blob: 01e68492e00048f931d6047c6d89d233d3909aa3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "chrome/browser/ui/website_settings/permission_bubble_request.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_delegate.h"
class Profile;
class TabSpecificContentSettings;
namespace content {
class WebContents;
namespace user_prefs {
class PrefRegistrySyncable;
class MediaStreamDevicesController : public PermissionBubbleRequest {
// Permissions for media stream types.
enum Permission {
struct MediaStreamTypeSettings {
MediaStreamTypeSettings(Permission permission,
const std::string& requested_device_id);
Permission permission;
std::string requested_device_id;
typedef std::map<content::MediaStreamType, MediaStreamTypeSettings>
MediaStreamDevicesController(content::WebContents* web_contents,
const content::MediaStreamRequest& request,
const content::MediaResponseCallback& callback);
virtual ~MediaStreamDevicesController();
// TODO(tommi): Clean up all the policy code and integrate with
// HostContentSettingsMap instead. This will make creating the UI simpler
// and the code cleaner.
// Registers the prefs backing the audio and video policies.
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);
// Public method to be called before creating the MediaStreamInfoBarDelegate.
// This function will check the content settings exceptions and take the
// corresponding action on exception which matches the request.
bool DismissInfoBarAndTakeActionOnSettings();
// Public methods to be called by MediaStreamInfoBarDelegate;
bool HasAudio() const;
bool HasVideo() const;
const std::string& GetSecurityOriginSpec() const;
void Accept(bool update_content_setting);
void Deny(bool update_content_setting,
content::MediaStreamRequestResult result);
// PermissionBubbleRequest:
virtual int GetIconID() const OVERRIDE;
virtual base::string16 GetMessageText() const OVERRIDE;
virtual base::string16 GetMessageTextFragment() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool HasUserGesture() const OVERRIDE;
virtual GURL GetRequestingHostname() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void PermissionGranted() OVERRIDE;
virtual void PermissionDenied() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Cancelled() OVERRIDE;
virtual void RequestFinished() OVERRIDE;
enum DevicePolicy {
// Called by GetAudioDevicePolicy and GetVideoDevicePolicy to check
// the currently set capture device policy.
DevicePolicy GetDevicePolicy(const char* policy_name,
const char* whitelist_policy_name) const;
// Returns true if the origin of the request has been granted the media
// access before, otherwise returns false.
bool IsRequestAllowedByDefault() const;
// Check if any device of the request has been blocked for the origin of the
// request and clears |microphone_requested_| or |webcam_requested_| flags if
// they are not allowed anymore. Returns the number of devices that are
// allowed after this step. If the count reaches zero the request can be
// denied completely, else it still has to be partially fullfilled.
int FilterBlockedByDefaultDevices();
// Returns true if the media section in content settings is set to
// |CONTENT_SETTING_BLOCK|, otherwise returns false.
bool IsDefaultMediaAccessBlocked() const;
// Returns true if the origin is a secure scheme, otherwise returns false.
bool IsSchemeSecure() const;
// Returns true if request's origin is from internal objects like
// chrome://URLs, otherwise returns false.
bool ShouldAlwaysAllowOrigin() const;
// Sets the permission of the origin of the request. This is triggered when
// the users deny the request or allow the request for https sites.
void SetPermission(bool allowed) const;
// Notifies the content setting UI that the media stream access request or
// part of the request is accepted.
void NotifyUIRequestAccepted() const;
// Notifies the content setting UI that the media stream access request or
// part of the request is denied.
void NotifyUIRequestDenied();
// Return true if the type has been requested and permission is currently set
// to allowed. Note that it does not reflect the final permission decision.
// This function is called during the filtering steps to check if the type has
// been blocked yet or not and the permission may be changed to blocked during
// these filterings. See also the initialization in the constructor and
// comments on that.
bool IsDeviceAudioCaptureRequestedAndAllowed() const;
bool IsDeviceVideoCaptureRequestedAndAllowed() const;
// Returns true if media capture device is allowed to be used. This could
// return false when tab goes to background.
bool IsCaptureDeviceRequestAllowed() const;
content::WebContents* web_contents_;
// The owner of this class needs to make sure it does not outlive the profile.
Profile* profile_;
// Weak pointer to the tab specific content settings of the tab for which the
// MediaStreamDevicesController was created. The tab specific content
// settings are associated with a the web contents of the tab. The
// MediaStreamDeviceController must not outlive the web contents for which it
// was created.
TabSpecificContentSettings* content_settings_;
// The original request for access to devices.
const content::MediaStreamRequest request_;
// The callback that needs to be Run to notify WebRTC of whether access to
// audio/video devices was granted or not.
content::MediaResponseCallback callback_;
// Holds the requested media types and the permission for each type. It is
// passed to the tab specific content settings when the permissions have been
// resolved. Currently only used by MEDIA_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE and
// MEDIA_DEVICE_VIDEO_CAPTURE since those are the only types that require
// updates in the settings.
MediaStreamTypeSettingsMap request_permissions_;