTracker(int64 tracker_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool PromoteDemotedDirtyTrackers() OVERRIDE;
virtual size_t CountDirtyTracker() const OVERRIDE;
virtual size_t CountFileMetadata() const OVERRIDE;
virtual size_t CountFileTracker() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetSyncRootTrackerID(int64 sync_root_id) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetLargestChangeID(int64 largest_change_id) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetNextTrackerID(int64 next_tracker_id) const OVERRIDE;
virtual int64 GetSyncRootTrackerID() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int64 GetLargestChangeID() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int64 GetNextTrackerID() const OVERRIDE;
virtual std::vector<std::string> GetRegisteredAppIDs() const OVERRIDE;
virtual std::vector<int64> GetAllTrackerIDs() const OVERRIDE;
virtual std::vector<std::string> GetAllMetadataIDs() const OVERRIDE;
// Builds on-disk indexes from FileTracker entries on disk.
// Returns the number of newly added entries for indexing.
int64 BuildTrackerIndexes();
// Deletes entries used for indexes on on-disk database.
// Returns the number of the deleted entries.
int64 DeleteTrackerIndexes();
LevelDBWrapper* GetDBForTesting();
enum NumEntries {
NONE, // No entries are found.
SINGLE, // One entry is found.
MULTIPLE, // Two or more entires are found.
explicit MetadataDatabaseIndexOnDisk(LevelDBWrapper* db);
// Maintain indexes from AppIDs to tracker IDs.
void AddToAppIDIndex(const FileTracker& new_tracker);
void UpdateInAppIDIndex(const FileTracker& old_tracker,
const FileTracker& new_tracker);
void RemoveFromAppIDIndex(const FileTracker& tracker);
// Maintain indexes from remote file IDs to tracker ID sets.
void AddToFileIDIndexes(const FileTracker& new_tracker);
void UpdateInFileIDIndexes(const FileTracker& old_tracker,
const FileTracker& new_tracker);
void RemoveFromFileIDIndexes(const FileTracker& tracker);
// Maintain indexes from path indexes to tracker ID sets
void AddToPathIndexes(const FileTracker& new_tracker);
void UpdateInPathIndexes(const FileTracker& old_tracker,
const FileTracker& new_tracker);
void RemoveFromPathIndexes(const FileTracker& tracker);
// Maintain dirty tracker IDs.
void AddToDirtyTrackerIndexes(const FileTracker& new_tracker);
void UpdateInDirtyTrackerIndexes(const FileTracker& old_tracker,
const FileTracker& new_tracker);
void RemoveFromDirtyTrackerIndexes(const FileTracker& tracker);
// Returns a TrackerIDSet built from IDs which are found with given key
// and key prefix.
TrackerIDSet GetTrackerIDSetByPrefix(
const std::string& active_tracker_key,
const std::string& key_prefix) const;
// Simulate behavior of TrackerIDSet class.
// Adds an entry with |key_prefix| and tracker ID of |tracker|. If |tracker|
// is active, an entry for |active_key| is added.
void AddToTrackerIDSetWithPrefix(
const std::string& active_tracker_key,
const std::string& key_prefix,
const FileTracker& tracker);
// Returns true if |tracker_id| is removed successfully. If no other entries
// are stored with |key_prefix|, the entry for |active_key| is also removed.
bool EraseInTrackerIDSetWithPrefix(
const std::string& active_tracker_key,
const std::string& key_prefix,
int64 tracker_id);
// Adds an entry for |active_key| on DB, if |tracker_id| has an entry with
// |key_prefix|.
void ActivateInTrackerIDSetWithPrefix(
const std::string& active_tracker_key,
const std::string& key_prefix,
int64 tracker_id);
// Removes an entry for |active_key| on DB, if the value of |active_key| key
// is |tracker_id|.
void DeactivateInTrackerIDSetWithPrefix(
const std::string& active_tracker_key,
const std::string& key_prefix,
int64 tracker_id);
// Checks if |db_| has an entry whose key is |key|.
bool DBHasKey(const std::string& key);
// Returns the number of entries starting with |prefix| in NumEntries format.
// Entries for |ignored_id| are not counted in.
NumEntries CountWithPrefix(const std::string& prefix, int64 ignored_id);
// Deletes entries whose keys start from |prefix|.
void DeleteKeyStartsWith(const std::string& prefix);
LevelDBWrapper* db_; // Not owned.
scoped_ptr<ServiceMetadata> service_metadata_;
} // namespace drive_backend
} // namespace sync_file_system